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The Globe/correction

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The Globe/correction
Message de korimizu posté le 23-02-2014 à 18:54:15 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir !
Je dois faire une présentation du théâtre de manière organisée pour la rentrée. Pourriez-vous me corriger s'il vous plaît car je veux que ce soit excellent !
Merci d'avance !

Today,we will speak about the Globe ! This famous theatre! When it was built and where,the acoustics... All in this specially written record for you.

I/ The Globe? What is this?
This theatre was opened by William Shakespeare in 1599 on the south bank,not far from the Thames.It was outside London's walls because the church(very important in the past) didn't like the Globe because they were violence,sex..
It was called "the nest of the devil" by the church(They were very critical).

II/ The representations times
The actors didn't play everyday: The theatre was closed on Sundays and during the plague epidemics(quite often).They performed during the day because they didn't have enough money for the candles(the electricity was not yet born and no they weren't stingy)

III/ The public
Most people of the 16th century didn't have much money. Fortunately the tickets' price were very cheap(one penny to went to the pit and 5£ for the seats).
Talking,eating and drinking were allowed in the theater.More than 2000 spectators can be hosted by The Globe.The public could interact with the actors during the performance.If they didn't like the play,things could be thrown.

IV/ The actors
In Shakespeare compagny,there were between eight and twelve actors who performed in costumes.The identity and the social rank of the characters were shown with this.Women couldn't be actors,the role of female characters were played by male children their voices had not moulted yet ect ...

V/ Sound effects and acoustics
The musicians played in the balcony,above the stage.They were sound effects as bells,thunders,trumpets or real canons.For the best acoustics,people need to bought expensive seats.Namely, there was an accident in 1613,during a performance of Henry VIII;a canon caused a huge fire, and the theatre burnt down.A reconstruction of The Globe was opened in 1996.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-02-2014 18:55
Merci d'éviter la couleur rouge/rose.

Réponse: The Globe/correction de korimizu, postée le 24-02-2014 à 14:26:46 (S | E)
Y'aurait t-il quelqu'un?

Réponse: The Globe/correction de bluestar, postée le 24-02-2014 à 16:01:05 (S | E)

I/ The Globe? What is this?
This theatre was opened by William Shakespeare in 1599 on the south bank,not far from the Thames.It was outside London's walls because the church(very important in the past) didn't like the Globe because they were of the violence and sex..
It was called "the nest of the devil" by the church(They were very critical -superflu?).

II/ The representations (un autre nom) times
The actors didn't play everyday: The theatre was closed on Sundays and during the plague epidemics(quite often).They performed during the day because they didn't have enough money for the candles(the electricity was not yet born (utiliser un autre verb) and no they weren't stingy)

III/ The public
Most people of the 16th century didn't have much money. Fortunately the tickets' price were very cheap(one penny to went to for the pit and 5£5 for the seats).
Talking,eating and drinking were allowed in the theater (ne pas mélanger et ).More than 2000 spectators can temps? be hosted by The Globe.The public could interact with the actors during the performance.If they didn't like the play,things could be thrown.

IV/ The actors
In Shakespeare's compagny (orth. francaise),there were between eight and twelve actors who performed in costumes.The identity and the social rank of the characters were shown with this.Women couldn't be actors,the role of female characters were (singulier: "the role") played by male children as their voices had not moulted yet ect ...

V/ Sound effects and acoustics
The musicians played in the balcony,above the stage.They were sound effects as like bells,thunders,trumpets or real cannons.For the best acoustics,people need (temps?) to bought (utiliser l'infinitif) expensive seats.Namely,Tthere was an accident in 1613,during a performance of Henry VIII;a cannon caused a huge fire, and the theatre burnt down.A reconstruction of The Globe was opened in 1996.

Réponse: The Globe/correction de korimizu, postée le 28-02-2014 à 16:04:12 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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