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Oral/Spaces and exchanges

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Oral/Spaces and exchanges
Message de mgilibe1 posté le 06-04-2014 à 09:33:54 (S | E | F)
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider svp s'il vous plaît?
J'aurais besoin d'une correction car je passe mon oral blanc cette semaine.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I’m going to tell you about the notion “spaces and exchanges”. To speak about this notion I’ve chosen to speak of the media since they enable the exchange of information. In my argumentation, I’ll try to answer the question: “Are we better informing since the globalisation of news?”
First I’ll try to explain the new aspects of the media today
Then we’ll see how the globalisation of news permits to everybody to receive the information
After that we’ll analyse the other side of the coin of this globalisation.

One of the major developments in the most recent years is the internet and the different social networks: Face book, Twitter, Skype…they are changing the way we live and communicate today. Now, the media are not any more restricted to the circle of the journalists but all citizens can play a role in the media. That idea is well illustrated in the text “Is new media killing Journalism”, a press article, in which the author clearly say that we have more information, debate and reporting of our world than ever before. Moreover thanks to internet information travels faster than before. The news media have increased the rhythm of exchanges a lot. Therefore the notion of space has been modified.

The globalisation and the news media have opened boarders and enable us to communicate with people abroad faster and easier. In fact we can exchange with other people thanks to the blogs which leads to the growth of diversity, to the exchange of different cultures. Thus the media have become the chief transmitters of culture. One of the positive aspects is that there is a spreading of information, there is cultural exchange and this can lead to a cultural growth worldwide. In this way with Globalization, the world has become a small village.

On the other hand the fast development of globalisation of news has some disadvantages: there is a lot of false information available, people can become addicted and spend less time with friends and family. Nevertheless the most dangerous idea is the spread of false information, or when the media focalize on one aspect of the news, so they clearly influence the population into believing that it is most important piece of news. That idea is well illustrated in the text The Merchant of Chaos, an extract from a novel, in which one of the detectives clearly denounces how the media by exaggerating things aggravating a starting riot in L.A. If this error happened globally, the consequences will be devastating.

In recent decades, the media has promoted the vision of a world in process of unification, largely as a result of the news media to dissolve borders and speed communication. I think the globalisation of news is inevitable, thus we need to control its growth, to keep only the positives aspects. So I believe that with globalisation we are better informing. Nevertheless it has become difficult to know if the information is true or not because of abuse of authority by some media.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-04-2014 09:55

Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de mgilibe1, postée le 06-04-2014 à 19:53:17 (S | E)
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger s'il vous plait? J'ai vraiment besoin de vous.

Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de ironman18, postée le 07-04-2014 à 07:53:05 (S | E)
Très bien argumenté , très clair je pense que tu peux t'attendre à une (très) bonne note .

Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 07-04-2014 à 16:42:12 (S | E)
I’m going to tell you about the notion “spaces and exchanges”. To speak about this notion I’ve chosen to speak of the media since they enable the exchange of information. In my argumentation, I’ll try to answer the question: “Are we better informing(participe passé) since the globalisation of news?”
First I’ll try to explain the new aspects of the media today
Then we’ll see how the globalisation of news permits to (trop français, utilisez allow)everybody to receive the information
After that we’ll analyse the other side of the coin of this globalisation.

One of the major developments in the most recent years is the internet and the different social networks: Face book, Twitter, Skype…they are changing the way we live and communicate today. Now, the media are not any more restricted to the circle of the journalists but all citizens (on dirait plutôt every citizen) can play a role in the media. That idea is well illustrated in the text “Is new media killing Journalism”, a press article, in which the author clearly says that we have more information, debate and reporting of our world than ever before. Moreover thanks to the internet,(virgule, pause dans la voix) information travels faster than before. The news media have increased the rhythm of exchanges a lot. Therefore the notion of space has been modified.

The globalisation and the news media have opened boarders(quel sens? ah borders, les frontières?)) and enable us to communicate with people abroad faster and easier. In fact we can exchange with other people thanks to the blogs which leads to the growth of diversity, to the exchange of different cultures. Thus the media have become the chief transmitters of culture. One of the positive aspects is that there is a spreading of information, there is cultural exchange and this can lead to a cultural growth worldwide. In this way with Globalization, the world has become a small village.

On the other hand the fast development of globalisation of news has some disadvantages: there is a lot of false information available, people can become addicted and spend less time with friends and family. Nevertheless the most dangerous idea is the spreading of false information, or when the media focalize on one aspect of the news, so they clearly influence the population into believing that it is the most important piece of news. That idea is well illustrated in the text The Merchant of Chaos, an extract from a novel, in which one of the detectives clearly denounces how the media , by exaggerating things, aggravating(présent simple) a starting riot in L.A. If this error happened globally(sens? mauvais temps par rapport au futur qui suit), the consequences will be devastating.

In recent decades, the media has promoted the vision of a world in process of unification, largely as a result of the news media to dissolve (mauvaise cnstruction)borders and speed communication. I think the globalisation of news is inevitable, thus we need to control its growth, to keep only the positives aspects. So I believe that with globalisation we are better informing(participe passé informés, pas informants). Nevertheless it has become difficult to know if the information is true or not because of abuse of authority by some media.

Réponse: Oral/Spaces and exchanges de mgilibe1, postée le 08-04-2014 à 22:38:58 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, c'est vraiment gentil


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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