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Comics/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Comics/ correction
Message de kevcar posté le 26-02-2014 à 11:51:03 (S | E | F)
peut-on corriger mon expression écrite s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.

what's your opinion concerning comics? do you read comics? why or why not? what about other books? why do you or don't you like reading? (8 lignes min)

I think that comic strips are fantastic . I can see te characters by reading the story, I don't need to imagine them. I read a lot of comic strips because I find the more dynamic and realistic story. Ii can see the faces and the expressions of every character. I don't need to imagine their appearance : I have the feeling to look at a movie Under titled . I read many other books because I like reading fantastic stories, intriguing and fear. I also love to read books on GREEK mythology . I have always loved reading

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-02-2014 11:52

Réponse: Comics/ correction de here4u, postée le 26-02-2014 à 15:15:56 (S | E)
Hello !

First step ... I'll just point out the mistakes and you 'help yourself' and do your best to correct them ! Deal ?

what's your opinion concerning comics? do you read comics? why or why not? what about other books? why do you or don't you like reading? (8 lignes min)(you haven't reached your 8 minimum lines ...!)

I think that comic strips are fantastic . I can see te characters by reading the story,(boff !) I don't need to imagine them. I read a lot of comic strips because (construction à revoir!)I find the more dynamic and realistic story. Ii can see the faces and the expressions of every character. I don't need to imagine their appearance (again ? you're repeating yourself !): I have the feeling to look (construction)at a movie Under titled . I read many other books because I like reading fantastic stories, intriguing and fear. I also love to read books on GREEK mythology . I have always loved reading

Here's food for thought ! Expecting your next draft ! Bien répondre aux questions "why?"

Réponse: Comics/ correction de kevcar, postée le 26-02-2014 à 19:19:47 (S | E)
Pouvez-vous m'expliquer comment procéder dans la correction?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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