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Kevin à l'école/Thème

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Kevin à l'école/Thème
Message de lucile83 posté le 04-05-2014 à 10:34:14 (S | E | F)

Voici un autre exercice pour les habitués s'ils le désirent, et pour les débutants, car ce texte est volontairement facile, avec quelques difficultés bien sûr . Vous pouvez essayer de traduire,vous pouvez oser poster votre texte,je vous aiderai par message interne.
La correction sur le forum sera donnée le 18 mai; niveau
See you later

Kevin à l'école
Après plusieurs mois de dur travail Kevin est toujours aussi attentif et motivé en classe. Il va toujours à ses cours de judo et de handball, mais il a récemment abandonné son cours de musique. Il préfère rester à la maison le mercredi matin. Il sait lire et écrire, comme tous ses copains, et il aime beaucoup lire ses livres tout seul. Sa maîtresse a fait un travail remarquable pendant cette année de CP. Je crois que les parents la remercieront chaleureusement quand la fête de l’école aura lieu fin juin.
La fin de l’année scolaire va être chargée avec la visite d’un château, la préparation de la fête de l’école, et la fête elle-même. Beaucoup d’émotions à venir !

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de komiks, postée le 04-05-2014 à 15:34:54 (S | E)
Merci pour ce nouveau thème Lucile !
Je vais m'y mettre ...

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de sanna6, postée le 04-05-2014 à 15:38:49 (S | E)
Oui, merci Lucile pour ce thème ! ...Je vais m'y mettre aussi

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de sbgs, postée le 04-05-2014 à 20:27:08 (S | E)
C'est toujours bien aussi de traduire des textes entiers au lieu de petites phrases, merci pour ça

Si tout va bien, je posterai ma traduction demain

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de sanna6, postée le 04-05-2014 à 23:21:18 (S | E)
Here is my try,

Kevin at school
After several months of intensive work Kevin is always attentive and motivated at school. He's still going to his judo and handball classes, but lately he gave up his music class. He prefers staying at home on Wednesday mornings. He is able to read and write as all of his friends and he really likes reading his books on his own. His teacher did a wonderful work during this CP year. I believe parents will thank her warmly when the school party takes place at the end of June.
The end of the school year is going to be busy with the visit of one castle, the school party organisation and the party itself.
A lot of emotions to come !

Thank you very much for this exercise.

Modifié par sanna6 le 05-05-2014 19:47
Merci pour vos indications

Modifié par sanna6 le 11-05-2014 11:38

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de esperanto, postée le 04-05-2014 à 23:31:10 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile, Je me lance. Mes fautes seront nombreuses, je le sais mais mon but est de progresser. Alors voici ma traduction :

Kevin at the school.

After several months of hard work Kevin is always so careful and motivated in class. He still goes to his judo and handball courses, but he recently gave up his music course. He prefers staying at home on the Wednesday morning. He can read and write, as all his pals, and he loves to read his own books alone. His teacher did a remarkable work during this PC's year. I think that the parents will warmly thank her when the school festival take place at the end of June.

The end of the school year will be charged with the visit of a castle, the preparation of the school festival, and the party itself. A lot of émotions to come !

J'attends avec impatience vos corrections lesquelles me permettront enfin de faire quelques progrès. Merci infiniment.

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de mamou3, postée le 05-05-2014 à 10:00:51 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Nice to see Little Kevin again !

Kevin at school
After several months of hard work, Kevin is still very attentive and motivated in class. He always goes to his judo lessons and handball training but recently he gave his music lesson up. On Wednesday mornings he prefers staying in. He is able to read and write as all of his friends, and he loves a lot reading his books himself. His teacher has made a wonderful work during the first year of primary school. I think parents will thank her warmly when the party takes place at the end of June.
The end of the school year is going to be busy with the visit of a castle, the preparation of the school party and the party itself.
A lot of emotions to come.

Thanks a lot Lucile for this nice exercise !

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de komiks, postée le 07-05-2014 à 15:56:47 (S | E)
Hello lucile,
Thanks for this nice translation.
Here's my try

Kevin at school
After several months of hard work, Kevin is still attentive and motivated in class. He still goes to his judo and handball lessons, but he recently stopped taking his music lesson. He prefers staying at home on Wednesday’s mornings. He can read and write, like all his friends, and he really likes reading his books on his own. His teacher has been doing a remarkable work during this CP year. I think parents will thank her warmly when the school fete takes place at the end of June.
The end of the school year is going to be hectic with the visit of a castle, the preparation of the school fete, and the party itself. A lot of emotions and feelings coming !

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de nany, postée le 08-05-2014 à 16:07:12 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Thank you very much for your text. I post a try for the first time.

Kevin at school,
After several months of hard work, Kevin is still so careful and motivated in school. He is still going to his judo and handball lessons, but he has just give up his music lessons. He prefers staying at home on Wednesdays mornings. He can read and write, like all his classmates, and he likes very much reading his books alone. His teacher has been doing a remarkable work during this first year of primary school.I think the parents are going her to thank cordially when the school party arrives at the end of June.

The end of school year is going to be busy with the visit of a castle, the preparation of the school party and the party itself. A lot of émotions to come

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de alpiem, postée le 09-05-2014 à 22:29:18 (S | E)

After several months of hard work, Kevin is still attentive and motivated in class
He still goes to his judo and handball courses but he has recently withdrawn from his music course.
He prefers to stay at home on wednesday mornings.
He knows how to read and write like all his buddies and he likes very much to read his books alone.
His teacher has done a remarquable work during this CP school year.I think that the parents are going to thank her warmly when the school feast takes place in late june.The end of the schoolyear will be overloaded with the visit of a castel,
then preparing the feast and the feast itself.Much excitement to come!

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de lakata, postée le 10-05-2014 à 19:06:02 (S | E)
Hello lucile and thank you for this new theme!

Kevin at school.
After several months of hard work, Kevin is still as attentive and motivated as ever. He still attends his judo and handball lessons, but gave up his music lessons recently. He would rather stay at home on Wednesday mornings. As all his buddies , he can read and write, and likes reading on his own very much. His teacher has made a remarkable work throughout this CP year. She is likely to be warmly thanked by the parents during the school fete in late June.
The end of the school year should be busy with the visit of a castle, the preparations of the fete and the fete itself. Very exciting emotions are to be expected!

Modifié par lakata le 10-05-2014 22:40

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de notrepere, postée le 11-05-2014 à 01:45:05 (S | E)

Thank you ever so much for this latest installment on Petit Kevin. I was beginning to think that he no longer existed and that he might have been abducted by aliens.

Kevin at school

After several months of hard work, Kevin is still very attentive and motivated in class. He still goes to his judo and handball classes, but he has recently given up his music lessons: he prefers to stay at home on Wednesday mornings. He knows how to read and write, like his friends, and he really enjoys reading books on his own. His teacher has done a remarkable job during this year of primary school. I think the parents will kindly thank her at the school party in June.
The end of the school year will be occupied with the visit to a castle, the preparations for the school party and the party itself. Lots of emotions to come!

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de koreen2012, postée le 11-05-2014 à 13:05:38 (S | E)
Hello Lucile 83 and thank you for this exercise
here is my try

Kevin at school,

After several months of hard work, Kevin is always as attentive as he is motivated. He still goes to his judo and handball lessons but he has recently given up his music courses. The wednesday morning he prefers staying at home. He knows to read and write, like all his friends and he really likes reading his books by himself. His teacher has done a remarkable job during the first year of primary school. I think the parents will warmly thank her when the school party will be held in the end of June.
The end of school year is going to be busy with the visit of the castle, the preparation of the school party and the party itself. A great deal of emotion to come!

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de alice, postée le 11-05-2014 à 17:52:18 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile et Merci pour cet exercice.

Voici ma proposition:

After several months of hard work, Kevin is still so attentive and motivated at school. He still goes to his judo and handball lessons but he recently left his music lessons. He prefers to stay at home on Wednesday mornings. He can read and write like all his friends and he loves reading his books by himself. His teacher has done a remarkable work this first year of primary school. I think the parents will warmly thank her during the school party which take place at the end of June. The end of the school year will be very full with the visit to a castle, the preparation of the school party and the party itself. A lot of emotions to come!

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de lucile83, postée le 15-05-2014 à 08:24:16 (S | E)

Il reste peu de temps aux volontaires pour poster leur traduction Je donnerai le corrigé dimanche matin (le 18).
Bye for now

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de ceriot, postée le 15-05-2014 à 10:13:47 (S | E)
Hi Lucile,
Here is my translation.
I hope I haven't made too many mistakes.

Kevin at school
After several months of hard work Kevin is still so attentive and motivated in classwork. He still goes to his Judo and handball courses, but he has recently abandoned his music course. He prefers to stay at home on Wednesday morning. He can read and write, as all his friends, and he loves read his books alone. His teacher has done a remarkable work during this year two class. I think parents will warmly thank her when the school party will be held at the end of June.
The end of the school year will be full with the visit of a castle, the preparation of the school party, and the party itself. Many emotions to come!

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de dolfine56, postée le 15-05-2014 à 11:03:22 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
thanks a lot

Kevin at school.
After several months of hard work,Kevin is very attentive and motivated in class,he still goes to his judo and handball lesons,but he has recently given up his music courses. On Wednesday morning,he prefers staying at home.He can read and write like all his friends,and he really likes reading his books on his own .His teacher has done a remarkable work during his C.P
year.I think the parents will warmly thank her during the party at the end of June.
The end of the school year is going to be busy with the visit of a castle,the preparation of the school party and the party itself.---a lot of emotions to come...

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de afarodj, postée le 16-05-2014 à 10:02:44 (S | E)

Kevin at school.
After several years of laborious work Kevin is still so regardfull and motivated in class.He always goes to judo and handball practice,though he not long ago has given up the music course.He likes better stay at home on wednesday morning .He is able to read and to write as well as his mates and is fond of reading his books himself.His woman teacher makes a remarkable work all through the year of P.S (Preparatory School).I believe all the parents will be warmly thanking her during the school party which will take place by the end of June.The end of the schoolyear will be loaded with the castle visit the school party then the party itself.Much coming emotion.

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de lucile83, postée le 17-05-2014 à 19:10:57 (S | E)

Attention pour les retardataires, je donnerai le corrigé demain matin, dimanche 18, comme prévu
See you

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de lucile83, postée le 18-05-2014 à 08:51:12 (S | E)

Voici le corrigé au sujet de Little Kevin Merci à tous pour votre participation et vos efforts.
Pour être juste, j'ai vu que j’avais quand même truffé le texte de plus de difficultés que prévu…sorry ! mais vous avez très bien réagi ; bravo !
Congrats to all of you.
See you later hopefully, to share another day with Little Kevin

Kevin at school
After working hard for a few months, Kevin is still as attentive and motivated as ever in class. He still attends his judo and handball lessons, though he has recently given up his music class. He prefers to stay at home instead on Wednesday mornings. He can read and write, like all his fellows, and he very much enjoys reading his books on his own. His teacher has done a noteworthy job through this first year of primary school. I think the parents will thank her warmly when the school party takes place in late June.
The end of the year is going to be busy with the visit to a chateau, the preparation of the school party, and the party itself. A lot of emotion ahead!

Quelques commentaires:

- Attention à l’emploi intempestif du cas possessif: cours de judo etc. A la limite on peut employer un nom composé mais pas un cas possessif.

-Devant un jour précis on utilise ‘on’ et on met le jour au pluriel sauf qu’ici c’est ‘morning’ qu’on devait mettre au pluriel

-Toujours aussi ….attention c’est un comparatif d’égalité : as…as

-…lire ses livres tout seul….certains ont interprété que Kevin aimait être seul dans une pièce pour lire ses livres ; s’il était ado ce serait vraisemblable. Ici il vient d’apprendre à lire et il aime parvenir à lire tout seul, sans l’aide de quelqu’un.

-A venir…to come/coming est une solution. Pour souligner qu’un adverbe est souvent utile j’ai préféré ‘ahead’. Pensez aux adverbes qui peuvent simplifier la vie. Ex : j’espère qu’on se verra bientôt = see you soon hopefully.

-Chateau/ castle.. les deux sont bons car il n’est pas précisé si c’est un château fort (castle) ou château sans fortifications (chateau or château). En outre on peut employer Palace ou autres termes. C’est ainsi que l’on parle de Windsor Castle mais de Buckingham Palace.
Un lien intéressant ici : Lien internet

-J’ai employé ‘first year of primary school’ pour faciliter la compréhension car les équivalences entre les niveaux diffèrent entre l’Angleterre et la France.

-Remercier chaleureusement = thank warmly (ordre des mots)

-Pour ne pas répéter ‘the end of…’ pensez à ‘late’, late May, late summer etc.

-Le titre à ne pas oublier bien sûr.

-Pas de futur dans les subordonnées de temps! …when the school party takes place….on emploie un présent en anglais. Certain(e)s ont déjoué le piège en tournant la phrase autrement !

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de sanna6, postée le 18-05-2014 à 15:33:58 (S | E)

Thank you very much for your exercise and your advice Lucile !
Have a nice afternoon

Réponse: Kevin à l'école/Thème de lucile83, postée le 19-05-2014 à 08:15:09 (S | E)

@ sanna, merci, c'est très gentil.

@ tous, j'ai oublié de préciser que si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez bien sûr les poser soit ici sur ce forum soit par message privé.

Bye for now!


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