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SWOT analysis/aide

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SWOT analysis/aide
Message de thestudent posté le 15-11-2013 à 23:32:52 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous corriger ceci s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour votre aide.

A personal SWOT analysis is a tool that aims to identify the internal strengths and weaknesses, along with the external opportunities and threats of somebody. Nowadays, employers look for persons who are aware of their own strengths as well as their weaknesses. For this, Bertelsen suggests “it needs to be honest, objective and an in-depth look at your profile” (Bertelsen 2012, p.3): it permits them to make the most of their skills and opportunities but also to make the analysis effective.

Firstly, one of my main strengths is to be fluent in French as I’ve lived in France since forever. I can also interact with simple words in Spanish. I believe speaking foreign languages is a strength as “retail structures are increasingly international in their operations” (Bournemouth university 2013). As a merchandiser, I may deal with suppliers and manufactures from different countries. Moreover, I’m interested in what’s happening abroad. Having a minimum of knowledge about the market abroad is useful: for instance, sales deadlines differ from countries.
My strengths also lie on my IT and numeracy skills. I’ve had the opportunity to use various softwares when I was at college such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Technology is ever present: anyone should be able to use it. As a merchandiser, one of the key roles is to manage budgets using databases. They have to “control stock levels to make sure they are meeting targets on sales and profit margins” (TargetJobs 2013). I studied mathematics and I am now comfortable with numbers.
Nevertheless, having strong IT skills is not enough: retail is a permanent changing environment. A merchandiser needs creative flair and quick thinking skills to spot trends and understand the customer’s expectations. According to John Plows (2010), director of retail consultancy VR Intelligence, it is “merchandisers’ task to strike a balance between art and science in their craft” (Retail Week 2010). One of employer’s expectation is “to think creatively about problems” (Prospects 2013). Creativity is a tool to “stimulate interest and entice customers to purchase” ( 2013).That’s what I like doing, I can take responsibilities of my own ideas even if I’m uncertain about the outcomes, and stepping back from what I know. Employers expect employees to let themselves playful and not always being logical.

SWOT analysis is also an opportunity to manage our weaknesses by understanding them. Therefore, reaching our goals becomes easier as we can now adjust our behavior.

According to, one of the merchandiser’s roles is “having merchandises at the right time”, for example for Christmas. Meeting deadlines is not easy as I’d have to cope with pressure: not being on time would result in potentially huge losses. The whole profit lies on the merchandiser’s shoulders. If I ever have an overwhelming feeling of panic every time I come across a production problem, or anything unexpected this will turn out to be a major handicap.
Stress can affect interpersonal skills, it’s one of the reasons why my communication skills fail. I relate my difficulties in handing stress with my communication issues. According to, I will have to make financial presentations to seniors as a merchandiser. Nevertheless, I haven’t done a lot of presentations at college. As I was studying sciences, it was more common to solve problems on paper. As a result, I don’t feel comfortable in expressing my ideas by oral. Moreover, English is not my first language; I probably express my ideas less accurately than English-native speakers. However, “the key to make a good presentation is to make yourself interesting for the audience” (TargetJobs 2013):
“an audience will be more likely to listen to you if you can make yourself understandable by clear words. This is demonstrated by the strengths of my ideas more than the linguistic correctness”.
Thus, I can get to be a good orator if I use tools such as body languages, or the intonation of my voice.

Another of my weaknesses is working in a team. I’m more a one to one person. As a merchandiser, one of the typical responsibilities is to “work closely with buyers and other merchandisers to plan product ranges” (TargetJobs 2013). Employers look for people who will work well and communicate effectively in a team Skills you need 2013). Yet, it’s not all about making yourself heard, about listening and helping each other in the aim of attaining a common goal, in the interests of the company and not to please your own ego. In fact, it helps to identify mistakes I wouldn’t have been aware of by myself. To do so, it’s needed to share ideas, experiences and knowledge to focus on the common objective.

However, opportunities can help to overcome my weaknesses. There are many in my everyday life: when I face uncomfortable situations, I view them as opportunities to develop myself instead of running.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-11-2013 07:38


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