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SWOT analysis /suite

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SWOT analysis /suite
Message de thestudent posté le 15-11-2013 à 23:34:22 (S | E | F)
pourriew-vous corriger ceci s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour votre aide.

However, opportunities can help to overcome my weaknesses. There are many in my everyday life: when I face uncomfortable situations, I view them as opportunities to develop myself instead of running. For instance, as I don’t have any working experience I’m volunteering in a charity shop. It’s a great opportunity to improve my communication skills. While I talk to customers, I learn to use simple and clear words to help them effectively. I also make the most of the help I can get from university, that’s why I attend presentation workshops. Through a self-awareness course I learnt more about my strengths and weaknesses. I learnt to work with others by adjusting my behavior in order to deal with them positively. Moreover, to me, sport is a good way to relieve the tensions. That’s why I practice fitness regularly: having a regular goal to attain every week builds up my confidence. I also enjoy keeping up-to-date by reading blogs about fashion, art. By doing that, I develop my creative skills: it’s a way to become a good element in a team. According to the Centre for Literacy, Education and Employment, “the ability to develop new and imaginative ideas, concepts makes someone a valued person and team member”.

Concerning my threats, the first obstacle I might overcome is having non-"regular" workdays with the hours of 8 to 5. Knowing how poor my physical conditions are, I might run out of energy more quickly than my colleagues and be less effective.
Moreover, another threat would be to face the competition. Merchandisers work in a fast-paced environment: they need to look at what happened last week to plan this week and be permanently ahead.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-11-2013 07:40

Réponse: SWOT analysis /suite de gerondif, postée le 15-11-2013 à 23:38:41 (S | E)
"concerning my threats" gives the impression that YOU are threatening others....

Réponse: SWOT analysis /suite de thestudent, postée le 15-11-2013 à 23:45:59 (S | E)
Well, what would you say then?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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