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European union/aide

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European union/aide
Message de eliseclerget posté le 03-04-2014 à 17:15:51 (S | E | F)
j'ai écrit ce texte à la suite de la leçon "grand format" du site concernant l'Union Européenne. Je souhaiterais avoir quelques corrections s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance.

The European Union :

The E.U. is an economic and political union between different countries located all around Europe and which are allied in this Union. At the begging they were 6 but nowadays there are 28 member states.
On the flag the different stars represents each one a country part of the European Union.
The headquarter of this Union is in Brussels in Belgium. It’s an intergovernmental union and the negotiations take place in the different headquarters. This organization allowed the member state to obtain peace and for that, there are many institutions for example : European council, European Bank and Parliament. The EU citizens vote every 5 years to elect the Parliament members.

At the beginning of the Union, there were only 6 states, and the Union was named the Coeal and Steel Community. It was created after the WW2 in 1951 by Italy, France, Germany and UK and Belgium and Luxemburg.
In the course of the time, it has grown in size by the accession of new states. The Treaty which finally creates THE European Union happened in Maastricht in 1993.
Through the member states, today, a single market has been developed. All the borders and the passports controls have been abolished. The people and the merchandize, services, goods and capital are all in free movement in the area, named the Shengen area.
There is also the same policy concerning agriculture or fishing for example.
Of course, the currency is the same in approximately every states: it’s the Euro and it was established in 2002. They are 18 states to have adopted this currency.
The EU is considered to be a potential superpower; however there isn’t any common army. There are over 500 million inhabitants.

In the European Union there are 28 member states. And the Union isn’t done; it will expand further in the future. Every country pay a membership due and their inhabitants vote the laws they follow and are citizens of the European Union. That is really nice because the citizens of the European Area are free to live, work or retire in any of the other countries belonging to the EU. So if you think that your country is too hot or cold, or too small or big, you can easily move to another place.
But the organization of the Union isn’t as easy as it looks like and there exist many exceptions, for example: Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein aren’t part of the EU but allow the European inhabitants even though to live in there state, and moreover their citizens are also free to go in any other place. For these 3 countries it isn’t free to belong to this Union and they have to pay membership fees. The European Union plus these 3 states form the European Economic Area.
We all know that there is a single country that is always neutral and independent: Switzerland. So the Swiss don’t take part to the EU but they are integrated in the Schengen area. Speaking about, in that area, there are no border officers or passport checks. Of course, as everything is not as simple as it seems, there are 2 exceptions: the UK and The Republic of Ireland. (Because they are islands, so you need a passport to go in).
The European common currency is the Euro (€), and not every countries adopted the Euro in 2001, for example the UK keep it (£) pounds and also Denmark whose currency is Krona. Despite not being part of the EU, Monaco, the city of Vatican, San Marino and Andorra are allowed to print and use the Euro.
To sum up, there are 4 zones in the European Union:
1. The European Union with 28 member states
2. The Eurozone the 28 states + the 4 tiny countries (Monaco, San Marino …)
3. The European Economic Area ( + Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)
4. The Schengen area ( + Switzerland)
The Spanish and Portuguese Islands like Azores, Canary Islands and Madeira are also part of the Union because it’s property of Spain and Portugal. The French DOM TOMs which are located in Caribbean, next to the coast of Madagascar and in South America are up to the EU. They are named: the Outermost Regions of the European Union.
The UK also owns about 19 territories; in general the situations of these Outermost Regions are the same than the continental countries: their citizens have the European citizenship and the freedom to live in a European member state too, but the other EU citizens like Germans or Italians for example can’t freely move to these territories.

The history of the EU :

The story of the European Union begins in 1951 with the formation of coal & steel community : when France, Italy, West Germany and the 3 Benelux countries agree to unify their coal and steel markets.
The originator of this alliance was Robert Schuman a French minister. 6 years later, the 6 countries signed the treaty of Rome creating the European Economic Community. In 1961, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark applied to join the Community, and they had been allowed to join in 1973. In 1981, Greece took part of the EEC, after the first European elections in 1979. The EU enlarged in 1986, with the venue of Spain and Portugal. After that, in 1990, after the fall of the Soviet Union, West Germany which was under Communist Power joined the Union. In 1995, Austria, Finland and Sweden had been allowed to join too. To finish, in 2004, 8 former communist countries along with Malta and Cyprus became members and in 2008 Romania and Bulgaria also adhered to the European Union.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2014 19:05


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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