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Correction/ South Africa

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Correction/ South Africa
Message de matthieu15 posté le 19-12-2013 à 21:33:02 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
Je dois présenter l'Afrique du Sud en général demain en cours d'anglais et voici le texte que j'ai fait. Pouvez-vous me dire quelles sont mes erreurs et si vous pensez que je n'ai pas oublié un aspect important de ce pays ou des informations primordiales ?
Merci beaucoup par avance,
Voici mon texte :
The South Africa is located at the tip of the African’s continent. Its capital is Pretoria. South Africa is a nation of diversity, with around 52 million people and a wide variety of cultures, languages and religious beliefs. His population is called generally “the rainbow nation” because it’s a multiethnic nation with Africans, white people, coloured people, Indians and Asians. Moreover, there are eleven different official languages in South Africa including English, Afrikaans, Ndebele or Zulu for example. But 85 % of the population talks English. In 1994, thanks to the election of Nelson Mandela,the first black president ever elected, the black majority (75% of the population) obtained power, succeeding the white minority (15 % of the population) to create a new democratic and non-sexist country. Despite the fact that the apartheid had disappeared, there were no changes for the standardization of the standards of living between black and white populations in South Africa and nowadays the poverty is already present in many town like Johannesburg and touch predominantly the black population. Besides, South Africa is facing socio-cultural difficulties in particular because of the VIH which touch also the poor populations.
Furthermore, the analyze of the national flag is interesting to understand the situation of South Africa. The flag of South Africa consists of two horizontal stripes , red on the top and blue on the bottom. The red and blue stripes are separated by a green middle stripe which is bordered in white and splits into a horizontal Y. On the left side of the flag there is a black triangle which is outlined in yellow. The black, green and yellow are the colors of Nelson Mandela’s political party. The Y represents the unity of the country with the diversity of the ethnics which composed it. Otherwise, the black represents black people, white for European people, green for nature, blue for the ocean and yellow for ore. Actually, South Africa has a wealthy soil , rich in numerous ores, with gold, diamond or uranium for example and produces a third of the world gold stock.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-12-2013 21:36

Réponse: Correction/ South Africa de sanna6, postée le 19-12-2013 à 23:41:48 (S | E)

At the beginning of your first sentence : (The) South Africa is located or The Republic of South Africa
Pretoria is the administrative capital (there are three capitals in South Africa)
I can't help more ! I'm sorry

Réponse: Correction/ South Africa de bluestar, postée le 20-12-2013 à 00:22:35 (S | E)

The South Africa is located at the tip of the African’s continent. Its capital is Pretoria. South Africa is a nation of diversity, with around 52 million people and a wide variety of cultures, languages and religious beliefs. His population is called generally “the rainbow nation” because it’s a multiethnic nation with Africans, white people, coloured people, Indians and Asians. Moreover, there are eleven different official languages in South Africa including English, Afrikaans, Ndebele or Zulu for example. But 85 % of the population talks ('speaks' serait mieux) English. In 1994, thanks to the election of Nelson Mandela,the first black president ever elected, the black majority (75% of the population) obtained power, succeeding the white minority (15 % of the population) to create a new democratic and non-sexist (racist?) country. Despite the fact that the apartheid had disappeared, there were no changes for the standardization of the standards (maladroit)of living between black and white populations in South Africa and nowadays the poverty is already present in many towns like Johannesburg and touch predominantly the black population. Besides, South Africa is facing socio-cultural difficulties in particular because of the VIH which touch also the poor populations.
Furthermore, the analyze (il faut le nom ici) of the national flag is interesting to understand the situation of South Africa. The flag of South Africa consists of two horizontal stripes , red on the top and blue on the bottom. The red and blue stripes are separated by a green middle stripe which is bordered in white and splits into a horizontal Y. On the left side of the flag there is a black triangle which is outlined in yellow. The black, green and yellow are the colors of Nelson Mandela’s political party. The Y represents the unity of the country with the diversity of the ethnics which composed (temps?) it. Otherwise, the black represents black people, white for European people, green for nature, blue for the ocean and yellow for ore. Actually, South Africa has a wealthy soil , rich in numerous ores, with gold, diamond or uranium for example and produces a third of the world gold stock.

"People of European descent" would be more accurate than "European people"
VIH - this is the French acronym: it is HIV in English.
There may be a few more errors; I have had to rush this a little

Réponse: Correction/ South Africa de matthieu15, postée le 20-12-2013 à 07:57:02 (S | E)
Merci à tous pour votre aide et pour le temps qui vous y avez passé !!!!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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