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Correction / texte

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / texte
Message de francese2 posté le 12-12-2013 à 23:42:51 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous.
Dans quelques semaines j'ai des examens en anglais et j'ai besoin de correction de mes lettres.Pouvez-vous m'aider ?voilà la première lettre.
Merci beaucoup d'avance

A few years a go commerce was really simpler than now. Evry thing was traditional. for example for to buy something evrybody can going(je voulais dire: on pouvait aller) to a shop to buy the thing which he/her needed. But a few years a go evrything has cheanged. the Internet has become more popular anf the people started more than often spend the time on internet. in this situation companies and business mans started to involve their market into internet. the result is that you see now :
now evry body can do shopping withought gonig out to the market and loose him/her time , evry body can to pay gas , water , electericity and other bills through internet and satisfay a lot of their needs thanks to the internet . But these are only positive utility and aspect of the internet . there are a lot of negative sense of using internet , for example the lack of security , robbery , spoof . violence to the childrens rights and ecc. anyway internet has semplified , facilitated the style of life because the companies usually illustrate their products on their websites and then evry body can to shop only with a few clicks (obviously if there are some mony on credit card! ). There are a lot of commercial way and forms , transactions on internet like : business to business (B2B) with which companies buying and selling the materials via internet to each other , another example is like business to consumer which is explaned above(selling the products to consumers) ecc .
Some of benefits and advantages of marketing via internet for both consumer and sellers are : lower taxes and delivery costs , lessen use of energy and time ecc .

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-12-2013 07:55

Réponse: Correction / texte de bluduck2, postée le 13-12-2013 à 11:33:15 (S | E)
Hello francese,
Here is a little help.

First of all, somme basic grammar mistakes:
CAN+infinitive without to
You can go , you can shop
children's rights or the rights of children
to START,to BEGIN,to GO on,to STOP + verb+ING ..You started shopping on line
a man ,several MEN

AGO is always followed by the SIMPLE PAST
verb to HAVE
customers have money and a credit card

Then a few spelling mistakes :everybody ,to explain,to simplify
In English, you say the internet ,to waste time ,youuse/ waste /less energy .
All the best from Bluduck2

Réponse: Correction / texte de francese2, postée le 30-12-2013 à 17:57:03 (S | E)
Thanks a lot bluduck2 .I apologise you a little bit late for my late response but I didn't have any internet connection .

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2013 18:03


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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