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Oral / notion de progrès

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Oral / notion de progrès
Message de ost2s posté le 29-10-2013 à 18:09:47 (S | E | F)

je suis en terminale St2s, j'ai un oral d'anglais en février sur 4 notions. J'ai commencé à réfléchir sur la notion de progrès.
Quelqu'un peut-il me donner son avis ? Merci !
PS: La conclusion n'est pas terminée !

I am going to speak about the notion of progress. First of all, I am going to give a fast definition of the notion of progress. The progress is the development in a certain direction, he can be negative (for example the progress of the disease) or positive (for example advances in medicine).

The internet is a technological evolution, it changed the life of million persons in the world. He sets 5 years to reach 50 million users in the world. It is short compared with the radio which set 38 years. The internet collects big programs useful as Wikipedia, Google, Facebook or still eBay. The internet is more present in the North of America (78,3 %), it is normal because it is the region of the world the most moved forward at the level of the technologies.

Can us say if the internet is a negative or positive progress?
First, us shall present the advantages of the internet. Next, us shall present the inconveniences of the internet. Finally, us shall make a conclusion.

In the video " internet is good thing ", we see the advantages of internet.

-The internet helps preserving history, for example the persecution of the Jews in the Second World War. The internet helps us to forget never the past.
- The internet has an educationa role, everybody can learn on it.
- The internet is a way to help the victims of natural disasters by donating.
- The internet is a mean to be free : you can confront ideas on the net.

In the document " Flash mob to Flash rob ", we notice that Internet allows the human gatherings. The Flash mob is a group of persons which gathers in a place and which begins suddenly dancing. The Flash mob is allowed by social networks as Facebook or Twitter.

Internet allows persons to work at home. In fact, it is the telecommuting. It is to work at home with the technologies of information and communication. (Internet, telephone, fax)
This working mode has advantages as: no transport, choose hours of work and free time, not pay a nurse for childrens.. But it also presents inconveniences as: social rejection, no separation between home and workplace, more difficult to concentrate...

Internet has other advantages :
- a entertainment with movies and games
- a good way of commuication. We can stay touch with our friends. Also, we can be made new friends
- We can go shopping. It is faster
- We wan make trainnings at a distance

Internet is not to control by the States. George Orwell was an English writer. In 1984, he describes a harsh society. Everyone is under complete control, mainly by telesreens. “Big Brothers is watching you” is at the heart of propaganda.

In video “internet is a bad thing”, the internet is compared to nuclear bomb.

-The internet favors the human exploitation(operation), with the pornography, it is a horrible business with the women
-The personal information is not protected and can be within the reach of everybody.
-The internet favors the terrorist attack. The terrorists how learn to make bombs on the Internet.
-The internet allows the evolution of group antisémits, extremists and racists

Orwell says that we live in a society in which people are wachted observed at anymoment of the day and everyone. It is true with security cameras, hacking..

In the document “Flash mob or Flash rob”; The Flash rob It is persons who meet to rob in stores. It is not the same thing as the flash mob.

In the video “Talent Show”, a phenomenon develops it is a cyberbullying. It is a practice of harassment and intimidation by internet. In the video, the scene takes place in a school. We can see a Talent Show. A cute girl arrives and says she is going to talk about Patty. We think that she is going to talk about friendship. The cute girl starts telling horrible things about poor Patty : she is stupid, she has greasy hair, her father doesn’t work.. We are surprised by the violence of the words. This phenomenon has to stop.

The internet presents other inconveniences:
-The internet can become an addiction with games and movies. We can risk the social exclusion. Stay behind a screen of computer can favor obesity.
-Sometimes, the internet is a danger with the pedophiles and the sexual perverts. Especially for childrens.

As a conclusion, We can say that Internet is a big progress for the society. He allows us to make full of things which our ancestors would never have been able to make. But every thing contains inconveniences. That is why it is necessary to be very watchfu.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2013 22:39

Réponse: Oral / notion de progrès de davidtouch, postée le 29-10-2013 à 19:07:55 (S | E)
Je l'ai passé l'année dernière (en terminale s mais ca doit être pareil), et je trouve que ton texte est un peut trop long: le jour de l'examen, le temps passera très vite, et si tu parle pas trés vite/que tu fait des mini pauses a cause du stress, tu risque de ne pas pouvoir tout dire.

Sinon c'est vraiment pas mal, après je n'ai pas regardé les fautes.

Réponse: Oral / notion de progrès de ost2s, postée le 29-10-2013 à 19:52:36 (S | E)
merci pour tes conseils

Réponse: Oral / notion de progrès de ost2s, postée le 30-10-2013 à 11:14:00 (S | E)
Après avoir remis à jour mon texte sur la notion de progrès, quelqu'un pourrait-il corriger mes fautes ? Et me donner son avis ?
Merci beaucoup !

I am going to speak about the notion of progress. First of all, I am going to give a fast definition of the notion of progress. The progress is the development in a certain direction, he can be negative (for example the progress of the disease) or positive (for example advances in medicine).
The internet is a technological evolution, it changed the life of million persons in the world. He sets 5 years to reach 50 million users in the world. It is short compared with the radio which set 38 years. The internet collects big programs useful as Wikipedia, Google, Facebook or still eBay. The internet is more present in the North of America (78,3 %), it is normal because it is the region of the world the most moved forward at the level of the technologies.

We may wonder wether the internet is a negative or positive progress ?
First, us shall present the advantages of the internet. Next, us shall present the drawbacks of the internet. Finally, us shall make a conclusion.
Let’s have a look at the avantages of the internet :
* In the video " internet is good thing ", we see the advantages of internet.
-The internet helps preserving history, for example the persecution of the Jews in the Second World War. The internet helps us to forget never the past.
- The internet has an educationa role, everybody can learn on it.
- The internet is a way to help the victims of natural disasters by donating.
- The internet is a mean to be free : you can confront ideas on the net.
* In the document " Flash mob to Flash rob ", we notice that Internet allows the human gatherings. The Flash mob is when a group of people gather suddenly in a public place to perform a song or a dance. The Flash mob is allowed by social networks as Facebook or Twitter.
* Internet allows persons to work at home. In fact, it is the telecommuting. It is to work at home with the technologies of information and communication. (Internet, telephone, fax)
This working mode has advantages as: no transport, choose hours of work and free time, not pay a nurse for childrens.. But it also presents inconveniences as: social rejection, no separation between home and workplace, more difficult to concentrate...
* The internet has other advantages :
- a entertainment with movies and games
- a good way of commuication. We can stay touch with our friends. Also, we can be made new friends
- We can go shopping. It is faster
- We wan make trainnings at a distance
However, the Internet is not to control by the States. George Orwell was an English writer. In 1984, he describes a harsh society. Everyone is under complete control, mainly by telesreens. “Big Brothers is watching you” is at the heart of propaganda.
As for the question of drawbacks of the internet :
* In video “internet is a bad thing”, the internet is compared to nuclear bomb.
-The internet favors the human exploitation(operation), with the pornography, it is a horrible business with the women
-The personal information is not protected and can be within the reach of everybody.
-The internet favors the terrorist attack. The terrorists how learn to make bombs on the Internet.
-The internet allows the evolution of group antisémits, extremists and racists
Orwell says that we live in a society in which people are wachted observed at anymoment of the day and everyone. It is true with security cameras, hacking..
* In the document “Flash mob or Flash rob”; The Flash rob is when a pepople meet up to rob people in stores or restaurants for example. At the beginning, the police was unprepared. Then, they control social networks to prevent the next one.
* In the video “Talent Show”, a phenomenon develops it is a cyberbullying. It is a practice of harassment and intimidation by internet. In the video, the scene takes place in a school. We can see a Talent Show. A cute girl arrives and says she is going to talk about Patty. We think that she is going to talk about friendship. The cute girl starts telling horrible things about poor Patty : she is stupid, she has greasy hair, her father doesn’t work.. We are surprised by the violence of the words. This phenomenon has to stop.
* The internet presents other drawbacks:
-The internet can become an addiction with games and movies. We can risk the social exclusion. Stay behind a screen of computer can favor obesity.
-Sometimes, the internet is a danger with the pedophiles and the sexual perverts. Especially for childrens.

Wa can come to the conclusion that The internet is a good tool of work, communication, search and conservation but what it contains risks. Besides, there exist parental controls for the security of the children on the Internet.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-10-2013 11:42


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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