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Traduction / Esperanzah

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Traduction / Esperanzah
Message de sbgs posté le 07-01-2014 à 18:35:34 (S | E | F)
Bonjour bonjour
Je suis à la recherche d'âmes gentilles pour corriger la traduction d'un texte parlant du festival de musique "Esperanzah!"
J'espère que vous aurez le courage de tout lire
Merci pour votre aide.

Le texte en français :
Esperanzah! est un festival de World Music qui propose depuis 2002 une programmation variée faite d'artistes connus et moins connus. Esperanzah! trouve sa singularité dans la philosophie qu'il souhaite transmettre : tolérance, respect, égalité et découverte. Il se déroule à l'abbaye de Floreffe, entre Charleroi et Namur en Belgique.

Deux scènes sont déployées pour accueillir plus de 20 groupes. La scène "côté jardin" programme des artistes d'origines diverses fidèles à leurs racines ou propose des projets musicaux qui allient des instruments, des rythmes et des mélodies de différentes traditions. La scène "côté cour", plus urbaine, propose davantage le mélange de genres entre rythmes traditionnels et musiques plus actuelles. Exemple d'artistes accueillis : Tryo, La Ruda Salska, Les Ogres de Barback, La Rue Ketanou, La Kinky Beat, Les Hurlements d'Leo, La Phaze, N&SK, Dub Incoroporation, Balkan Beat Box, Marcel et son Orchestre, Saule, Hocus Pocus, etc. ...
Le festival propose aussi des projections cinématographiques, des créations d'artistes plasticiens, des conférences, des animations pour enfants, des artisans et restaurants du monde, des artistes de rue, un bar à cocktails équitable, la radio Esperanzah! 24h sur 24 et deux campings. Une sensibilisation au tri des déchets est également proposée au public.

Lors de sa première édition, en 2002, le festival accueille environ 10 000 spectateurs.
Pour l'édition 2008, on dénombre environ 27 000 festivaliers.

Depuis la deuxième édition du festival, une thématique engagée accompagne chaque année la programmation, dont le but est, d'après les organisateurs, de participer à l'élaboration d'un monde plus juste. Esperanzah! accueillait alors plusieurs ONG en accord avec le thème qui proposaient aux festivaliers de poser des actes concrets.
Liste des thématiques:
2003 : L'eau
2004 : Annulation de la dette du tiers monde
2006 et 2007 : Souveraineté alimentaire
2008 : Le travail décent
2009 : La diversité musicale et le travail décent en réponse à la crise financière et économique.

Esperanzah! is a festival of World Music that has been proposing since 2002 a various programme planning with famous artists and less famous artists / less ones. ( Je ne sais pas lequel des deux choisir.) Esperanzah! finds its singularity in its philosophy that it wants to share : tolerance, respect, equality and discovery. It takes place at the Abbaye de Floreffe, between Charleroi and Namur in Belgium.

Two stages are set to accommodate more than 20 bands. The left stage plans artists from diverse origins loyal to their roots or proposes musical projects that combine instruments, rhythm and melodies from different traditions. The right stage, more urbane, proposes more the mix of genders between traditional rhythms and current music.
Artists that came here: Tryo, La Ruda Salska, Les Ogres de Barback, La Rue Ketanou, La Kinky Beat, Les Hurlements d'Leo, La Phaze, N&SK, Dub Incoroporation, Balkan Beat Box, Marcel et son Orchestre, Saule, Hocus Pocus, etc. …
The festival also proposes cinematographic projections, creations from plastic artists, conferences, children’s program, craftsmen or craftswomen and restaurants from the world, street artists, a bar with equitable cocktails, Esperanzah!’s radio 24/7 and two campings. It also tries to aware the public about sorting of the wastes.

For its first edition, in 2002, the festival accommodated about 10,000 spectators.
For 2008’s edition, there were about 27,000 festival-goers.

Since the second edition of the festival, a committed theme has been complementing the programming every year, whose goal is, according to the organizers, to participate in the working out of a better world. Esperanzah! welcomed many NGO in accord with the theme that proposed to the festival-goers to lay down concrete acts.
2003 : Water
2004 : Cancelation of the Third World’s debt.
2006 and 2007 : Food sovereignty
2008 : Decent work
2009 : Musical diversity and decent work in response to the financial and economical crisis

Modifié par sbgs le 07-01-2014 22:40

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-01-2014 22:59

Réponse: Traduction / Esperanzah de carr30, postée le 07-01-2014 à 20:12:08 (S | E)
I found translating this article personally interesting. Unfortunately I have no time today to explain the changes I have made. Please take time to understand the changes, check that they are correct and let the forum know if there is anything you disagree with or do not understand.


Esperanzah! is a festival of World Music that has , since 2002, been featuring a varied programme of both well known and emerging artists. Esperanzah! enjoys a unique philosophy that it wants to share : tolerance, respect, equality and discovery. It takes place at the Abbaye de Floreffe, between Charleroi and Namur in Belgium.


Two stages are set to accommodate more than 20 bands. Stage left features artists from diverse origins loyal to their roots or musical projects that combine instruments, rhythm and melodies from different traditions. Stage right, more urban, offers a further mix of genres between traditional rhythms and contemporary music.

Artists who have been welcomed include: Tryo, La Ruda Salska, Les Ogres de Barback, La Rue Ketanou, La Kinky Beat, Les Hurlements d'Leo, La Phaze, N&SK, Dub Incoroporation, Balkan Beat Box, Marcel et son Orchestre, Saule, Hocus Pocus, etc. …

The festival also proposes cinematographic projections, creations from plastic artists, conferences, children’s program, craftsmen , craftswomen , restaurants from round the world, street artists, a bar with fair trade cocktails, Esperanzah!’s 24/7 radio and two camping areas. It also tries to make the public aware about the sorting of the waste.


For its first edition, in 2002, the festival accommodated about 10,000 spectators.
For 2008’s edition, there were about 27,000 festival-goers.


Since the second edition of the festival, a specific theme has been complementing the programming every year. The goal , according to the organizers,is to participate in the development of a better world. Esperanzah! has welcomed many NGO's who have supported the theme and encouraged festival-goers to do something positive.

2003 : Water
2004 : Cancellation of the Third World’s debt.
2006 et 2007 : Food sovereignty
2008 : Worthwhile jobs
2009 : Musical diversity and worthwhile jobs in response to the financial and economical crisis

Réponse: Traduction / Esperanzah de sbgs, postée le 07-01-2014 à 21:01:05 (S | E)
Thanks for helping me out!
No worries about explaining, I'm not in a hurry
Very well written!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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