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Correction/Lettre motivation

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Correction/Lettre motivation
Message de sftjo posté le 28-11-2013 à 22:03:50 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je suis en train d’écrire une lettre de motivation pour un poste dans une boite au xxx.
N'ayant plus trop l'occasion de pratiquer l'anglais que j'ai appris en Angleterre, je voudrais avoir votre avis sur la lettre ci-dessous.

Hi all,
I'm writing a cover letter to apply for a job in a xxx company.
Since I came back from England, I didn't have many opportunities to practise English. Therefore I'd like you to tell me what you think of this letter.

Libramont, 28th November 2013
Object : Applyance for a job.

Dear Sir, Madam,

This is a great pleasure for me to submit my candidacy for a job complying with my skills in your company.
I am very skilful and motivated to learn so I am applying for any job you could propose to me.
In my previous job, I have shown my loyalty and the need of doing my best everyday. My boss have never hesitate about giving me important jobs and responsabilities.
I am very punctual and flexible, I don't mind working at night nor the week-end. I am in a very healthy state and I'm almost never ill. (2 days of sickness strictly set by the doctor over 4 years of working). Always available in case of an emergency, I will respond quickly to any call from the company would it be during my work time or not.
Aware that speaking German or/and Luxembourgish is a signigicant advantage, I am willing to learn these language as soon as possible. As I am already fluent in English and French, I am fairly sure that learning a new language won't be a barier for me.

I hope that my appliance will capture your attention. Meanwhile, I am fully available for a job interview during which I will demontrate my motivation.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerly,

PS : As it was asked to me, this covering letter is fully written in English. As I didn't have many opportunities to practice eversince I came back from England, my speaking might be a bit rusty. Usually everything comes back to my head with a little bit of practice.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2013 22:07


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