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Message from isarosa posted on 14-11-2013 at 04:01:34 (D | E | F)
Hello, good evening.
I'm an English student, in my second year. Please could you correct my text?
Thanks for your help.

I was on holidays in England four years ago with my daughters. The weather was warm although it’s different at the Spanish weather. It was wonderful and I like it a lot. I really enjoy the trip, but nothing worse than travel with teenagers. I mean, they complained all the time. Above all they argued to anything.
I know , it’s my fault, I must travel alone, but I never once do it.
What a check they are, they must be happy for this holiday. It was very expensive and they didn’t pay it. In fact , it was a surprise for them, but I think that they didn’t like .

Edited by lucile83 on 14-11-2013 06:56

Re: Text/holidays from robip, posted on 15-11-2013 at 19:20:23 (D | E)

I was on holiday in England with my daughters four years ago. The weather was warm although it’s different from the Spanish weather. It was wonderful and I liked it a lot. I really enjoyed the trip, but there's nothing worse than travelling with teenagers. I mean, they complained all the time. Above all they argued about anything.

Edited by lucile83 on 15-11-2013 21:29

Re: Text/holidays from isarosa, posted on 16-11-2013 at 01:45:36 (D | E)
Thanks for your help....

Re: Text/holidays from isarosa, posted on 18-11-2013 at 01:02:44 (D | E)
Hello, here is the text, with corrections, could you tell me if it is correct now?..

I was on holidays in England four years ago with my daughters. The weather was warm although it’s different from the Spanish weather. It was wonderful and I liked it a lot. I really enjoyed the trip, but there’s nothing worse than travel with teenagers. I mean, they complained all the time. Above all they argued about anything. I know, it was my fault, I should have travelled alone, but never once I do it.
What a cheeck they have, they should have been happy for this holiday. It was very expensive and they didn’t pay it. In fact. It was a surprise for them, but I think that they didn’t like..

Re: Text/holidays from lucile83, posted on 18-11-2013 at 09:07:00 (D | E)

Errors in blue:

I was on holidays in England four years ago with my daughters. The weather was warm although it’s different from the Spanish weather. It was wonderful and I liked it a lot. I really enjoyed the trip, but there’s nothing worse than travel gerund with teenagers. I mean, they complained all the time. Above all they argued about anything. I know, it was my fault, I should have travelled alone, but never once I do it.
What a cheeck ??they have, they should have been happy for this holiday. It was very expensive and they didn’t pay it a word is missing. In fact. punctuation It capital letter was a surprise for them, but I think that they didn’t like.....word missing

Re: Text/holidays from isarosa, posted on 19-11-2013 at 16:34:20 (D | E)
Hi Lucile, thanks for your help. I 'll see my mistakes..

Re: Text/holidays from lemagemasque, posted on 19-11-2013 at 18:47:14 (D | E)

"I was on holiday" (no -s)

See you!

Re: Text/holidays from lucile83, posted on 19-11-2013 at 19:57:30 (D | E)
Hello lemagemasque,

On holidays
On a holiday

Re: Text/holidays from lemagemasque, posted on 20-11-2013 at 19:01:10 (D | E)

I would definitely say "I was on holiday" :
I was on holiday in Burgundy.
I had a very good holiday.
A few examples of mine...

Definitely! Not doubt!
But I do wonder which one is correct sometimes!

See you!

Re: Text/holidays from komiks, posted on 20-11-2013 at 19:26:28 (D | E)
Hello lemagemasque,
Apparently, both are possible.
See here : Link
Have a nice evening

Re: Text/holidays from lucile83, posted on 20-11-2013 at 21:23:29 (D | E)

A holiday comes from a holly day. A bank holiday is a day off.
We say a holiday for Christmas day, which is for a precise day.
In the text above it may be the summer holidays as teenagers were in England for a few days and it was warm.
But well, there is no real rule.
I say holidays for a few days and a holiday for one day or two. Perhaps it is my own experience.

Re: Text/holidays from lemagemasque, posted on 21-11-2013 at 18:29:14 (D | E)

OK! I agree with you, even though it's more difficult to know which one to use!
However, we say "on holiday" (whatever holiday) and not "on holidays"!
Maybe a native speak could say whether I'm right or not...
See you!

Edited by lemagemasque on 21-11-2013 19:23
When you say "I'm on holiday", you mean you are having some days off.
You are just thinking you have free time, you don't care whether you are having 3 days off or 30 days off.

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Forum > English only


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