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Oral-Myths and heroes

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Oral-Myths and heroes
Message de sherlockette17 posté le 29-04-2014 à 15:02:19 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous me donner votre avis sur ma synthèse sur la notion "Mythes et Héros", et m'aider à corriger les fautes de langue, s'il vous plait? Merci d'avance!!
Juste en information, je me suis basée sur mes cours et sur un site internet pour avoir des informations plus précises : Lien internet


I'm going to talk about «myths and heroes». First, I want to give a definition af a hero : a hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or mabye a role model or an icon. A hero can be a patriotic or a national hero such as a sportsman, a politican, a human rights defender. Besides a hero can be fictitious : it's the case for superheroes. In English class, we studied three national heroes who became model for the world : Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mendela. We can wonder how these leader of national movements have become heroes for people around the world. For his purpose, I'm going to present these three personnalities.

First, Gandhi is the emblematic figure of the independance of India. He was the peeminent leader of Indian nationalism. He was born an October the 2nd 1869. Gandhi studied law in Great Britain, in London. His first employed non-violent civil desobedience as an expriate lawyer in South Africa, in the resident Indian community's struggle for civil rights. He organized meeting, demonstration. He resisted the police. This shows his determination : he sacrified his own body. In 1914, Gandhi returned to India. He became leader of the Indian National Congress. He led national compaigns for alleviating poverty, expanding women's right, putting an end to caste discrimination. His ultimate objective was self-rule for India. In 1930, he led a landmark 320km march to the seo in oder to collect salt in symbolic defiance of the government monopoly. He wanted to challenge the Empire and provoke it, expecting a reaction from its part. Gandhi gathered people on the way : many people joined him. This demonstration was severly repressed : the international community acclaimed Gandhi. It's with this march that he became a hero. His personnality made a great impact on people thanks to his human qualities : modest, humble, considering every body on an equal foot... He embodies the non-violent desobedience and the peace in the world. Gandhi's personnality make him a hero !

Contrary to Gandhi, Martin Luther King used his charisma. He delivered many speeches. The most famous is the speech that he delivered on August 28th , 1963, in Washington, in front of the statue of Lincoln, after a long and exhausting protest march. It was «I have a dream». Over one million people, mostly blacks, from all walks of life and from many different states, were gathered their to claim equality between balck and white people. During his speech, he made gestures. He convinced his audience with his intonation. He was a symbol of the Civil Rights movement in the United States. He was a great apostle of the equality and the non-violence. Martin Luther King became a hero with the powerful of speeches in front of immense crowd !

Finally, a third man became a hero by an other way. It's Nelson Mandela. He was a lawyer. He became increasingly involved with the African National Congress (ANC), a multi-racial nationalist movement that it tried to bring about political change in South Africa. By the late 1950s, the government harded the discriminations : that's why, the ANC decided to move in a more radical direction. In March 1960, 69 black anti-apartheid demonstrators were killed by the police. The government banned the ANC. Consequently Mandela founded the military section of the ANC which it called «the spear of the Nation». He was arrested on August 5th , 1962, and he went on a trial. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was held in Robben Island prison, of the coast of Cape Town. During his year in prison, he became on international symbol of resistance to Apartheid. In 1990, the South African government responded to internal and international pressure and released Mandela. The government autorized the ANC. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Mandela was elected its first black president in 1994 after the first multi-racial election. Mandela is a hero by his imprisonment and with his intelligence. Nelson Mandela is one of the most inspiring figures of the 20th century.

To conclude, we can say that these three men became heroes by different ways : non-violence and humans qualities for Gandhi ; famous speeches for Martin Luther King and resistance to an oppressive regime for Nelson Mandela. I consider them like heroes !!

Réponse: Oral-Myths and heroes de blablabla, postée le 29-04-2014 à 17:28:26 (S | E)
Bonjour j'aurais aussi besoin d'un avis sur ma présentation:
In nowadays times, a hero is someone who helps the world being better and achieves acts for what he believes. More over, a hero needs courage and he has to fulfilled other's dreams. Unlike the ancient time, a hero doesn't need to be famous. Besides, a hero can become a myth: it depends how big is the achievment. So I will focuse on the term heroe.
But, is a hero for ever a hero ?
I would like to illustrate this notion through three icons: Mandela, Ben Johnson and Oscar Pistorius and through the typhoon Haiyan in Phillipines.

First, we've seen a document about the relieved and aids from devellopped countries to the Philippines. It explains that there was a lot of victims after the Typhoon and they lacked food, medicine and drinking water so a lot of country send rescuers like soldiers and firefighters to help the population. Soldiers and firefighters took risks and put other people over themselves so, even if they are anonymous, they are heroes. In crises times, we need heroes, we need to believe, to have faith in something. That's why this document is good to explain this notion to show that a hero is not necessary famous.
Moreover, Mandela is the perfect example to talk about hero because he achieved so many things and because this man became a myth, a legend. We've seen a poster about Mandela. He grabs barbed wire to reminds us he has been locked in for 27 years. More, he rises his fist to show he is victorious. Mandela inspire each and every one of us because he was willing to risk his own life for what he believed in like the abolishment of apartheid. So he had moral values and that's why he became a hero.
We've seen two texts about two other heroes: "our flawed hero has fallen" and "hero?". Oscar Pistorius was a hero because he is disabled, amputed and he was running with the ables. But he was accused of having murdered his wife. Ben Jonhson was also an athlete but he tooks steroids to win. Now he is in wheelchair but he doesn't regret what he did. They both used to be heroes because they were admired by the public for their achievments and they had to have courage to achieve what they achieved.But they did unforgeatable things so they are not anymore heroes. It's sad because the public was trusting them and those both heroes betrayed this confidence.

In my opinion, you can be a hero for improper reasons like fame, good looking or richess. But this kind of heroism is short-lived. Having strong moral values is the fondamental basis of a hero so when you lack moral values, you can become an antihero.
In conclusion, I would say that a true hero like Mandela or some anonymous people is a hero for ever but a mistaken hero will destitute as soon as he makes a wrong move.


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