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Article The/ help

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Article The/ help
Message de lehongkhanh posté le 06-11-2013 à 16:43:11 (S | E | F)

Can you tell me about article "the" in the following sentence ?
Thank you for your help.

Again, rumbles of thunder; we've got the dangerous cloud-to-ground lightning, brief heavy rain, gusty winds and even the chance of some hail.
1. I think in "the chance of some hail", "chance" needs a definite article because "of some hail" modifies "chance".
2. I don't know why "dangerous cloud-to-ground lightning" has a definite article, while " brief heavy rain" and "gusty winds" don't have. Or,I wonder if "the" can be the common article of these three noun clauses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2013 18:21

Réponse: Article The/ help de violet91, postée le 06-11-2013 à 19:10:28 (S | E)
Hello ,

-Actually , it is quite logical to find 'THE ' because the cloud-to ground lightning means 10% of different kinds of lightning . ( just read in Google ) . CG , it is called . Most dangerous because of the highest charge of electricity contained in it . So it is defined for it is rare and feared a lot .
- The chance = quite defined too , showing the haphazard hail . And you say a chance or no chance with an article .

As for 'gusty winds' don't need any article ( no plural for 'a ') ; you could replace it with some .

Réponse: Article The/ help de sherry48, postée le 06-11-2013 à 20:44:29 (S | E)
For a weather forecast I would say it without the definite article for lightning. If there were more than 1 kind of cloud to ground lightning, and you were specifying the dangerous type, you would need the article.
Again, rumbles of thunder; we've got a/the possibility/likelihood of the dangerous cloud-to-ground lightning, brief heavy rain, gusty winds and even a chance of some hail.
It is a little strange to say, 'we've got brief heavy rain'. We've got heavy rain, but it is expected to be brief. OK A period of rain can be expected to be brief, it can be a brief period of heavy rain when it is over, but if it is currently raining, you can't really say that it is brief, unless maybe if you see signs of it stopping or letting up. That's my two cents.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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