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English Paper /check

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English Paper /check
Message de thomaswhite posté le 02-05-2014 à 10:27:44 (S | E | F)
Hi everyone !
I'm a sudent in "terminale Scientifique" and I have to do a homework during holidays, here it comes .
Can someone help me by checking it and suggesting any mistake to me, please ?

Whatever their cause might be, a minority can’t overcome the forces against them. Discuss.

A minority is a sociological group category within a society who can be defined thanks to one or more observable human characteristics including, for instance: ethnicity, race, gender, wealth or sexual orientation.
Whatever their cause might be, can a minority overcome the forces against it ?
As a first step, we’ll talk about the origins of these forces, and then, we will explain why a minority can’t thwart these against it.

Firstly, in every known society, there practically has been forces against minorities: whether they are stereotypes, rejects or even discriminations. The causes of these are often linked to the differences between minority and the majority. Usually, the latter will oppress the minority because it wants something from it, that it’ll be a question of territory, wealth or religion. Therefore, knowing the fact of its outnumber, this social group is in a weaken position and can easily suffer the law and strength of the majority.

Secondly, let us take the example of the situation of the Tatars from Crimea, they are legitimate residents of Crimea. However, there are much more Ukrainian who live in Crimea and among these, the majority is pro-russian. Because of this fact, the recent referendum proposing rallying the peninsula to Russia has been, for the most part, answered favourable. Nevertheless, Tatars have been qualifying the vote of 'unfair'. Indeed, the fact that they are outnumbered wasn’t taken into account in a way that their votes weren’t efficient. Afterwards, it will be hard for a minority to access an important position in society whether it is in politics, economy, media or justice. Consequently, it will miss power to defend its cause. So, we can understand why the people coming from minorities aren’t allowed to study in the universities of the societies from which they are discriminated.

To conclude, we can say it’s hard for a social group in minority to overcome the forces against it. However, some countries adopt several laws making the integration of minorities easier and allowing them to get themselves heard." 336 words

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2014 12:45


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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