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Correction/exposé Londres

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/exposé Londres
Message de inconnu1707 posté le 08-04-2014 à 19:58:36 (S | E | F)
Good morning everybody

Je suis actuellement en classe de 3ème et je dois bientôt donner un exposé sur le thème de Londres avec une amie mais le problème est que je ne suis pas très douée dans cette matière.. C'est pour cela que j'aimerais savoir s'il serait possible que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger mon début de texte xxx. Je vous en serai vraiment très reconnaissante.
Merci de votre future aide.

Voici mon texte:
Good Morning everybody. Today, we are going to speak about London. First about presentation of London, then about localization, after about the most famous buildings and next about Specialities. Finally we are going to tell you about Sports.

First of all, I will explain you why we are giving a presentation on London. The answer is because I'm fond of this city with its famous buildings, its language, its Specialities and its Sports, so does Aurélien. I have already been to London once and hope to return soon. Moreover, London is the biggest city and the most famous city in the United Kingdom that's why it's one of our favourite cities in the world.

After the introduction, I'm going to tell you about presentation of London. London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and it's the biggest town in England with more than 1500 km2. It is an important business and financial centre. Many people live in London, that's why this city has more than 7 million inhabitants.

Now, I'm going to speak about localization. London is located in Europe in the south of the United Kingdom next to Ireland, France and Belgium. The neighbouring towns of London are Andover, Oxford and Cambridge.

After speaking about localization, I'm going to tell you about the most famous buildings in London. London has many famous monuments: for example, the clock entitled Big Ben which is the most represented icon of London, the Buckingham Palace which is the Official residence of the Royal family since 1837 and the residence of the Queen of England Elizabeth II, the Tower Bridge which is one of the most famous bridges in the world and the famous cathedral St Paul's which was built in the 17 century. Moreover The Eye of London which is the largest big wheel in Europe is very famous too, so does Kensington palace which is one of royal family residences and Westminster Abbey which is the most famous church in London.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-04-2014 21:28

Réponse: Correction/exposé Londres de inconnu1707, postée le 09-04-2014 à 15:02:11 (S | E)
S'il vous plait, c'est urgent.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-04-2014 18:49

Réponse: Correction/exposé Londres de bluestar, postée le 09-04-2014 à 15:32:11 (S | E)

Good Morning everybody. Today, we are going to speak about London. First about presentation of London, then about localization (location?), after about the most famous buildings and next about Specialities (landmarks?). Finally we are going to tell you about Sports.

First of all, I will explain you why we are giving a presentation on London. The answer is because I'm fond of this city with its famous buildings, its language, its Specialities and its Sports, so does Aurélien. I have already been to London once and hope to return soon. Moreover, London is the biggest city and the most famous city in the United Kingdom that's why it's one of our favourite cities in the world.

After the introduction, I'm going to tell you about presentation of London. London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and it's the biggest town city in England with an area of more than 1500 km2. It is an important business and financial centre. Many people live in London, that's why this city has more than 7 million inhabitants.The population of the London metropolitan area is 8 million Now, I'm going to speak about localization. London is located in Europe in the southeast of the England United Kingdom next to Ireland, France and Belgium about an hours flying time from Paris and Brussels. The neighbouring towns of London are Andover, Oxford and Cambridge.

After speaking about localization (location?), I'm going to tell you about the most famous buildings in London. London has many famous monuments: for example, the clock entitled called Big Ben which is the most represented ('familiar' serait mieux) icon of London, the Buckingham Palace which is the oOfficial residence of the Royal family since 1837 and the residence of the Queen of England Elizabeth II, the Tower Bridge which is one of the most famous bridges in the world and the famous cathedral St Paul's which was built in the 17th century. Moreover The Eye of London which is the largest big wheel in Europe is very famous too, so does Kensington Ppalace which is one of royal family residences and Westminster Abbey which is the most famous church in London.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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