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Exposé /Earthquake

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Exposé /Earthquake
Message de mathafou00 posté le 27-11-2013 à 18:42:29 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,

je viens de commencer un exposé que j'ai à rendre dans assez longtemps ( plus de deux semaines je crois) et j'ai presque fini le texte mais j'ai mis énormément de temps à tout traduire en anglais plus à faire les recherches. C'est un exposé sur les séismes donc est-ce que ce serait possible de voir si j'ai fait de grosses erreurs de syntaxe ou de langue?
Je poste le texte ( je me suis aidé d'un dictionnaire français-anglais et de google traduction et de mes connaissances de lexique en anglais):

Earthquakes and present volcanoes on the surface of The Earth are the result of the internal movements of the Earth. The structure of the Earth consists of plates. During millions of years continents haven't stop deriving before arriving at their current position. These ceaseless movements dig immense cracks at the bottom of the oceans, pushing and lifting big mountain ranges. There are two sorts of plates, the oceanic plates and the ground plates.

A earthquake is a geological phenomenon which causes vibrations of the surface of the Earth. These shakes are brutal, more or less violent, unpredictable and always located in a given place. Earthquakes always consist of a main shake (of a few seconds) and of secondary shocks during hours or in the days which follow.

Why the surface of the Earth aspen she?
There are two reasons:
Let be it is a break between two tectonic plates
Let be it is a ascent of magma

During an earthquake:
-An earthquake's hypocenter is the position where the strain energy stored in the rock is first released, marking the point where the fault begins to rupture. This occurs directly beneath the epicenter, at a distance known as the focal or hypocentral depth.
-The epicenter is the point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the hypocenter or focus, the point where an earthquake or underground explosion originates.
-An eartquake is characterized too by his magnitude.The Richter magnitude scale was developed to assign a single number to quantify the energy released during an earthquake.
-its intensity for measuring the effects and damage of the earthquake at a given location. This is not an objective, but an appreciation of how the earthquake resulting in surface and how it is perceived.
-the frequency and duration of vibration
- The break caused: it can spread on the surface. An earthquake can translate to the earth's surface by the degradation or destruction of buildings, shifts the surface of both sides of faults, but can also cause ancillary phenomena such as landslides, falls blocks, a soil liquefaction waterlogged, avalanches or tidal wave.

Voilà, je sais que vous ne connaissez sûrement pas tout le vocabulaire mais si vous pouviez m'aider sur la construction des phrases ce serait sympathique.
Merci d'avance si vous m'aidez!

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-11-2013 18:45
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Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2013 à 18:49:14 (S | E)
Why the surface of the Earth aspen she?

vérifiez vos google traductions parce que aspen, c'est un arbre, le tremble!
Pourquoi la terre tremble -t-elle? Essayez plutôt "Pourquoi y-a-t-il des tremblements de terre ?"

Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de sherry48, postée le 27-11-2013 à 22:33:04 (S | E)
Hello. Here are a few areas that need another look.

Earthquakes and present volcanoes

continents haven't stop deriving before arriving at their current position

Earthquakes always consist of a main shake (of a few seconds) and of secondary shocks during ___ hours or in the days which follow.

This part doesn't make much sense...
Why __ the surface of the Earth aspen she?
There are two reasons:
Let be it is a break between two tectonic plates
Let be it is a ascent of magma.

An eartquake is _____characterized too by his magnitude.

...falls blocks, a soil liquefaction waterlogged...

After you make some corrections, I'll take another look. Sherry

Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de mathafou00, postée le 28-11-2013 à 19:32:01 (S | E)
I tried to correct it. Thanks for your help, gérondif and sherry.

The Earthquakes and the present volcanoes on the surface of The Earth are the result of the internal movements of the Earth.
It's good?
Why Do Earthquakes Happen?
continents haven't stop drifting before arriving at their current position?
Earthquakes always consist of a main shake (of a few seconds) and secondary shocks during the hours or days which follow.
How do you say " Soit c'est....." ? Because I have used " Let Be".
a Rise of magma ?
...falls blocks, a soil liquefaction waterlogged... : rockfalls, a soil liquefaction ( une liquéfaction des sols)

Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de mathafou00, postée le 30-11-2013 à 15:30:49 (S | E)
Je vais poster une autre partie de l'exposé, normalement il n'y a pas trop de fautes car je me suis bien relu.

What is an earthquake?

A earthquake is a geological phenomenon which causes vibrations of the surface of the Earth. These shakes are brutal, more or less violent, unpredictable and always located in a given place. Earthquakes always consist of a main shake (of a few seconds) and secondary shocks during the hours or days which follow. Each year, it's happen about ten thousand of earthquakes of magnitude higher or equal to 3. The eartquakes occur mainly in the zones where the tectonic plates in movement are in contact and rub against each other. At frontiers level, the rock masses are submissives at constraints, there are compressed or stretch and the tectonic plates distort so elastic during ten or thousand years. The distortions accumulate during an long period until a brutal break.

An seismic cycle:

A fault which evenly generate earthquakes adopt an cyclic behaviour. During the inter-seismic period, there is a load in constraints while during the co-seismic period, the fault brutally release his constraints accumulated over time. His cycle of load and unloading is called the seismic cycle.

Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de gerondif, postée le 01-12-2013 à 16:05:15 (S | E)
Je vais poster une autre partie de l'exposé, normalement il n'y a pas trop de fautes car je me suis bien relu.
(tout dépend de ce que l'on entend par "normalement")(mais pour un élève de 16 ans, vous vous attaquez à du "lourd" alors bon.....)

What is an earthquake?

A earthquake is a geological phenomenon which causes vibrations of(at) the surface of the Earth.
These shakes are brutal, more or less violent, unpredictable and always located in a given place.
Earthquakes always consist of a main shake (of a few seconds) and secondary shocks during the hours or days which follow.

Each year, it's happen (structure inexistante)about ten thousand of earthquakes of a magnitude higher or equal to 3.
là, il faudrait des noms: des centaines de, des milliers de: hundreds of/thousands of earthquakes qui seront sujet du verbe arriver, se produire.

The earthquakes occur mainly in the zones where the tectonic plates in movement are in contact and rub against each other.

At frontiers level(sens? le premier mot doit être invariable), the rock masses are submissives(adjectifs invariables, de plus vous avez traduits "soumises à" comme "soumise, docile") at constraints, there("elles sont" ou "il y a" ?) are compressed or stretch(participe passé) and the tectonic plates distort so elastic (sens?) during ten or thousand (il faut des noms : des dizaines de milliers d'années?)years. The distortions accumulate during an long period until a brutal break (j'aurais rajouté un vebe).

A seismic cycle:

A fault which evenly (sens?) generate(le s du présent simple) earthquakes adopt (idem) an (an devant un son voyelle, cyclic c'est un son [s]) cyclic behaviour. During the inter-seismic period, there is a load in constraints while during the co-seismic period, the fault brutally release(le s) his (his, her ou its?)constraints accumulated over time. His cycle of load and unloading is called the seismic cycle.

Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de sherry48, postée le 01-12-2013 à 20:02:16 (S | E)
Regarding the first correction...
(The) Earthquakes and (the present) volcanoes on the surface of the Earth are the result of (the) internal movements of the Earth.

Why Do Earthquakes Happen?
continents haven't stop___ drifting before arriving at their current position? (You might still improve this, but at least you can’t use stop, present tense).
Earthquakes always consist of a main shake (of a few seconds) and secondary shocks during the hours or days which follow. OK
How do you say " Soit c'est....." ? Because I have used “Let Be". I think it could be translated “it could be”.
a Rise of magma ? I was a little confused by this…it seems you are talking about a volcanic eruption, not an earthquake.
...falls blocks, a soil liquefaction waterlogged... : rockfalls, a soil liquefaction ( une liquéfaction des sols)…to me, liquefaction is the process by which a gas or solid becomes liquid, so I don’t think 'soil liquefaction’ is what you mean. To be waterlogged means that the soil can hold no more water; it is very muddy.

Réponse: Exposé /Earthquake de mathafou00, postée le 16-12-2013 à 18:47:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir, désolé de vous déranger mais je ne suis pas sûr de ma structure dans l'introduction:

We gave a talk on the Earthquake in Turkey in 2011. We organized our presentation in three parts.
In the first part, we shall speak about the earthquake in Turkey, his history, what it happened and his consequences. Then, in a second part, we shall present by means of a plan and of clear explanations, the functioning of an earthquake. In the last part, we shall speak about the environmental consequences of the earthquake.

Est-ce qu'on peut utiliser "shall" pour le futur?

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-12-2013 21:05


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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