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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de jscottseptembre posté le 27-02-2014 à 18:38:34 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Auriez-vous l'obligeance de relire cette lettre de motivation pour un poste au département des ressources humaines? Merci pour vos réponses.

"I am currently studying for my master's degree and seeking a 4 to 6-month internship for March 2014 in the Human Resources departement. I learned about your internship from the web site xxxx. I am interested in that internship for several reasons: first I have the strong will to work in the human resources field in the future, indeed my experience at xxx International, an executive recruitment office, strengthens that idea. I would appreciate as well to do an internship that covers not just the recruitment area; indeed training, internal communication and other human resources project management would be missions that I would be please to accomplish. Finally it is important for me to work in a multinational company such as xxx since I want to develop myself in an international environment.

Since I began my studies at xxx School, I have assimilated solid theoretical knowledge in the human resources management field and all this in an international context (as I am in an “international division” in where most of students are not French, all my courses are taught consequently in English and the pedagogy is based on the American model).

Thanks to my experience at xxx International, I could acquire skills and working methods linked to the recruitment process. Phone interviews with candidates (executive profiles) enabled me to develop communication and relationship skills that I had already put in good use when I was a project assistant (intern) at xxx; indeed as I had to carry out quantitative and qualitative studies, I already had to conduct phone and “face to face” interviews with executives and non-executives. Finally as a former member of the Junior -Enterprise of my business school, a student consulting firm specialized in marketing and communication, I had to integrate and manage the new members that joined the association.

Manager with strong ability to communicate effectively with executive or non-executive employees, I am as well a dynamic and detail-oriented person who would be more than pleased to be a part of the Human resources team of xxx.

As described, this human resources internship opportunity sounds like a perfect match, and I would very much appreciate the chance for a personal interview. I look forward to speaking with you"

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2014 00:15


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