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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de amoula1212 posté le 15-01-2014 à 21:55:49 (S | E | F)
Hello ,
I will apply for a graduate scholarship in Turkey and I would like you to correct my cover letter.
Thank you for your help.

Object : Application for xxx Graduate Scholarship

Dear Madam or Sir ,
After having discussed with my professor who taught in the university of xxx and encouraged me about the idea to pursue my studies in Turkey and following the opportunities offered to the students concerning studying abroad, I decided to fill in an application form. Extremely interested in xxx Scholarship , I propose to you to examine my candidature.
I am currently doing a management degree (3rd year) specialized in Finance in IHEC xxx , the first school specialized in management in Tunisia. I would like to specialize myself in applied Finance and Financial Engineering. However , these fields are not developed enough in Tunisia to get a thorough knowledge which allows me to be the best I can be. In fact , as a woman I feel the need to prove myself even more since the majority of great managers consists of men.
In turkey , there are many universities that propose a master in these fields such as Koç , Istanbul, Galatasaray, Sabanci Universities …. That seems to me very interesting. Indeed, since I started my studies I really wanted to study abroad . I perfectly know that this opportunity constitutes an advantage on my resume, and that will enable me to integrate the professional life more easily . The success that Turkey lives nowadays makes me more curious about the reasons which can be adopted in my country. The culture -which is quite close to mine- really mesmerize me and makes me feel like in Home. Knowing international students as well , allows me to open my mind to different cultures and have a large vision .
As you will see in my enclosed CV, Since I had an internship both in a bank and in the administration of industrial company “xxx group” , I learnt how to be responsible , self-confident , sociable and determined after being in touch with high level decision makers .
Believing in Turkey’s Education , I consider myself to be a good candidate for xxx Scholarship because I am young, energetic, hardworking, visionary, and motivated person who believes that I can do something for the benefit of my country .But what I got from my university is not enough to realize my dream. I believe that I can do much better if I am trained and developed through a master of Finance in Turkey.
I look forward to hearing from you the acceptance .
All my regards,

Edited by lucile83 on 15-01-2014 22:07


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