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Sentence / structure

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Sentence / structure
Message from gazoduc posted on 27-11-2013 at 18:11:12 (D | E | F)

Sorry for the title but I don't know the vocabulary of the problems I face. It has been a long time since I praticed English either written or spoken and I realise I have forgotten a lot of the rules.
For instance, I am trying to write the sentence below and several questions come to me:
"These ones have been the occasion for me, among other tasks, to write the user guides of (the) commercial, purchasing, methods, logistics and production services, or to revise processes activities of a warehouse".

1) (the) doesn't seem necessary for me (I mean according to me). Normally we don't have to use the article before a noun when it is a human activity and as it is not linked to a possessive phrase there is no article. Am I right?

2)Is a capital letter necessary for the names of the services?

3) "to revise processes activities of a warehouse": I want to say I revised the process of each activity happening in a warehouse. If I write "to revise processes of a warehouse activities" it doesn't sound good to me but I don't like much the previous one which seems grammatically correct to me but sounds strange too. I am lost. I don't remember how to build that kind of sentence (and I am ashamed).
I know these are very basic rules but anyhow I thank in advance anyone who would be kind enough to help me.
Thank you.

PS: fell free to give me a correction of this message if I made mistakes or if it could have been said a better way. I need to recover my previous level so every help is welcome.

Edited by lucile83 on 27-11-2013 18:36

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Forum > English only


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