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Message de qwanli posté le 02-04-2014 à 16:09:30 (S | E | F)
Voici mon oral de bac sur la notion Idea of progress, pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît ? ;)

I'm going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. We studied a lot of documents about designer babies. A designer baby can refer to the use of Preimplantation genetic diagnosis to select desired qualities of a child.

We can wonder why can the debate on designer babies be a controversy ?

In first, we will show that advantadges of designer babies and in second, we will show disadvantage.

In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen three document :
-the first document is Human Possibilities, It's an extract from Gattaca, written by Andrew NICOL. Gattaca is a sci-fi movie that raised issures of genetic engineering in a totalitarian environment.
-the second document is no girls, please ! We're indian ! It's an extract from a web article published on the 8 March 2010.
-and the third is A Baby, please ! Blond, with Green Eyes... It's an extract from a news paper puplishe on the 12 february 2009.

I We started by the advantages of designer babies. So, The benefits of this medical intervention are boundless. it is possible to select your baby’s gender with an incredibly small margin of error. This is only the beginning of the things that will soon be possible with genetic engineering : we will can optimizing the traits of a child through genetic selection, and even alter your potential child cosmetically.
In The human possibilities, Maria and Antonio want a designer babies. They can use PGD ( Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ) to chose the gender, to eradicate any potentially prejudicial condition like myopia, alcoholisme and addictive possibility, propensity for violence and obesity... And they can chose abilities of the future baby.
In A Baby, please ! Blond, with Green Eyes...The autor inform us that Los Angeles clinic, Fertility Institute work out a new genetic diagnosis technique like a choice of gender, eyes color, hair color and complexion along with screening for genetic diseases.

II However the PGD( Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ) is limited. In fact, The choosing of embryos brings to the forefront a large moral issue with designer babies. Many embryos are created, and not as many are implanted into the mother. Many people, especially those who are pro-life, view this aspect as a huge problem in the creation of designer babies. If many embryos are going to be thrown away, they should not be created.
If designer babies were to become commonplace, individuality as we know it would most likely cease to exist. many people would be pretty, healthy, and intelligent.
Another potential long term problem of designing babies lies in societies in which one gender or other important characteristic is favored over the other. In no girls, please ! We're indian ! boys are favored over girls, for cultural reasons : boy inherit the land, girls have to pay a hefty dowry when they get married. Today there are 3 times more boys and girls In india.
Creating a generation of genetically modified humans could mess with evolution in unpredictable ways. Without diversity in the species, adaptation to the new environment is more difficult without a wide range of individuals to choose from.

In Conclusion, I cannot help thinking that If we find an egg that does not carry the gene, we can implant it and reduce the chances for this disease greatly. This also means less money will be spent in hospitals for medical treatments needed for a sick child in the future.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-04-2014 19:10


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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