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Devoir oral/correction
Message de charli95 posté le 18-01-2014 à 16:49:37 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous corriger s'il vous plait les imperfections ,c'est pour mon oral. Je vous dis la vérité pour certaine phrases je me suis servi du traducteur du site. J'espère que vous m'excuserez.
Merci pour votre aide.
I chose to present you the theme of three sportsmen which I like particularly.
Andy MURRAY, John CENA, Johnson DWAYNE

Andrew Murray, said Andy Murray, is a professional player of British tennis been born on May 15th, 1987 in Glasgow, in the Scotland. He begins the tennis in five years encouraged by her mother, hersitself hostess of tennis, who accompanies him in almost all the tournaments

He took away twenty eight titles ATP, with which US OPEN on 2012 and Wimbledon 2013 and nine Master's degrees 1000, and was titled in men's singles match in the Summer Olympics of 2012. He was also finalist of the US OPEN in 2008, the Open of Australia in 2010, 2011 and 2013 and Wimbledon in 2012. In 2013, Murray became the 6th man in the history of the tennis to have taken away 30 000 000 dollars of earnings of career.

On the horizon 2012 of the US OPEN, Murray became the first British player since 1977, and the first man in Colombia since 1936 to take away a Grand Slam tournament in simple, when he has loser Novak Djokovic in five sets. On July 7th, 2013, Murray took away Championships 2013 of Wimbledon, and becomes the first British to win since Fred Perry in 1936.

Andy Murray is the only man in the history to have taken away the Olympic gold and US OPEN in the same year, as well as third man to hold the golden medal after Andre Agassi and Rafael Nadal.
His current trainer is Ivan Lendl, with whom he began to work at the beginning of the season 2012.
Andy Murray was decorated to Buckingham by prince William on October 17th, 2013.

John Felix Anthony Cena, more simply known as John Cena was born on April 23rd, 1977 to West Newbury. It is a wrestler and a American actor.

John Cena took away fourteen world titles during his career : eleven times the champion ship of the WWE it is the record, and three times the world championship heavy trucks, also three times champion of the United States and four times team champion. He is also the winner of Royal Rumble on 2008 and 2013. He is at present the wrestler the best paid by the WWE with a 2 750 000 dollar basic pay.

Before being a wrestler it was fascinated by the body-building and to participate in several competitions that he did not win unfortunately.

Except the wrestling, John Cena took out an album named You Can' t See Me, who speaks in particular about his entrance to the WWE. He also shot movies such as The Marine in 2006 when he embodies the character of John Triton and he played the central figure in 12 Rounds. He played in Legendary in 2010 and appeared in series as Hannah Montana.

Johnson DWAYNE
Johnson DWAYNE " The Rock ", wrestler and professional actor, was born on May 2nd, 1972, to Hayward, in California.
Johnson grew by looking at his father on stage in the boxing ring. But with no intention to follow its tracks, Johnson played the collective soccer at the University of Miami, where he had a big success up to a back injury he cost a place in National Soccer Gets to join forces. Teaching that he will have to be operated in the shoulder and that he cannot play any more the remainder of the year, Johnson makes a depression and returns to Florida to live at his(her) parent's. Johnson thus decides to turn over a page and intends to realize one of his dreams of childhood. That to become a wrestler.

Descendant of wrestler's family, he turns very young towards the world of the wrestling. Dwayne Johnson makes its debuts on the boxing ring of WWF in 1996 under the name of Rocky Maivia and becomes in 24 years the youngest intercontinental champion.

Further to a wound, he returns under the name of The Rock. Triple world champion, intercontinental champion and champion by team, he dominates the discipline and becomes an inevitable character of the small screen by multiplying the fights, the commercials and the passages in series.

Dwayne Johnson makes then its debuts on big screen in 2001 with " The return of the Mummy " and the successor of Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes. Dwayne Johnson also puts on roles funny as in movies " Welcome in the jungle " or " cool Be " The wrestler marks his return in developed the muscle movies in " Very Bad Cops " of Adam McKay. In 2011, he performs in " Fast and Furious 5 " where he plays the role of a policeman.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-01-2014 17:25

Réponse: Devoir oral/correction de charli95, postée le 06-02-2014 à 18:37:53 (S | E)
Excusez moi je ne sais pas trop me servir du site. Voilà j'ai travaillé sur mon devoir et j'y ai apprté des corrections .Pouvez-vous s-v-p m'aider c'est pour l'oral.

The theme I have chosen to present you is sportsmen. I am going to talk about 3 of them which I like particularly.

Andy MURRY, John CENA, Johnson DWAYNE


Andrew Murray, said Andy Murray, is a British professional tennis player who was born on May 15th, 1987 in Dunblane ,Scotland. He started playing tennis at five years old encouraged by her mother, herself tennis coach, who supported him in almost all tournaments.

He won twenty eight ATP titles, 2 of them are the US OPEN in 2012 and Wimbledon in 2013. He was decorated thanks to the men's singles match in the Summer Olympics of 2012. He was also finalist of the US OPEN in 2008, the Open of Australia in 2010, 2011 and 2013 and Wimbledon in 2012.
In 2013, Murray became the 6th man in the tennis history to have earned 30 000 000 dollars during his career.

On the horizon 2012 of the US OPEN, Murray became the first British player since 1977, and the first man in Colombia since 1936 to take away a Grand Slam tournament in simple, when he has loser Novak Djokovic in five sets. On July 7th, 2013, Murray took away Championships 2013 of Wimbledon, and becomes the first British to win since Fred Perry in 1936.

Andy Murray is the only man in the history to have been victorious of the Olympic golden medal and the US OPEN in the same year. He is also the third man to hold the golden medal after Andre Agassi and Rafael Nadal.

His current trainer is Ivan Lendl, with whom he began to work at the beginning of the season 2012.
Andy Murray was decorated at Buckingham by Prince William on October 17th, 2013.


John Felix Anthony Cena, more simply known as John Cena was born on April 23rd, 1977 in West Newbury. It is a wrestler and an American actor.

John Cena won fourteen world championships during his career. He won eleven reigns as WWE champion (it’s a record) and won three times the world heavyweight’s championship. He was three times champion of the United States, and was also four times team champion. He is also the winner of the Royal Rumble in 2008 and 2013. Nowadays, He is the wrestler the best paid by the WWE with a 2 750 000 dollar basic pay.

Before being a wrestler, he was fascinated by the body-building and he had participated in several competitions that he did not win unfortunately.

Except the wrestling, John Cena brought out an album named You Can’t See Me, which speaks in particular about his entrance to the WWE. He also appeared in movies such as The Marine in 2006 when he embodies the character of John Triton and he played the central figure in 12 Rounds. He played in Legendary in 2010 and appeared in series as Hannah Montana.

Johnson DWAYNE

Johnson DWAYNE " The Rock ", wrestler and professional actor, was born on May 2nd, 1972, in Hayward, in California.

Johnson grew by looking at his father on stage in the boxing ring. Johnson didn’t have the intention to follow his father’s tracks. He decided to play collective soccer at the University of Miami, where he had a big success up to a back injury he cost a place in National Soccer Gets to join forces. Teaching that he will have to be operated in the shoulder and that he cannot play any more the remainder of the year, Johnson makes a depression and returns to Florida to live at his(her) parent's. Johnson thus decides to turn over a page and intends to realize one of his dreams of childhood. That to become a wrestler.

Descendant of wrestler's family, he turns very young towards the world of the wrestling. Dwayne Johnson makes its debuts on the boxing ring of WWF in 1996 under the name of Rocky Maivia and becomes in 24 years the youngest intercontinental champion.

Further to a wound, he came back under the name of The Rock. Triple world champion, intercontinental champion and champion by team; he dominates the discipline and becomes an inevitable character of the small screen by multiplying the fights, advertising spots and the passages in television series.

Dwayne Johnson made his film debuts on the big screen in 2001 with "The return of the Mummy" and became the successor of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Dwayne Johnson also plays funny roles in different movies like "Welcome in the jungle " or "cool be ". To mark his return, the wrestler appears in the action movies “Very Bad Cops” of Adam McKay. In 2011, he performs in "Fast and Furious 5" in which he played the role of a policeman.


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