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Correction /Big data

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Correction /Big data
Message de vermwalid posté le 03-03-2014 à 12:40:31 (S | E | F)
je fais un petit résumé sur ce qu'est le big data, J'aimerais avoir un peu d'aide pour la grammaire/orthographe, car ce n'est pas mon fort.
Merci d'avance.

Every day, we generate 2.5 trillion bytes of data. That's called "Big Data." This term refers to the constant flow of all the computer data, circulating around the world, at all time. A stream which each of us actively involved. But what exactly are these data? How are they generated? What are they ?

Big data designates the mass of data that travels daily on the web. photo, video like on facebook, train schedule , movie poster , weather history , you should know that this mass of data grows so huge ... for example when edward post on his Facebook profile a picture of him in the process of revising English, it 'll generate new data, the francois like his friend, who 'll also generate new data, the comment of his friend, théo .
there is today so much data on the internet, that it must create highly complex algorithm to process .
And we realize that the process can be used for many things.

For example a hotel in Morocco who 'll be able to fulfill its fill rate based on the number of tickets sold on the sites of airlines . or an election presidential candidate who can analyze the needs of its constituents through tweets or how much input gonna do based on Godzilla likes that generates its trailer . In short, Big data is a bit like a big brain would remember everything that happens on the internet.
Its purpose is to anticipate the future.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-03-2014 13:16

Réponse: Correction /Big data de bluduck2, postée le 03-03-2014 à 15:02:37 (S | E)
Hello vermwalid !quelques remarques
--ligne 2 :to be /to get invoved in (oubli verbe et préposition)
--ligne 3 :on emploie " like" +nom ou pronom ;pour introduire vos exemples, employez "as"
--ligne 4 conjuguez le verbe "to post" au present simple, 3ème personne du singulier ( pour la concordance avec le futur dans la suite de la phrase)
--ligne 4 une photo de "lui même"
--ligne 5 peu claire "the francoi..."?
--ligne 6 plutôt que "to day", préférez,"presently" ou "nowadays" .
--ligne 9 Revoir les pronoms relatifs :a hotel manager who/a hotel which
-- a candidate ,masculin ,donc adjectif possessif his .
--ligne 9 -- évitez à l'écrit ce "gonna" .Employez un futur proche grammaticalement correct.
--ligne 9 un cerveau a deux hémisphères , donc "brains"
[I hope this helps ! Bluduck2/noir]


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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