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Aide/ Dialogue
Message de jeune27 posté le 28-03-2014 à 21:35:49 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous , j'ai un dialogue à préparé pour Lundi , le sujet est le suivant : Avec un camarade , faites un dialogue entre un journalist qui fait une interview à un immigré hispanique ou à une personne d'origine hispanique . J'ai réalisé mon dialogue mais j'aimerais savoir si celui-ci comporte des fautes car je suis très mauvaise en grammaire et surtout en conjugaison;j'ai mis entre crochets les mots que je n'arrive pas à traduire ou pour lesquelles j'ai un doute.
Merci d'avance.

Journalist: Hello to all , I'm live on BBC fot the national month of the hispanic heritage, with an Latina-American citizen . Hello miss so what's your name ? 
Latina: Hello my name is Maria Negra.
Journalist: I't's very special name , what's your origin ?
Latina:My father is from Cuba and my mother is Maxicana .
Journalist: Well and why your parents or your descendents immigrated in United-States ? 
Latina: My grandfather immigrate to United-States for escape at the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1955 and he wanted to return tu Cuba after the end of dictatorship but the country was very poor , he didn't want his family live in poverty.
Journalist: Hmmm ok and your mother?
Latina: My mother immigrate to United-States in 1980 for Escape at the [NARCOTRAFICANT] , because they killed he family.
Journalist:Ohhh it's sad history, were you live today ?
Latina: Today , me and my family live in Miami.
Journalist: It's your parents who decides to live in Miami ? 
Latina: Yes beacause in Miami , we do not feel excludes , my pareznts are in their elements , there is many Latino-American people.
Journalist:Did your parents find a job in USA ?
Latina: [Heuresement] Yes, but nothing glorious , my mother works as a cleaner in villa and my father makes small works.
Journalist: And you did you make studies?
Latina: My parents did not have the means to pay my studies but I was lucky enought to obtain a [bourse]

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-03-2014 21:46
Mise en forme standard.

Réponse: Aide/ Dialogue de kolimang, postée le 30-03-2014 à 12:49:56 (S | E)
Bonjour jeune27,

Journalist: Hello to all everyone, I'm live on BBC for the national month of the hispanic heritage, with an [1] Latina[2]-American citizen. Hello miss so what's your name ?
Latina[2]: Hello my name is Maria Negra.
Journalist: I't's *[3] very special name , what's your origin ?
Latina:My father is from Cuba and my mother is Maxicana.
Journalist: Well and why your parents [4] or your descendents [5] immigrated in to [6] United-States [7] ?
Latina: My grandfather immigrate [8] to *** United-States [7] for escape [9] at the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1955 and he wanted to return to Cuba after the end of dictatorship but the country was very poor, he didn't want his family to live in poverty. [10]
Journalist: Hmmm ok and what about your mother?
Latina: My mother immigrate [8] to *** United-States [7] in 1980 for escape [9] at the drug lords ["barons de la drogue"] , because they killed he (orthographe) family.
Journalist:Ohhh it's sad history, where you live [4] today ? [11]
Latina: Today , me and my family live in Miami.
Journalist: It's your parents who decides to live in Miami ? [4]
Latina: Yes beacause in Miami , we do not feel excluded, my pareznts are in their elements, there is [12] many Latino-American people.
Journalist:Did your parents find a job in the USA ?
Latina: [Heureusement] [13] Yes, but nothing glorious , my mother works as a cleaner in a villa and my father makes small works [14].
Journalist: And you did you make studies [15]?
Latina: My parents did not have the means (or "couldn't afford") to pay for my studies but I was lucky enought to obtain a scholarship (or "to get awarded a scholarship").

[1] Revoir quand utiliser a ou an
[2] Latin, Latin-American, et non pas Latina, tant comme nom que comme adjectif
[3] manque un déterminant à la place de l'astérisque
[4] Revoir la formulation de la question : mot interrogatif + auxiliaire (ici au passé) + sujet + verbe (base form)
[5] orthographe correcte : descendants, MAIS je suppose que vous voulez dire le contraire ici. Les ancêtres/aïeux = forebears/ancestors
[6] Immigrate to
[7] the United States ; l'article "the" est nécessaire, et il n'y a pas de trait d'union : the United States, the USA, the United Kingdom
[8] conjuguer au passé
[9] jamais d'infinitif après la préposition "for" ; utilisez "to + infinitif" au lieu de "for"
[10] Vous devriez découper cette longue phrase en plusieurs phrases plus courtes, je pense que cela sonnerait mieux.
[11] La seconde partie de la phrase ne suit pas naturellement la première
[12] Vous voulez introduire "many people" (pluriel), donc "there is" ne convient pas car c'est au singulier ; accordez au pluriel.
[13] Double-cliquez sur le mot "heureusement" et cela vous ouvrira un dictionnaire qui vous donnera la traduction.
[14] Il fait des petits boulots (ici et là) : He does odd jobs (here and there)
[15] faire des études = to study, et non pas "to make studies"

Bon travail pour les corrections à apporter.

Modifié par kolimang le 30-03-2014 17:37

Réponse: Aide/ Dialogue de jeune27, postée le 30-03-2014 à 17:44:53 (S | E)

Journalist: Hello everyone, I'm live on BBC for the national month of the hispanic heritage, with an Latin-American citizen. Hello miss so what's your name ?
Latin-American: Hello my name is Maria Negra.
Journalist: I't's a very special name , what's your origin ?
Latina:My father is from Cuba and my mother is Mexican.
Journalist: Well and why had ancestors immigrate to the United-States [7] ?
Latina: My grandfather immigrate [8] to *** United-States [7] for escape [9] at the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1955 and he wanted to return to Cuba after the end of dictatorship but the country was very poor, he didn't want his family to live in poverty. [10]
Journalist: Hmmm ok and what about your mother?
Latina: My mother immigrated to the United States in 1980 to escape at the drug lords , because they killed her family.
Journalist:Ohhh it's sad history,after this sad story where are you live today ?
Latina: Today , me and my family live in Miami.
Journalist: It's your parents who have decide to live in Miami ?
Latina: Yes because in Miami , we do not feel excluded, my parents are in their element, there are many Latin-American people.
Journalist:Did your parents find a job in the USA ?
Latina: fortunately Yes, but nothing glorious , my mother works as a cleaner in a villa and my father does odd jobs (here and there)
Journalist: And you did you do studies
Latina: My parents did not have the means to pay my studies but I was lucky enought to obtain a bourse .

Merci pour votre aide très complète , je crois avoir corrigé toutes mes fautes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2014 07:25

Réponse: Aide/ Dialogue de kolimang, postée le 30-03-2014 à 19:26:54 (S | E)

Il reste des erreurs non corrigées parmi celles signalées dans mon message précédent. Je les remets en évidence ici.

Par ailleurs, vous devez revoir la construction de la forme interrogative. Certaines questions que vous avez essayé d'améliorer sont tout aussi erronées qu'avant. Pour plusieurs des questions de votre dialogue, l'auxiliaire que vous devez utiliser est did (do au prétérit).

Exemple :
Where did your brother learn to cook so well ?
-> Where = mot interrogatif ; did = auxiliaire ; your brother = sujet ; learn = verbe (base verbale, c'est l'auxiliaire qui se conjugue) ; to cook so well = complément

Journalist: Hello everyone, I'm live on BBC for the national month of the hispanic heritage, with an Latin-American citizen. Hello miss so what's your name ?
Latin-American: Hello my name is Maria Negra.
Journalist: It's a very special name , what's your origin ?
Latina:My father is from Cuba and my mother is Mexican.
Journalist: Well and why had (why did + sujet + verbe...) ancestors immigrate to the United-States [7] ?
Latina: My grandfather immigrate (à conjuguer au passé) to *** (manque le déterminant) United-States [7] for (pas la bonne préposition devant un infinitif) escape [9] at (escape sth ou escape from sth, mais pas at) the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1955 and he wanted to return to Cuba after the end of dictatorship but the country was very poor, he didn't want his family to live in poverty. [10]
Journalist: Hmmm ok and what about your mother?
Latina: My mother immigrated to the United States in 1980 to escape at the drug lords , because they killed her family.
Journalist:Ohhh it's sad history,after this sad story where are (utilisez l'auxiliaire do au présent) you live today ?
Latina: Today , me and my family live in Miami.
Journalist: It's your parents who have decide to live in Miami ? --> revoir la construction de la question et la conjugaison (have decide ne peut être correct)
Latina: Yes because in Miami , we do not feel excluded, my parents are in their element, there are many Latin-American people.
Journalist:Did your parents find a job in the USA ?
Latina: fortunately they did, but nothing glorious , my mother works as a cleaner in a villa and my father does odd jobs (here and there)
Journalist: And what about you? Did you study at university?
Latina: My parents did not have the means to pay my studies but I was lucky enought to obtain a scholarship. (--> voir aussi variantes proposées dans mon précédent message)

Réponse: Aide/ Dialogue de notrepere, postée le 30-03-2014 à 21:17:25 (S | E)

"Latina" is correct: Lien internet

Réponse: Aide/ Dialogue de kolimang, postée le 30-03-2014 à 22:45:03 (S | E)
Hello notrepere,

J'avais cherché si le mot Latina figurait sur Word Reference, ce qui ne semble pas être le cas, et je me suis contenté de ça, je n'ai pas pris la peine de consulter plusieurs sources.

Merci de me corriger.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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