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TPE cancer/aide

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TPE cancer/aide
Message de mar4gaux posté le 10-01-2014 à 19:00:15 (S | E | F)
pour notre TPE sur le cancer nous voulons intégrer des témoignages en anglais, si vous pouviez nous aider un peu pour nos fautes, ce serait très gentil, s'il vous plait
Merci et bon week-end

Voici les questions:
- Which cancer did you have?
- Which treatments have been proposed by the oncologist and which had you choose?
- Which was the undesirable effects of these treatments?
- Have we propose you some solutions for these unwanted effects?
- If you have to advise a treatment to someone who has the same cancer, which one will you choose?

Témoignage 1:
- I had the cancer of the lungs.
- For the treatments, I had not the choice, I had an operation and then chemotherapy. They would to do me a chemotherapy before my operation because the tumor had not a good positioning.
- After my operation and when I did the chemotherapy, I had a bad flavor at food, I had lost my appetite and my smell, I was tired and I throwed up.
- During the chemotherapy, in the drip, they added a drug against vomiting to stop them.
- I will advise the same treatment that I have enven if all treatment is different according to the place and the waist of the tumor.
Now, I have a medical monitoring every 3 month.

Témoignage 2:
- I have a cancer of prostate.
- At the beginning, they have been to suggest an operation(prostactectomy total) and I have accept but I had a recurrence 6 months after. I had to do radiotherapy but I refuse and I went to Paris. They advise me a traitement of hormonotherapy. After 3 months, the result was positive and yet today but I must continue the traitement during years.
- Sides effects are supportable. The disease is control for the moment .
- They advise me to have a good health, food( pomegranate juice,...), etc.
- I advise to the others patients to consult several doctors and I advise also to make prevention a maximum (children...).

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-01-2014 21:40

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de violet91, postée le 11-01-2014 à 13:38:18 (S | E)
Hello ,

C'est un TPE , fin de 1ère S ? Vous avez déjà vos ' témoins ' ou vous inventez ces interventions ? Sujet bien délicat passerai dans l'après-midi , mais êtes -vous sûre que votre professeur ( ou vos professeurs en approfondi , si c'est les cas) soi(en)t d'accord avec vous sur le choix? De nombreuses erreurs de conjugaison et grammaire , mais le vocabulaire recherché est intéressant . Assurez-vous que vous ne risquez pas de ' plomber ' l'ambiance de correction ; vous n'êtes jamais sûre de qui vous avez en face ...
Si l'on traite ce thème comme un reportage , cela peut toutefois être original .
See you .

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de mar4gaux, postée le 11-01-2014 à 14:47:20 (S | E)
Oui c'est à rendre pour le 21 et oui ce sont des témoignages que nous avons recueillis de deux personnes différentes. Nos professeurs sont tout à fait d'accord et trouvent que mettre ces témoignages en anglais est un +.
Pourriez-vous nous mettre en évidence ce qui ne va pas (grammaire, conjugaison...)?
Merci d'avance, nous aimerions l'avoir fini demain.

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de lucile83, postée le 11-01-2014 à 17:26:54 (S | E)
Les erreurs sont en bleu. Les erreurs sont plus nombreuses dans le texte 2.

Voici les questions:
- Which cancer did you have?
- Which treatments have been proposed by the oncologist and which had you choose?
- Which was the undesirable effects of these treatments?
- Have we propose you some solutions for these unwanted effects?
- If you have to advise a treatment to someone who has the same cancer, which one will you choose?

Témoignage 1:
- I had the cancer of the lungs. lung cancer
- For the treatments, I had not the choice, I had an operation and then chemotherapy. They would to do me a chemotherapy before my operation because the tumor had not a good positioning.
- After my operation and when I did the chemotherapy, I had a bad flavor at food, I had lost my appetite and my smell, I was tired and I throwed up.
- During the chemotherapy, in the drip, they added a drug against vomiting to stop them.
- I will advise the same treatment that I have enven if all treatment is different according to the place and the waist of the tumor.
Now, I have a medical monitoring every 3 month.

Témoignage 2:
- I have a cancer of prostate. prostate cancer
- At the beginning, they have been to suggest an operation(prostactectomy total place adjectif) and I have accept but I had a recurrence 6 months after. I had to do radiotherapy but I refuse and I went to Paris. They advise me a traitement of hormonotherapy. After 3 months, the result was positive and yet today but I must continue the traitement during years.
- Sides effects are supportable. The disease is control for the moment .
- They advise me to have a good health, food( pomegranate juice,...), etc.
- I advise to the others patients to consult several doctors and I advise also to make prevention a maximum (children...).

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de violet91, postée le 11-01-2014 à 18:03:39 (S | E)
Hello again ,
Merci d'avoir répondu à ma question du choix . Vous pouvez encore améliorer votre production :

1- have been proposed > past perfect or simple past .
2 - concordance : traitement terminé : ...( aux actif simple past ) you choose ? Plutôt que had you chosen ?
3- these va présenter / those conclut
4 - si j'avais ..., je choisirais : hypothétique : if I past tense ( have ) , I + conditionnel présent .
5 - lung cancer : 0 article . L'organe concerné détermine en 1er ordre ( = breast cancer , kidney cancer ...) / Chemotherapy : no article sauf - a chemotherapy treatment / the Chemotherapy Foundation .
6 - je proposerais : I had no choice actually .
7 - pour éviter les répétitions de ' have ', to undergo au simple past = j'ai subi ( révolu)
8 -a bad positioning?
9 - my smell # my sense of smelling ( odorat)
10 ) to throw ( irregular > threw ) up > to give ( simple past ) up = I refused anything else done to me .
11 ) orthographe : vomit ( = sitting, travelling ) sinon vous débouchez sur un barbarisme et un changement de prononciation.
12 ) would be the same > as the ones I have had so far ( que j'ai eus - jusqu'ici ?)
13 ) all treatments are ...
14 ) attention voc . La taille de guêpe : waist ! La taille , dimension > ...?
15 ) monitoring est-il le terme correct ? a complete check-up , non ?

Bonne soirée.

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de mar4gaux, postée le 12-01-2014 à 14:56:36 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci de votre correction. Est-ce bon comme ça?

Voici les questions:
- Which cancer did you have? 
- Which treatments have been proposed by the oncologist and which had you chosen? 
- Which were the undesirable effects of these treatments?
- Have they proposed you solutions for these unwanted effects?
- If you had to advise a treatment to someone who has the same cancer, which one will you choose? 

Témoignage 1: 
- I had the lung cancer.
- For the treatments, I had not the choice, I had an operation and then chemotherapy. They would do me a chemotherapy before my operation because the tumor had not a good positioning.
- After my operation and when I did the chemotherapy, I had a bad flavour at food, I had lost my appetite and my smell, I was tired and I throwed up. 
- During the chemotherapy, in the drip, they added a drug against vomiting. 
- I will advise the same treatment that I have even if every treatment is different according to the place and the waist of the tumor. 
Now, I have a medical monitoring every 3 months. 

Témoignage 2:
- I have a  prostate cancer .
- At the beginning, they suggested me an operation( total prostactectomy ) and I accepted but I had a recurrence 6 months after. I had to do radiotherapy but I refused and I went to Paris. They advised me a treatement of hormonotherapy. After 3 months, the result was positive but I must continue the treatement during years. 
- Unwanted effects are supportable. 
- They advised me to have a good health, food( pomegranate juice,...), etc.
- I advise to other patients to consult several doctors and I advise also to warn children...

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de mar4gaux, postée le 12-01-2014 à 15:02:00 (S | E)
Non plutôt comme ça:

Voici les questions:
- Which cancer did you have? 
- Which treatments have been proposed by the oncologist and which had you chosen? 
- Which were the undesirable effects of these treatments?
- Have they proposed you solutions for those unwanted effects?
- If you had to advise a treatment to someone who has the same cancer, which one will you choose? 

Témoignage 1: 
- I had the lung cancer.
- For the treatments, I had no choice actually, I had an operation and then chemotherapy. They would do me a chemotherapy before my operation because the tumor had not a good positioning.
- After my operation and when I did the chemotherapy, I had a bad flavour at food, I had lost my appetite and my sense of smelling, I was tired and I refused anything else done to me. 
- During the chemotherapy, in the drip, they added a drug against vomitting. 
- I will advise the same treatment that I have even if every treatment is different according to the place and the size of the tumor. 
Now, I have a medical check-up every 3 months. 

Témoignage 2:
- I have a  prostate cancer .
- At the beginning, they suggested me an operation( total prostactectomy ) and I accepted but I had a recurrence 6 months after. I had to do radiotherapy but I refused and I went to Paris. They advised me a treatement of hormonotherapy. After 3 months, the result was positive but I must continue the treatement during years. 
- Unwanted effects are supportable. 
- They advised me to have a good health, food( pomegranate juice,...), etc.
- I advise to other patients to consult several doctors and I advise also to warn children...

Réponse: TPE cancer/aide de violet91, postée le 12-01-2014 à 21:13:35 (S | E)
Hello again ,

which treatment did you choose ? ....have you chosen si pas de date et qu'il est encore en traitement ...
Toujours pas d'article lung cancer : lung fonctionne un peu comme un nom propre /idem pour prostate cancer .
Et le problème de concordance à fignoler : hypothétique / aujourd'hui : If you had ... , what would ( conditional ) choose ?
Bien exploité , par ailleurs .
Good luck , now .


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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