Oral /Idea of progress
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basOral /Idea of progress
Message de loline18 posté le 27-04-2014 à 15:21:25 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous m'aider à identifier mes fautes de temps ou de languesvp s'il vous plaît?
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.
This year in english we are studied the concept Idea of progress. He can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific, or social advance whic contributes to making the world a better place
At first i will talk about the sentence to shame, then i going talk about facebook and rentafriend.
The sentence to Shame
In classe we are studied the shaming punishment. Normally ween you commet a crime you can be sent to jail, pay a fine ans you can be sentence to shame.
We are studied several axample
EX a man cheated on his wife. As a consequence he is standig on a street corner so that everybody can see him placartd he is carrying
The 2nd ex A sholifter is forced to stand in front of a grocery store to deter other people from stealing.
I think that shaming punishement is a good dettenrent. Moreover There are less felons in Jails.
Nevertheless they can affect the whole family
Facebook is a social network. You can chat with they friend and share a pictures for exemple.
You can keep contact whith friends.
Nevertheless you can be an addict.
In class we catched a spoof vidéo entilled facebook manners It is a spoff vidéo wich deals with social network and more precisely facebook.
The scène is set in the 1950's dyrung the cold war when facebook dont exist.
The document entends to denounce the way some people use facebook.
Rentafriend.com is a webs site who we can pay for a friend.
In classe you are reard a article about rentafriend.
A reporter had tested this exerience. Usually a friend cost 40 $ per/hour
In the US the website maintains with 218000 names on it. Apparently 2000 people pay to subscribe in oder to find a friend
This website can be a good solution suffering grom loneliness
This site is undergoing many critical
With this website some seeas a new prostitution.
To conclude the world has changed with the time. Today some sites like facebook and Rentafrien are citicized
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2014 15:31
Message de loline18 posté le 27-04-2014 à 15:21:25 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous m'aider à identifier mes fautes de temps ou de langue
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.
This year in english we are studied the concept Idea of progress. He can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change a technical, scientific, or social advance whic contributes to making the world a better place
At first i will talk about the sentence to shame, then i going talk about facebook and rentafriend.
The sentence to Shame
In classe we are studied the shaming punishment. Normally ween you commet a crime you can be sent to jail, pay a fine ans you can be sentence to shame.
We are studied several axample
EX a man cheated on his wife. As a consequence he is standig on a street corner so that everybody can see him placartd he is carrying
The 2nd ex A sholifter is forced to stand in front of a grocery store to deter other people from stealing.
I think that shaming punishement is a good dettenrent. Moreover There are less felons in Jails.
Nevertheless they can affect the whole family
Facebook is a social network. You can chat with they friend and share a pictures for exemple.
You can keep contact whith friends.
Nevertheless you can be an addict.
In class we catched a spoof vidéo entilled facebook manners It is a spoff vidéo wich deals with social network and more precisely facebook.
The scène is set in the 1950's dyrung the cold war when facebook dont exist.
The document entends to denounce the way some people use facebook.
Rentafriend.com is a webs site who we can pay for a friend.
In classe you are reard a article about rentafriend.
A reporter had tested this exerience. Usually a friend cost 40 $ per/hour
In the US the website maintains with 218000 names on it. Apparently 2000 people pay to subscribe in oder to find a friend
This website can be a good solution suffering grom loneliness
This site is undergoing many critical
With this website some seeas a new prostitution.
To conclude the world has changed with the time. Today some sites like facebook and Rentafrien are citicized
Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2014 15:31
Réponse: Oral /Idea of progress de adeline1995, postée le 27-04-2014 à 18:35:09 (S | E)
Bonjour !
j'ai passé cette épreuve l'année dernière et je me souviens la galère que c'était ! Bref, je suis pas bilingue mais je me débrouille et j'aurais changé quelques petites choses
d'abord pas "He" au début mais par exemple tu peux mettre "this notion".
ensuite à la place de at frist tu peux dire "first of all" ma prof' nous disais que ça passais mieux
"then i going talk about facebook and rentafriend." J'aurais mis plutot then, i'm going to talk about...
"You can chat with they friend and share a pictures for exemple." Plutot que they friend j'aurais dis your friend
je ne sais pas si keep contact se dis, c'est possible sinon t u as keep in touch (rester en contact)
en espérant t'avoir aider ! Bon courage pour ton épreuve !
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais