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Cover letter/aide

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Cover letter/aide
Message de antoineyacine posté le 09-03-2014 à 17:29:35 (S | E | F)
je dois faire une lettre de motivation pour mon école; pouvez-vous me dire s'il y a des fautes d'orthographe et si oui lesquelles svp s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.


I here by apply for the position of a Manager with your shop. I have seen the advert in the Metro Newspaper. Currently, I am working as an assistant manager at Tesco. I have incorporated this company for three years. I have begun as a cashier during six months, then I have been nominated as a sale assistant. My mission was advised customers for their purchases. I had to answer questions of customers. After one year as a sale man, I have been nominated as an assistant manager. Currently I am always working as an assistant manager. I organize the planning for employees, I spend orders, O trade prices of purchases to increase the benefice. Then, I manage the staff. To sum up, I try to increase the productivity of the company.

I have got a degree in Marketing in Paris. I was elected best abroad student in my school. After 3 years in Paris, and after having got my diploma, I have continued my studies. I have incorporated Cambridge University to study Management. I have passed my exam.
I am available immedialty to start, because I would like to integrate a new company. That permits to me to work in another shop. I am dynamic, had worker and I want to succeed. Thank to my experiences in the same sector, I think to have the profile for this position. Moreover, I speak three languages; English, French and Italian.

Please find my curriculum vitae with my cover letter.
I am available for an appointment every Saturday and every evening from 7p.m.
Thanks for you co-operation,
Hope to read from you soon,
Yours faithfully,
Mr. X

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2014 18:01


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