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Correction/back to past

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/back to past
Message de eas posté le 03-11-2013 à 18:51:44 (S | E | F)

j'ai un exercice à faire et j'aimerais savoir s'il y a des erreurs d'orthographe , grammaire s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Voici le sujet : is there anything in your past that you would like to change ? how would you change it if you could ?
Ce que j'ai fait :

like everybody, i would like to go back in past , in the aim to change my errors that i have commited . In the first time , even if i was a serious student, i would be more attentive and a serious student, because unlike in mathematics, physics , i wasn't good in french, english , german (moreover, i have started to work seriously in class only at beginning in college ) . That's why , in highschool and college, i had some difficuties in literrate, because i didn't work this course .
However i have been good in Science. Today, i regret to not working the litthe literate course, and i account for being bad in english . English is very importante for a job at school .
So, if i could change this error , i would work more and i would be serious .
In the seconde time, i would like to go back toward my 6 years old . i was a kind , i was falled of my bike . i was cycling so quickly , and later , i decide to do an acrobatics . And at this moment , i realised that i didn'nt be to do an acrobatics with a bike . as a conseqence of this decision i was was falled of my bike , and accordingly i have broken my tooth . I bled , i wept , i cried , i saw my parents coming to me . My father hurried . He toke the car and we went to the hospital . The doctors took me into emergency . At the end, i returned at home, my mother was waiting for me . She was shocked when she saw me . I lost a tooth, and the worst, i had a big scar on the face . i had this scar for 2 years. It was annoying to bring this scar . until today, i go to the dentist , ispend a lot of moner to repair my tooth and to inspect the moutnth .

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2013 22:11


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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