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Correction /phrases

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /phrases
Message de taranghiano77 posté le 03-11-2013 à 20:37:17 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous s’il vous plait me confirmer si ces phrases sont correctes ?
Merci d’avance pour votre contribution.

First of all if you are not sure of what you have “ heard” please for the next time call me before putting our colleagues in copy.
Second, you mixed two different problems
I performed a treatment and it seems that the red color has not appeared again. We have been monitoring the situation.
I would like to precise that you answer which consist of using this new product is not applicable. This product is not easy to use and anyway it was not developed for another system.
Thanks for your warning. I am Just inform you that few years ago I committed myself in handling the legislation and on the basis of what I found I gave strong inputs for the registration.
We understood the local legislation in that way = > We cannot mentioned ‘red’ if we don’t have the number of authorization. No supplier check whether the product has this number or not. Nevertheless and considering that customers may in the future focused on this point we have to ask for this number as our competitor are doing
I asked so many times for mentioning the registration number we had got but the final decision was that we should wait for getting the number for the other products.
He wanted to change product and see whether the results could improve.
They checked list and found this red product which was in used for so long time many years before.
They decided to carry-out trials and then we will asked for a registration only whether they decide to keep using it
I think I was clear and hope to cool down your worries
Since I don’t think the E-mail is the suitable communication way to discuss that I strongly invite you or the other colleague in copy to call me for any further information.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2013 21:40

Réponse: Correction /phrases de gerondif, postée le 03-11-2013 à 21:59:13 (S | E)
First of all if you are not sure of what you have “ heard”, please for the next time call me before putting our colleagues in copy.
Second, you mixed two different problems
I performed a treatment and it seems that the red color has not appeared again. We have been monitoring the situation.
I would like to precise that your answer which consists in using this new product is not applicable. This product is not easy to use and anyway it was not developed for another system.
Thank you for your warning. I am Just informing you ( Let me just inform you that, that a few years ago I committed myself in(to) handling the legislation and on the basis of what I found I gave strong inputs for the registration.
We understood the local legislation in that way = > We cannot mentioned ‘red’ if we don’t have the number of authorization. No supplier checks whether the product has this number or not. Nevertheless, and considering that customers may in the future focused on this point we have to ask for this number (like our competitors //) as our competitors are doing
I asked a great many times for the registration number we had to be mentioned but the final decision was that we should wait for the other products before getting the number .
He wanted to change product and to see whether the results could improve.
They checked the list and found this red product which was(was + for au sens de pendant, sinon, had been + for au sens de depuis)in use for such a long time (for a very long time) many years before.
They decided to carry-out trials and then we will asked for a registration only whether if they decide to keep using it
I think I was clear and hope I have alleviated your fears // I have cooled down your worries (me paraît trop familier)
Since I don’t think the E-mail is the suitable communication way to discuss that, I strongly invite you or the other colleague in copy to call me for any further information.

Modifié par gerondif le 04-11-2013 17:08
quelques modifications

Réponse: Correction /phrases de taranghiano77, postée le 04-11-2013 à 09:56:49 (S | E)
Merci gerondif,

J'aurais juste 2 questions :
1/ They decided to carry-out trials and then we will ask for a registration only whether if they decide to keep using it
J'ai cru comprendre que Whether s'utilise quand le reste de la phrase est constitué d'un groupe avec un verbe... et donc j'ai utilisé WHETHER. D’après votre correction j'en déduis que l'expression "Si seulement si" se traduit toujours per ONLY IF ?

2/we have to ask for this number (like our competitors //) as our competitors are doing
LIKE et AS sont donc corrects.
J'avais également cru comprendre que AS s'utilise quand un verbe suit tandis que "Like" s'utilise avant un nom ? Dans mon il s'agit d'une phrase avec un verbe : our competitors are doing ? Pourquoi donc l'utilisation de LIKE est-il permis ?


Réponse: Correction /phrases de gerondif, postée le 04-11-2013 à 17:19:31 (S | E)
if signifie si au sens de "à condition que":
If you do that again, I will punish you

whether signifie si au sens de je ne sais pas si il viendra ou pas.

I don't know whether he will come or not. I don't know if he will come or not peut marcher aussi.

1/ They decided to carry-out trials and then we will ask for a registration only whether if they decide to keep using it

Autre usage:
Qu'ils l'utilisent ou pas, on s'en moque !
We don't care whether they use it or not !!

2/ like est une préposition donc suivie d'un groupe nominal alors que as est une conjonction donc suivie d'une complétive (sujet + verbe+complément ou pas)
we have to ask for this number like our competitors sans verbe //)
we have to ask for this number as our competitors are doing
we have to ask for this number like our competitors are doing est incorrect mais souvent entendu.

Réponse: Correction /phrases de taranghiano77, postée le 04-11-2013 à 17:29:15 (S | E)

I will capitalize that !

Réponse: Correction /phrases de thunderous, postée le 06-11-2013 à 17:20:33 (S | E)

C'est "I will capitalise that" en anglais britannique

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2013 18:13

Réponse: Correction /phrases de lucile83, postée le 06-11-2013 à 18:15:13 (S | E)

Both are acceptable in British English.
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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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