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Mythe et héros/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Mythe et héros/correction
Message de nourghandour posté le 29-12-2013 à 18:18:44 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,

quelqu'un peut-il m'aider à corriger mon oral du bac sur la notion mythe et héros s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The myth mentions the human condition as a whole, its history transmitted first orally and often embodied by a hero, a place or a community. The universal nature of myth can highlight the particular way in which each cultural area perform the human experience and built works to express it. Each time borrows some myths and updates or creates new ones. A myth can be a message of strenght.
The hero may be a fictional character or real, which marked the tradition, history and everyday life.

how Americans have interpreted these myths to shape their own heroes?
Long before america is discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, the unknown land was inhabited by Native American . Native Americans (American Indians) are people from any of the many groups who were already living in North America before Europeans arrived. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups.One myth says that the founding fathers have invaded America without the approval of the natives. They sailed to America in the Mayflower. These fathers fleeing their country found this new continent as a possible refuge. If the natives had not helped, America would not exist today.
Thanksgiving presently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, has been
an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. The first Thanksgiving was
celebrated to give thanks to God for helping the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony
survive the brutal winter. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three days providing
enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Native American
Gradually, the English fought this very promising land with the help of Native Americans who taught them all their tradition. America begins attracted many people in search of better living conditions. And the American dream was born. This country where the women wear silk and sattin to their kness , where there's diamonds in the sidewalk , gutter's lined in song; America was described as a nation of immigrants, a promised land and the land of opprtunities.Two emblems that reflect this American solidarity that attract the world are the bold eagle and uncle sam. The first symbolizes power , domination , greatness and the second is a fiction character who is used to refer to the usa. Uncle sam is a myth which refers to Abraham lincoln who is the image of America; when Uncle sam is represent , all people have to care of it , this means that all people who are in America have to make this country better than it is . The American way of life that refers to a lifestyle based on consumerism, capitalist prosperity symbol represented by household appliances, automobiles, Hollywood, fashion, the content of American television series becomes the point of the America and the main actor of the migration flow. Stars like Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackon and others have become the heroes of the young. Henceforth any person living in the United States, through his work, his courage and determination, can become prosperous.
America, thanks to the myth of his discovery became over time, an admired and even envied land, a land of heroes, but this American dream is not an illusion?

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-12-2013 18:45

Réponse: Mythe et héros/correction de linsey34, postée le 30-12-2013 à 00:42:40 (S | E)

The myth mentions the human condition as a whole, its history transmitted first orally and often embodied by a hero, a place or a community. (phrase passive) The universal nature of myth can highlight the particular way in which each cultural area perform the human experience and built works to express it. Each time borrows some myths and updates or creates new ones. A myth can be a message of strenght.
The hero may be a fictional character or real (place des 2 adjectifs), which marked the tradition, history and everyday life.

how Americans have interpreted these myths to shape their own heroes? (ordre des mots)
Long before america is discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, the unknown land was inhabited by Native American . Native Americans (American Indians) are people from any of the many groups who were already living in North America before Europeans arrived. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups.One myth says that the founding fathers have invaded America without the approval of the natives. They sailed to America in the Mayflower. These fathers fleeing their country found this new continent as a possible refuge. If the natives had not helped, America would not exist today.
Thanksgiving presently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, has been
an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. The first Thanksgiving was
celebrated to give thanks to God for helping the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony
survive the brutal winter. The first Thanksgiving feast lasted three days providing
enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Native American
Gradually, the English fought this very promising land with the help of Native Americans who taught them all their tradition. America begins attracted many people in search of better living conditions. And the American dream was born. This country where the women wear silk and sattin to their kness , where there's diamonds in the sidewalk , gutter's lined in song; America was described as a nation of immigrants, a promised land and the land of opprtunities.(article) Two emblems that reflect this American solidarity that attract the world are the bold eagle and uncle sam. The first symbolizes power , domination , greatness and the second is a fiction character who is used to refer to the usa. Uncle sam is a myth which refers to Abraham lincoln who is the image of America; when Uncle sam is represent , all people have to care of it , this means that all people who are in America have to make this country better than it is . The American way of life that refers to a lifestyle based on consumerism, capitalist prosperity symbol represented by household appliances, automobiles, Hollywood, fashion, the content of American television series becomes the point of the America and the main actor of the migration flow. Stars like Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackon and others have become the heroes of the young. Henceforth any person living in the United States, through his work, his courage and determination, can become prosperous.
America, thanks to the myth of his discovery became over time, an admired and even envied land, a land of heroes, but this American dream is not an illusion? (ordre des mots)

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2013 07:44

Réponse: Mythe et héros/correction de nourghandour, postée le 30-12-2013 à 19:59:52 (S | E)
ohhh mercii c'est trop gentil.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2013 20:59


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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