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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de gwenap posté le 02-04-2014 à 18:13:52 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais que l'on m'aide pour la correction de mon texte en anglais; je l'ai fait à l'aide du dictionnaire "wordreference" pour quelques mots et expressions.
Je vous remercie vraiment de m'aider.

First of all, the Advertisement that I chose, comes from a website and concerns the theme of global warming.
Now, I’ll describe it you for a better understanding.
For a start, the main thing that we see when we look it, is timer. But inside of this object we can see two differents univers.
In effect, the first image in the part upper of the timer, represent an icy pole.
And in the second picture in the part bottom of the timer show the earth with life.
Afterwards the background is totally grey, maybe for we just look at the picture.

In this way, we understand that the icy smelt* carry on to progress and the timer is there to get at every one to understand that we have no more time to try to save this land,
and the water which fall which represent the time which spent drown more and more* our earth, that mean if we don’t make anything right now against global warming wich cause the icy smelt and other problem , our earth will death, one top of that we read « Act now before it’s too late », so this aim of this publicity is to get people to realize that we must do something against global warming, and for protect our earth and icy pole.

*icy smelt = fonte des glaces.
*more and more => je veux dire de plus en plus ? je pense que ce n'est pas bon.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-04-2014 19:01


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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