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Oral/ lieux et formes pouvoir

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Oral/ lieux et formes pouvoir
Message de meghan66mm posté le 31-03-2014 à 18:36:28 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je passe bientôt mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais savoir si c'était possible que vous corrigiez mon texte s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance

I am exploring the concept of "Places and forms of power." Indeed it is an interesting notion that is diversified and original songs that can speak many of the emblematic places of institutional power (Court Castle parliament, prison, court, capital, etc.) Or power in history (Fight for equality and freedom, conquests and wars, the right to vote). For me, power is the ability of one or more persons to impose something to someone, such as law. But to present the notion I prefer to talk about power and Its English representation and more particularly to the art and the language.
the art is a means to promote power and spread it on global scale.

In the first part, I will talk about the different art forms that can show the Anglo-Saxon power, then the power of English in the world.

First, talk about official ceremony. They are representative of an institution and help the people Federate the people of a nation around very symbolical moments.
In the united sattes, the présidential inauguration is a very solemn moment during which the president takes an oath ( often on the bible) on capitol hill, followed by the inaugural address and a parade down pennsylvania. however, other symbols are shown the power of a country such as sculptures. For example, the mount rushmore located in. south dakota, which is Meant to stand as a symbol of the united states.
Where much, official portraits participated in the propaganda and the promotion of an ideology. Famous examples include Gower’s portrait of Elisabeth I of England , the Armada Portrait ( 1588), in which she is represented in all her glory with all the attributes of power.

The Anglo-Saxon power is also present with his English language. English is undoubtedly now the universal language and can be understood almost everywhere in the scientific world and among educated people, it is also the language of film, television, pop music and world IT. Across the globe, people know at least a few words in English. The rise of English in diplomacy began in 1919, after the First World War, when the Treaty of Versailles was written in English and French, the dominant language of diplomacy until then. moreover, English, is one of the less complex and easier languages in the world. Of course, the concept of ease is relative, and it depends on the language you already know. However, the concept of simplicity is undeniable: English is an easy language to learn, understand and speak. A report published by the British Council estimated that 2 billion people learn English during the next decade. But even then, more than two thirds of the planet does not speak English ...

The Anglo Saxon power is represented in different ways either by statues of mythical places, or by its English language, which allows to show the influence of Anglo-Saxon power in the world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2014 18:47


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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