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Message de fleurette2901 posté le 01-03-2014 à 17:45:50 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde !
Je suis en Tle et je passe mes oraux blancs de langues la semaine prochaine. Est-ce vous pouvez me dire s'il y a des fautes dans mon texte ? Et si vous avez des conseils pour ne pas stresser ce serait merveilleux, j'angoisse !
Merci pour votre aide![](https://www.anglaisfacile.com/images/smileys/content.gif)
I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. Places and forms of power are many in our lives, but I chose to talk about the power of the press and about the CCTV cameras. This theme can illustrate the problematic “How press and surveillance are forms of power?”
First, I’m going to talk about the press, which is called the fourth power. Then, I’m going to talk about the place of CCTV cameras in our society.
First, I’m going to talk about recent evolutions of the press. This fourth power is changing: thanks to news technologies and the Internet, readers are more and more involved in the editorial process. A new type of newspaper has appeared. For example, the Huffington Post is an online newspaper that we studied in class. This journal is an exchange between its producer and its consumer. This news website is alive thanks to its readers. The vast majority of the stories came from allover the world, from cell phones or e-mails. The Huffington Post’s editors repurpose it with a catchy headline. Near articles, celebrities or bloggers can comment. This new type of news is changing the world of the press; now readers take part in news and are journalists. Moreover, more and more news websites don’t checks sources and facts, like Scoop, a website that we saw in class. Any news can be posted; it is neither censored nor controlled. Press is changing and can’t be controlled today, because of the Internet. This new forms of press are new forms of power. For example, Arab spring has been help by this type of news websites and by social networks. Population could post any information on the Internet: whereas official newspapers were corrupted, websites were a real way to be informed of the events in the country.
So the press is a form of power really important, especially since its evolutions.
Next, news technologies are also a new form of power. With CCTV cameras and surveillance, private life is threatened. In England, more and more cities install CCTV cameras to prevent crimes. The graffiti artist Bansky has engaged himself against this: in a work that we studied last year, he warns us against the danger of surveillance society in which everybody is constantly spied upon. The artist represents a society in which people are prisoners. Footage by the police is a deterrent for crime but it’s also infringement on people’s privacy. New technologies permit to monitor the society and to track down everybody. But it also permits to protect people: thanks to CCTV cameras, a bomb was discovered in front of a shop in London. There presence is approved by a part of the population. CCTV cameras are in the street, but also in UK schools now, to watch the behavior of naughty pupils.
This system can be dangerous in a dictatorship. For example, in the novel 1984 by the writer George Orwell, people are constantly spied upon. The press is censored and people have neither freedom of speech nor freedom of thought. With the phrase “Big Brother is watching you”, Orwell shows that everyone is spied upon, whatever he does. It’s a surveillance and unhealthy society.
To conclude, the power of the press and of the population surveillance is increasing by new technologies; population has more and more power with the Internet.
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-03-2014 22:08
Message de fleurette2901 posté le 01-03-2014 à 17:45:50 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde !
Je suis en Tle et je passe mes oraux blancs de langues la semaine prochaine. Est-ce vous pouvez me dire s'il y a des fautes dans mon texte ? Et si vous avez des conseils pour ne pas stresser ce serait merveilleux, j'angoisse !
Merci pour votre aide
I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. Places and forms of power are many in our lives, but I chose to talk about the power of the press and about the CCTV cameras. This theme can illustrate the problematic “How press and surveillance are forms of power?”
First, I’m going to talk about the press, which is called the fourth power. Then, I’m going to talk about the place of CCTV cameras in our society.
First, I’m going to talk about recent evolutions of the press. This fourth power is changing: thanks to news technologies and the Internet, readers are more and more involved in the editorial process. A new type of newspaper has appeared. For example, the Huffington Post is an online newspaper that we studied in class. This journal is an exchange between its producer and its consumer. This news website is alive thanks to its readers. The vast majority of the stories came from allover the world, from cell phones or e-mails. The Huffington Post’s editors repurpose it with a catchy headline. Near articles, celebrities or bloggers can comment. This new type of news is changing the world of the press; now readers take part in news and are journalists. Moreover, more and more news websites don’t checks sources and facts, like Scoop, a website that we saw in class. Any news can be posted; it is neither censored nor controlled. Press is changing and can’t be controlled today, because of the Internet. This new forms of press are new forms of power. For example, Arab spring has been help by this type of news websites and by social networks. Population could post any information on the Internet: whereas official newspapers were corrupted, websites were a real way to be informed of the events in the country.
So the press is a form of power really important, especially since its evolutions.
Next, news technologies are also a new form of power. With CCTV cameras and surveillance, private life is threatened. In England, more and more cities install CCTV cameras to prevent crimes. The graffiti artist Bansky has engaged himself against this: in a work that we studied last year, he warns us against the danger of surveillance society in which everybody is constantly spied upon. The artist represents a society in which people are prisoners. Footage by the police is a deterrent for crime but it’s also infringement on people’s privacy. New technologies permit to monitor the society and to track down everybody. But it also permits to protect people: thanks to CCTV cameras, a bomb was discovered in front of a shop in London. There presence is approved by a part of the population. CCTV cameras are in the street, but also in UK schools now, to watch the behavior of naughty pupils.
This system can be dangerous in a dictatorship. For example, in the novel 1984 by the writer George Orwell, people are constantly spied upon. The press is censored and people have neither freedom of speech nor freedom of thought. With the phrase “Big Brother is watching you”, Orwell shows that everyone is spied upon, whatever he does. It’s a surveillance and unhealthy society.
To conclude, the power of the press and of the population surveillance is increasing by new technologies; population has more and more power with the Internet.
Modifié par lucile83 le 01-03-2014 22:08
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais