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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de jeannefrancelli posté le 14-12-2013 à 20:06:06 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger cette traduction s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

My interest for engineer's job it is made since the childhood. Indeed, my uncle who is himself engineer made me understand that the engineer is the one who brought solutions to the problems who had no it. So, after my high school diploma, I decided to study in an University Institute of Technology. When it was question for us in the second year to choose our sector or speciality, I opted for the thermal engineering and the energy. Because during my first academic year, the SHLUMBERGER company (society specialized in the extraction of hydrocarbons and energy products) came to make a conference in our establishment on good facts and the opportunities work in their company, the jobs and the means to reach it.
At the end of my second year, in all the media we spoke various problems bound to the environment, also during this period was had a conference on the environment. This one spoke about the pollution and the alternative energies which can remedy it. I discovered with delight that it was possible to produce some energy with the sun which is a big resource in my country. Very enthusiastic in this idea and very intrigued; I decided to realize my project of the end of study on the sizing of a cold room fed in the solar energy. My work was to appreciate and received the summa cum laude distinction. However, during my work, I was confronted has certain difficulties of mainly in the lacks of knowledge on the subject.
To deepen my knowledge, I decided to make a Bachelor's degree in valuation of the renewable energies for the production of the small electricity which I obtained with the mark of 13,95/20. The suite of this training not existing in my country and not having means to go to study outside, and wanting has any price to have an engineering degree, I am to turn in another domain. This is the way at the end of my formation, I made the entrance examination for the faculty of industrial engineering which I had splendidly. At present, I am there last year (High school diploma + 5 years) of Technology of industrial construction, because this option allowed me of credit note of the EU in the field of the energy, and in the future of me specialized in the field of my dreams.
I shall like I can thus study the energy, that is I shall designand I shall size systems of production of the energy so new as primary. Credit note of the self-important knowledge ; to improve the existing systems or conceive other systems to make affordable by all purse the renewable . And even though it would be necessary to resort has fossil energies such as the coal and the oil, to make it in satisfactory ecological conditions.
Because my objective is to be able to produce some energy without damaging however the environment. That is why, at the end of my program of Master's degrees, I shall like integrating a company which will give me the possibility of putting in their department my ideas and my skills. After one certain number of year, I shall like studying and having a doctorate in Management of natural resources. This diploma will allow me to combine a career in the teaching and an other one in the management of natural resources. To teach the students is a real challenge for me, because I shall also like transmitting it all that I know as one made my teacher with me. As well as open my own company which has I can so create an occupational environment where these young people can bloom and concretize their ideas. After all, I shall like teaching and working in the field of the energy.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-12-2013 20:30


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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