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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Lettre commerciale/aide
Message de francese2 posté le 17-02-2014 à 19:00:47 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous.

Dans quelques jours je dois passer un examen en anglais.Je devrai écrire une lettre commerciale.Puisque je ne suis ni français ni anglais, j'ai besoin de correction pour passer l'examen. Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait ? Ici je mets les lettres et les phrases que j'ai fait chez moi. Merci pour vos réponses.

1-I woul like to apply for the post of secretary in your import-export office.
2-My duties include the organisation of searching about market.
3-In my previous job i was involved in correspondence whit foreign customers.
4-I enclose copies of 3references.I wait for your reply.
5-Since i left school, i have been employed as a bank klerk in an english firm to improve my language.
6-I enclose my cv and 2 references from my current employer and teacher of english as well as copies of my diploms.
7-We assure you that all shipping costs are included in offer.
8-If you place an order within week end of the month, you could deepen for this offer.
9-You will receive our confirmation whit wxpiry date off the offer.
10-We would like to point up(underline?)that the prices are competitive.

Dear sirs
your order of 7th Feb

We were pleased to receive your fax.As you requested, we sent you the manual of 'windsor.35' with separate envelop with all tecnical details(information) and a list of agents in zone.wh can givea special discount of 20% if your order is about20pieces, on condition that we receive the order by the end of the month.Our usual terms of payment are by bank transfer, but if you can anticipate the oayment(if your disponible to pay in advance?)we concede further discount of5%.We can deleiver within2weeks from receipt of order for the payment by bank transfer and within3or4days by advance payment.If you have any question please contact me and let us know if we can provide any further help.

we sincerely hope to do business with you.
best regards

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-02-2014 20:43


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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