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Aide / transcription audio

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide / transcription audio
Message de toska10 posté le 14-02-2014 à 11:55:54 (S | E | F)

J'ai une transcription à réaliser sur le lien suivant : Lien internet

Je dois transcrire le passage de 8,24' à 9'14 mais malheureusement il y a certains mots qui me résistent,
et je ne parviens pas à les comprendre. Si vous pouviez me donner un coup de main, j'en serais ravie.
Merci. N'hésitez pas à me corriger si vous constatez d'autres erreurs.

That difficulty was followed soon afterwards by undone a shame legal fight with Channel 4 in Britain which broadcast documentary in which debt was cost on Body Shop's boost about his opposition to animal testing. The documentary claimed that the policy was on district as he appeared to be. And the effect on the business was immediat. The accusation was one of this founding transport for floored and a share is planished.
The Roddick's soud and they want. But it was a wearing fight. A company by hostel publicity in the United-States which never faced before.
After the company was sold to the french firm Loréal in 2006 for 652 million pounds, some of Roddick's stronger supporters were dismayed to see to the hands one of the cosmetic firms that Roddick reeled against when she started out.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2014 13:27
Pas de rouge sur le forum s'il vous plaît, merci.

Réponse: Aide / transcription audio de bluestar, postée le 14-02-2014 à 13:23:21 (S | E)

That difficulty was followed soon afterwards by undone a shame a damaging legal fight with Channel 4 in Britain which broadcast a documentary in which debt was cost doubt was cast on Body Shop's boost boast about his its opposition to animal testing. The documentary claimed that the policy wasn't on district as strict as he it appeared to be. And the effect on the business was immediate. The accusation was that one of this its founding transport principles for floored was flawed and a the shares is planished plunged.
The Roddicks's soud sued and they want won. But it was a wearing fight. A company by hostel accompanied by hostile publicity in the United-States which they'd never faced before.
After the company was sold to the french firm Loréal in 2006 for 652 million pounds, some of Roddick's stronger strongest supporters were dismayed to see to it in the hands one of the cosmetic firms that Roddick reeled had railed against when she started out.

Réponse: Aide / transcription audio de lucile83, postée le 14-02-2014 à 16:13:01 (S | E)

french firm Loréal in 2006...should be written
French firm L'Oreal in 2006...

Réponse: Aide / transcription audio de toska10, postée le 15-02-2014 à 00:54:12 (S | E)
Ah oui en effet, j'étais loin d'avoir tout compris..
Merci pour cette correction, elle m'aide beaucoup pour certaines erreurs que j'aurais pu éviter.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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