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Great Gatsby /Correction

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Great Gatsby /Correction
Message de happyboy3311 posté le 04-11-2013 à 21:09:55 (S | E | F)
Je dois rendre un travail de 15 lignes sur le résumé complet du livre Great Gatsby mais je pense avoir faire quelques erreurs... Pourriez-vous m'aider à les trouver s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

ATTENTION mon résumé est complet, pour les personnes n'ayant pas vu les adaptations cinématographiques ou lu le livre, la fin est dévoilée, vous pouvez encore rebrousser chemin

Nick Carraway is a young man who comes to live near New York, in West Egg.
His neighbor is a strange man who makes wonderful parties in his home. First of all, Nick is surprised by the parties and don’t know who is this man.
One day, he’s invite by his cousin, Daisy and her husband, Tom Buchanan who live in East Egg. It is worth going here for Nick because he meets Jordan Baker, a famous golfer. She says to him that Tom has a girlfriend who lives in New York and that his strange neighbor is Jay Gatsby, the famous millionaire. Later, Nick Carraway is invited by Gatsby and he’s looking forward to meeting this strange man. By a happy coincidence, Nick speaks with Gatsby about the First World War.
They become friends and Nick learns thanks to Jordan that Gatsby was a swain of Daisy. Unfortunately, Gatsby was gone to the war and Daisy had married Tom. Thus, the millionaire had bought her home just to can see again his first love.
He would like that Nick invites Daisy for speaks with her.
Finally, thanks to this plan, Daisy meets Gatsby and recognizes him.
The reunion is billowy, Daisy weeps and Gatsby is joyful.
But one day, Tom understands that his wife loves Gatsby and argues violently with them. However Daisy confesses that she loves Tom. Gatsby is upset. At first they leave by car whereas Tom, Nick and Jordan follow more slowly.
The Gatsby car’s crashes into a woman and don’t stop. The woman is the girlfriend of Tom, Myrtle.
The husband, Wilson, learns thanks to Tom that it is the Gatsby car’s and goes to kill him then, commits suicide. However, it was not Gatsby who drove but Daisy.

To put it in a nutshell, she leaves East Egg with Tom and at the end Nick goes lonely with the Gatsby father in the cemetery for the funeral of James Gatz the real name of Gatsby.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2013 21:29

Réponse: Great Gatsby /Correction de thunderous, postée le 06-11-2013 à 17:16:33 (S | E)

Nick Carraway is a young man who comes to live near New York, in West Egg.
His neighbor is a strange man who (hosts) (lavish) parties (at) his home. At first, Nick is surprised by the parties and (doesn’t know who this man is).
One day, he is (invited) by his cousin Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan, who live in East Egg, (to attend one of the parties). It (was well) worth going for Nick because (there) he meets Jordan Baker, a famous golfer. She says to him that Tom has a (mistress) who lives in New York and that his strange neighbor is Jay Gatsby, the famous millionaire. Later, Nick Carraway is invited by Gatsby and he looks forward to meeting this strange man. By a happy coincidence, Nick speaks with Gatsby about the First World War.
They become friends and Nick learns, thanks to Jordan, that Gatsby was a (suitor) of Daisy. Unfortunately, Gatsby (had) gone to the war and Daisy married Tom. Thus, the millionaire had bought her home just to (see his first love again).
(Gatsby asks Nick to invite) Daisy (to speak) with her.
Finally, thanks to this plan, Daisy meets Gatsby and recognizes him.
The reunion is (emotional), Daisy weeps (tears of joy) and Gatsby is (overjoyed).
But one day, Tom realises that his mistress loves Gatsby and argues violently with them. However(,) Daisy confesses that she loves Tom (so) Gatsby is (very unhappy). (They drive off in a) car and Tom, Nick and Jordan follow more slowly.
Gatsby's car crashes into a woman (but) doesn’t stop. The woman is Tom's mistress, Myrtle.
(Her) husband, (George) Wilson, (learns that it was Gatsby's car and goes to kill him, falsely thinking he is responsible). George kills Gatsby, and then commits suicide. However, it was not Gatsby who (was driving) but Daisy.

(In a nutshell) she leaves East Egg with Tom, (leaving Nick alone) in the cemetery for the funeral of James Gatz -- the real name of (Jay) Gatsby.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2013 18:11

Réponse: Great Gatsby /Correction de violet91, postée le 06-11-2013 à 19:44:12 (S | E)
Hello happy boy ,

- a neighbor / a neighbour
- present du récit : it is worth going
- Gatsby was away gone to war and meanwhile ...
- il me semble qu'il y a dans l'avant - dernier emploi de 'mistress' une confusion ; Daisy est la 'wife ' .
-Gatsby 's car : pas d'article devant un nom propre qui de plus est un génitif déterminatif .
- éviter l.expression 'in a nutshell ' ( déjà employée dans un résumé précédent )peu appropriée au niveau de ce reste .
Good luck .

Réponse: Great Gatsby /Correction de happyboy3311, postée le 07-11-2013 à 13:29:29 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses ! Thank you !


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