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Thème grammatical/ Intermède

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Thème grammatical/ Intermède
Message de here4u posté le 04-05-2014 à 16:41:44 (S | E | F)
Hello All of You !

As promised, here's a 'break' before the following Rewritings ... I don't know whether you'll find this translation more or less difficult (and useful)than the usual exercises ...(You can tell me ...)
Do not hesitate to ask questions or make remarks if necessary (in mps)... May the force be with you! Niveau : ?? '

If I read well, you have work to do for the 18th, and the 26th, as 'an understanding and sympathetic teacher' I didn't want to overwork you, but was told that you liked it ! Therefore, I'll post my collective correction on the 19th of May, so that we can do another exercise by the end of the month ...

Thème grammatical 1 (Intermède entre Reformulations 4 et 5.)

1) Voici une valeur (morale) pour laquelle je suis prête à faire des sacrifices !
2) On ne lui a pas lu d’histoires depuis longtemps ... Le petit garçon est si avide d’apprendre qu’il le réclame ...(il réclame qu'on lui lise des histoires ...)
3) A peine était elle entrée dans l’église qu’un homme vint lui demander de l’argent pour nourrir sa famille ...
4) L’appartement au dessus du mien est vide. On est en train de le repeindre pour la troisième fois de suite !
5) Pourquoi t’entraîner, pourquoi ne pas te reposer, puisque tu ne participeras pas à cette course ?
6) Il n’y a aucune raison que je te refuse cette aide si je peux te soulager un peu !
7) Il avait peur que je me sente seule et abandonnée dans cette grande maison vide et froide ...
8) Il vaut mieux que tu ne mentes pas, cette fois-ci ; Dire la vérité, aussi difficile soit-elle à entendre, est toujours mieux.
9) Il n’y a presque personne mais je leur ai quand même demandé de faire moins de bruit afin que le bébé puisse s’endormir !
10) Il pouvait d’autant moins fumer dans la maison qu’il y avait des enfants dans la pièce.(juste parce que c'est interdit là où il y a des enfants, même en leur abs) Ne traduisez pas les parenthèses ! Merci ...

Bon courage et .... GOOD LUCK !

Suite à des questions, j'ai rajouté quelques précisions ... pas de panique ... traduisez ce qui est écrit !

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2014 07:22

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de sbgs, postée le 04-05-2014 à 20:07:36 (S | E)
This one is the hardest we've had so far! ( I mean, I think )
I'll give you my try tomorrow!

Modifié par sbgs le 05-05-2014 21:06
Oui bon, beaucoup de travail aujourd'hui, à mercredi peut-être....

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 04-05-2014 à 21:44:49 (S | E)
No need to rush sbgs ! I forgot to give you the deadline ... (I'll see with the different exercises on the Forum so that you may have enough time and energy to do all of them if you want !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de komiks, postée le 07-05-2014 à 15:44:09 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Here is my try !
I think this translation is a little more difficult than the rewritings but as useful as them !
Hope I haven't made too many mistakes ...

1) Here is a value (which) I’m ready to make sacrifices for !
2) He hasn't been read a story since a very long time … The little boy is so eager to learn that he begs for it…
3) No sooner had she entered the church than a man came to her and asked for money to feed his family…
4) The flat above us is uninhabited. It is being repainted for the third time in a row !
5) What’s the point of exercising, why not / why don’t you have a rest, since you won’t take part in this race ?
6) There’s absolutely no reason for me to refuse you this help if I can take a weight off your mind !
7) He was afraid that I was going to feel lonely and abandoned in this big empty and cold house …
8) You’d better not lie this time. Telling the truth, no matter how difficult it is, is always the best.
9) There’s almost nobody and I had to ask them to make less noise so that the baby fall asleep / for the baby to fall asleep.
10) He could even less smoke in the house that there were children / kids in the room.

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 07-05-2014 à 17:34:49 (S | E)
Congrats on your shooting first ! Well done komiks ! You're brave !

Not many mistakes, but a few easy ways out ... Pity ... Still a lot of time to improve a few things (ex : Sentence 2, a passive is required ...

Tant pis si ce n'est pas du style conversationnel ... (ça ne l'est pas en français non plus ... C'est un thème grammatical !)

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de sbgs, postée le 07-05-2014 à 17:39:34 (S | E)
As promised, here's my translation!
Harder than I thought it would be

1) Here's a value which I'm willing to make sacrifices for!

2) He hasn't been read stories for a long time... The little little boy is so eager to learn that he even asks for it!

3) A man came to her for money to feed his family as soon as she entered the church.
No sooner had she entered the church than a man came to her for money to feed his children.
( I know you prefer the second sentence )

4) The flat/apartement upstairs is empty. It's being repainted for the third time in a row!

5) What's the point in training and not resting given that you won't participate in the race?

6) Refusing this help has no reason if I'm able to relieve you!

7) He was afraid I would feel lonely and left out in this big empty and cold house.

8) You'd better not be lying this time : Telling the truth, even a hard one, is always the best choice.

9) There's almost no one and I asked them to make less noise in order for the baby to sleep.

10) I really don't know how this kind of translation works, sorry

Modifié par sbgs le 07-05-2014 17:56
j'ai retiré les phrases en français...

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de gerondif, postée le 07-05-2014 à 19:41:09 (S | E)

1) Here is a moral value for which I am ready to do some sacrifices (so she says!)
2) He hasn't been read stories for ages /for a long time. The little boy is so eager to learn that he craves for them / that he begs for stories to be read to him since he is such an avid story-listener.)
3) No sooner had she entered the church (walked into the church) than a man came to her and asked for some money to feed his family.
4) The flat on the floor above is vacant. It is being redecorated/repainted for the third time in a row.
5) Why (should you) train, Why not rest, since you won't take/be taking/ part in that race ?
6) There is no reason why I should refuse you that help if I can help you out a bit/relieve you a little.
7) He was afraid lest I should feel alone (or lonely) and forsaken in that big cold and empty house.
8) You had better not lie this time! Telling the truth, however hard it might be to hear, is always best.
9) Although there were very few people,(although there was hardly anybody) I asked them all the same to make less noise so that the baby might go to sleep and at last stop yelling his head off!
Il n’y avait(serait plus logique) presque personne mais je leur ai quand même demandé de faire moins de bruit afin que le bébé puisse s’endormir !
10) He could all the less smoke in the house (inside) as there were children in the room (simply because it is forbidden to smoke where there are children, even if they are out)

That last sentence would be a nice subject for the oral of the "baccalauréat": Just imagine that!!

space and smoke!!
Smoking or not smoking ?
Should you smoke in the rooms where children live?
Yes, because they will get hooked and dependent pretty fast, buy a packet a day (about 7 euros I am told) and contribute to our economy as VAT is about 80% on cigarettes. Since smoking is dangerous for your health, they will work and pay for their pension but won't live long enough to enjoy it, all the better for our economy!
Ah, but there is a hitch ! Since the younger generations are supposed to pay for their elders' pensions, how will they do it if they start smoking too soon and don't live long enough to contribute to the social services of our fine country?

I get it !! Don't smoke! Enjoy nature which is blooming again in our beautiful spring! Hayfever is hard enough to cope with without having to see tobacco barge into the picture.

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de lakata, postée le 07-05-2014 à 19:59:48 (S | E)
Hello here4u and Co!

1) This is a moral principle/ a virtue that I am ready to make sacrifices for.
2) He hasn't been read any stories for long...The little boy is such an eager learner that he is asking for it.
3) No sooner had she entered the church than a man came to her and begged for money to feed his family.
4) The flat on the next floor up is uninhabited. It's being repainted for the third time in a row (running?)
5) Why are you training instead of having rest / Why are you training, why don't you take some rest, since you're not going to take part to this race? / since you're not going to race?
6) There is no reason for me to refuse this help to you, in so far as I can give you some comfort.
7) He feared I might feel lonely and abandoned in that big empty cold house.
8) You had better not lie this time; telling the truth, difficult as it may be, is always best.
9) There is hardly anybody and I have asked them all the same to be less noisy so that the baby could go to sleep.
10) He was all the less able to smoke inside the house as there were children in the room.

I'm not sure I should say thank you...this exercise was so difficult! But I feel like saying thank you all the same, here4u, as it was so interesting!

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 08-05-2014 à 01:38:43 (S | E)
Hello !
I do think that if you did a group work ... I wouldn't have a lot to suggest ...

Thank you for your work ... but at this hour, thank you for making me laugh when I read you work ... not because it's bad ... of course, but because several among you are funny !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de sbgs, postée le 08-05-2014 à 17:31:58 (S | E)
So now we are funny?
Is it a good thing or a bad thing when it's for translation?

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de lakata, postée le 08-05-2014 à 19:16:43 (S | E)
It doesn't matter whether we're funny or not, the most important thing is to try to make our teacher laugh in order to get good marks!

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 08-05-2014 à 19:36:16 (S | E)
Hello !

Of course it's important to make your teacher happy ... and even more the person marking your exams ...
I always tell my students :' A happy teacher ...... (long pause + making faces! )... is a generous teacher !'The worst being that I do think it's true ... We all like to have papers going out of the dull lot ..., don't we ?

So, do not hesitate to make me/us laugh !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de joe39, postée le 08-05-2014 à 20:47:41 (S | E)
Hello Here4u, bonsoir !

Here is my work I carried out after unprecedented strain of mind.

1) For such a virtue I'm ready to make sacrifices!
2) It's a long time since he was not read stories...The little boy is so eager to learn that he wants them being read to him.
3)Hardly had she entered the church that she was asked for money to feed the family by a man who came to her.
4) The flat above mine is vacant. It's being repainted for the third time in a row.
5) Why are you training yourself and not resting instead, since you won't take part in this race?
5) Since you won't take part in this race, what about have a rest instead of going on training yourself?
6) There is no reason of your refusing this aid, since I can give you a hand and get you relieved a little.
7) He was afraid I felt lonely and forsaken in this big empty and cold house.
8) You'd better not lie this time: Tell the true. Though it might be rather a hard matter to hear, the true is always better than the lie.
9) There was hardly someone, but nonetheless I asked them to make less noise, so that the child could fall asleep.
10) It would have been even less allowed to smoke within the house, since there were the children inside.

Thanking you for the nice exercise, I wish you a pleasant evening.

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 10-05-2014 à 11:37:49 (S | E)

I'll start sending the individual corrections on Monday, ... leaving you the time to change or improve whatever you want !
Hope you're enjoying a long sunny weekend ... Not the case here ...
Enjoy it anyway !
(not for the sun, but for privacy ...)

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de mamou3, postée le 10-05-2014 à 15:33:40 (S | E)
Hello here4u and all of you !
I tried to do this exercise like that :

1. Here is a moral value for which that I'm ready to make sacrifices.
2. He has been reading stories for a long time ...The little boy is so eager to learn that he asks for that again.
3. She had just gone inside the church than a man came to her and asked for money to feed his family.
4. The flat on the floor above the mine is empty. It has being repainted for the third time in a row.
5. Why are you training, why don't you take rest since you won't take part in that race ?
6. There is no reason for me to refuse you that help if it can relieve you a little.
7. He was afraid that I might feel alone and forsaken in that big empty and cold house.
8. It's better you won't lie next time. Saying the truth, so diificult it might be to hear, is always the best.
9. There is hardly anyone but I even though asked them to make less noise so the baby could go to sleep.
10. He was all the less allowed to smoke inside the house as there were children in the room.

Thanks a lot here4u for this new exercise !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de alpiem, postée le 10-05-2014 à 19:26:33 (S | E)
here is my prep

1/Here is a moral value for which I am poised ready to make sacrifices
2/It's been years since he had not been read stories...........The little boy is so eager to learn that he is demanding for it.
3/Hardly had she got into the chapel that a man came begging money of her to feed his familly.
4/the flat above mine is empty.They are repainting it for the third time in a row.
5/Why training, why not resting, since you don't take part in this race?
6/There are no reasons that I refuse to help you, if I can relieve you a bit!
7/He was afraid for me feeling alone and abandoned in this large house ,empty and cold.
8/You'd better not lie this time; telling the truth, however difficult might it be to hear,is always better.
9/There are nearly nobody but I have still asked them to make less noise so that the baby could get asleep.
10/They couldn't even less smoke in the room than there were kids inside.

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 13-05-2014 à 23:36:28 (S | E)

I was told that this translation gave/is giving some of you real headaches ... Sorry ! I didn't mean to trap you in that way ... To comfort you, you may consider it as a if you feel like it ...
Still a lot of time to find your way through the difficulties ... For those of you who were/are quite puzzled by the last sentence, I've just finished a lesson/test which might help ...
Come on ... You can do it ! May the force be with you !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de icare29, postée le 14-05-2014 à 18:58:24 (S | E)
Hello Here 4u
here is my work

I-- Here is an ethical (moral) value for which I am ready to offer some sacrifices
2- he hasn't been read for a very long time .The litle boy is so keen on learning that he claims the stories will be read to him
3-No sooner had she got into the church than a man asked her some money for breeding his family.
4-The flat above mine is empty .Somebody is going to repaint it for the third time on the row
5- Why do you train yourself? . Why don't you release time as you don't take a part in the race ?
6- There is no reason I will reject you this help , If I can relieve you a little bit
7- He was afraid I was felling lonely and left -behind inside this big cold empty house
8 - You had better not to lie this time .Telling the truth, so hard it should be ,is always better
9- There are almost few people , but I asked them to reduce the noise in order that the baby could begin to go asleep
10- He could even less smoke in the house as there were children in the room

Thank you here4u for this good translation , I have appreciated it very much.

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de , postée le 15-05-2014 à 00:30:12 (S | E)

1) This is a moral principle (that) I am ready to make sacrifices for.
2) He hasn't been read any stories for a long time... The youngster is such an avid learner that he is yearning for it.
3) No sooner had she entered the church than a man came to her and asked for some money to feed his family.
4) The apartment above mine is vacant. They're repainting it again for the third time.
5) Why train at all? Why not relax since you're not taking part in that race?
6) There is no reason for me not to help you if I can be of service.
7) He feared I might feel lonely and abandoned in that big, cold, empty house.
8) You had better tell the truth this time. Telling the truth, however difficult it might be (for me) to hear, is always best.
9) Although there weren't many people, I asked them nonetheless to make less noise so that the baby could sleep.
10) He was even less able to smoke inside the house as there were children in the room.

Modifié par notrepere le 15-05-2014 04:07

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de , postée le 16-05-2014 à 09:45:39 (S | E)
Good morning here4u!

1) This is a moral standard for which I'm prepared to make sacrifices!

2 ) He hasn't been read any stories for a long time... The little boy is so eager to learn, he's asking for them.

3) She had hardly entered the church when a man came up and asked her for money to feed his family…

4) The apartment upstairs is empty. It's being repainted for the third time in a row!

5) Why are you training? Why not relax instead, as you're not competing in this race?

6) There's no reason for me to refuse to help you when I can lighten your load a little!

7) He was afraid that I felt alone and abandoned in that big, cold, empty house...

8) It's better not lie this time. Telling the truth, however difficult to hear, is always better.

9) There's hardly a soul but all the same I've asked them to make less noise so that the baby can fall asleep!

10) All the more reason not to allow him to smoke in the house, as there were children in the room.

Happy birthday! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de ng, postée le 16-05-2014 à 10:10:52 (S | E)
Hello here4u !

1) This is a worth I'm ready to make sacrifices for.
2) He hasn't been read stories for a long time... The little boy is so eager for learning that he asks for it...
3) No sooner had she entered the church than a man came and asked her money to feed his family.
4) The apartment above is empty. It is being repainted for the third time in a row.
5) Why are you training, why don't you relax if you don't take part in this race?
6) There is no reason I refuse you that help if I can relieve you a little bit!
7) He was afraid I felt alone and abandoned in this big empty cold house...
8) You'd better not lie to me this time; telling the truth, as difficult as it is, is always better.
9) Non c'è troppa gente ma ho chiesto loro di fare meno rumore in modo che il bimbo possa addormentarsi! There are hardly no one but I asked them to be less noisy so that the baby could sleep.
10) He could even less being allowed to smoke in the house that there were children in the room. / Even less could he was allowed to smoke in the house that there were children in the room.

I hope I made you laugh, just enough for a nice day!

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de lucile83, postée le 17-05-2014 à 08:07:03 (S | E)
Here's my try. Hope it's not too bad
Thanks for that exercise! Have a nice weekend

1) Voici une valeur (morale) pour laquelle je suis prête à faire des sacrifices !
This is a moral principle that I am ready to sacrifice for !

2) On ne lui a pas lu d’histoires depuis longtemps ... Le petit garçon est si avide d’apprendre qu’il le réclame ...
He has not been told any story for a long time… The little boy is so eager to learn that he is begging for that …

3) A peine était-elle entrée dans l’église qu’un homme vint lui demander de l’argent pour nourrir sa famille ...
No sooner had she entered the church than a man came and asked her for some money to feed his family..

4) L’appartement au-dessus du mien est vide. On est en train de le repeindre pour la troisième fois de suite !
The flat above mine is empty. It is being repainted for the third time in a row!

5) Pourquoi t’entraîner, pourquoi ne pas te reposer, puisque tu ne participeras pas à cette course ?
Why train, why not rest, since you won’t join in with that race?

6) Il n’y a aucune raison que je te refuse cette aide si je peux te soulager un peu !
I have no reason for not helping you if I can be a small relief to you!

7) Il avait peur que je me sente seule et abandonnée dans cette grande maison vide et froide ...
He feared I might feel lonely and abandoned in that big and cold empty house…

8) Il vaut mieux que tu ne mentes pas, cette fois-ci ; Dire la vérité, aussi difficile soit-elle à entendre, est toujours mieux.
You’d better not lie this time; telling the truth, however hard to hear, is always best.

9) Il n’y a presque personne mais je leur ai demandé de faire moins de bruit afin que le bébé puisse s’endormir !
There’s hardly anyone but I have asked them to make less noise so that the baby can fall asleep!

10) Il pouvait d’autant moins fumer dans la maison qu’il y avait des enfants dans la pièce.
He could all the less smoke inside the house as there were children in the room.

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 18-05-2014 à 22:10:30 (S | E)
Hello !

Bon ! Vous êtes tous allés vous faire bronzer ... mais la correction collective sera postée demain !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de here4u, postée le 19-05-2014 à 20:30:16 (S | E)
Encore un beau soleil pour réchauffer corps et coeurs ...

Voici la correction du thème. J'ai 'un peu' développé pour ceux qui m'ont demandé des explications ...

Thème grammatical 1 (Intermède entre Reformulations 4 et 6.)
Désolée d'avance pour tous les 'typos' qui ne vont pas manquer d'abonder ...

1) Voici une valeur (morale) pour laquelle je suis prête à faire des sacrifices !
Here's a (moral ) value (which/that/0) I’m ready to make sacrifices for.
Bon nombre d’entre vous avez décidé de mettre ‘a value for which ….’: C’est très correct … un peu soutenu pour l’oral quotidien, mais on l’entend en BrE et on le rencontre beaucoup plus à l’écrit.

2) On ne lui a pas lu d’histoires depuis longtemps …Le petit garçon est si avide d’apprendre qu’il le réclame …
He hasn’t been read to for(a)long(time). The little boy is so eager to learn that he’s asking to be read to. Là, je recherchais un passif … Personne ne m’a comprise … mais c’est parce que :’he hasn’t been read to for long’ n’existe pas en français et que donc, j’étais forcée d’ajouter un COD qui rendait l’omission de la particule beaucoup plus possible …tant pis pour moi ! BrE laisse la particule après le COD, pas systématiquement à l’oral. AmE, dans ce cas , l’omet ! ;
être avide de = to be eager to ou to yearn qui a été proposé ;
Attention ! Faire un sacrifice = to make a sacrifice for …/ to sacrifice oneself/stg …for.

3) A peine était elle entrée dans l’église qu’un homme vint lui demander de l’argent pour nourrir sa famille …
Hardly had she entered the church, than a man came to beg for money from her (in order) to feed his family.
- On pouvait préférer la forme normale : She had hardly entered the church …than’, mais comme jamais mis ‘à peine’ en relief, je voulais mettre ‘hardly’ en début de phrase. Dans ce cas, l’inversion du sujet est obligatoire.’’Hardly had she entered …than ’(Attention ! Pas ‘that’ …)
- to enter a room = to come into a room :
- demander de l’argent = to ask for money. (to beg = mendier = plus fort)
- pour = afin de = to/in order to = dans le but de (ne pas confondre avec la cause : ‘he was punished for cheating’= parce qu’il avait triché. )
- nourrir = to feed, fed, fed => nourriture = food.

4) L’appartement d’au dessus est vide. On est en train de le repeindre.pour la troisième fois de suite …
The flat (GB)/apartment(US) above mine is vacant. It’s being repainted for the third time ( in a row/on end.)
-choix entre apartment (US) et flat (GB)
- above mine = above my apartment …(pronom possessif)
- ‘vacant’ est mieux ici que ‘empty’… Sur la route on voit des pancartes pour des chambres en motel (ou en B&B) ‘No vacancy’ = 'pas de disponibilités'.
-‘On' => penser= PASSIF ; ‘est en train de ‘ = présent continu de progression (en –ing) => ‘is being repainted’ …
-‘de suite’ = juste pour vérifier … Il est vrai que 3 fois de suite ... c’est beaucoup, quand même … mais les clients sont difficiles !

5) Pourquoi t’entraîner, pourquoi ne pas te reposer, puisque tu ne participeras pas à cette course ?
Why train for this race ? Why not rest, since you won’t take part in it/you’re not going to take part in it?
- Beaucoup de ‘why don’t you …?’Why are you training ? etc = 'facile !' Les Français ont du mal à mettre simplement ‘Why/why not + infinitif sans to (ou Base Verbale)… C’est pourtant un piège grossier, mais il attire …(surtout pas de –ing !)
- puisque, car = ‘since’
- tu ne participeras pas : j’ai mis un futur simple de décision, mais 'you’re not going to’ était parfait.
-to take part in/ to participate in.

6) Il n’y a aucune raison que je te refuse cette aide si je peux te soulager un peu !
There’s no reason why I should refuse this help if I can help you /relieve you a little.
‘ il n’y a pas de raison que' = style écrit, et oral (je dirais standard en GB) penser et apprendre : ‘there’s no reason why … + should.
- beaucoup de ‘no reason for me to …' si la proposition infinitive est bien construite, pourquoi pas ?

7) Il avait peur que je me sente seule et abandonnée dans cette grande maison vide et froide …
He feared ( was scared) I might feel lonely and forsaken in this big, cold and empty house.
- J’ai peur que tu sois = I fear you might be (à retenir) ; beaucoup de ‘afraid’ et vous ne saviez plus quoi mettre après … certains ont bien senti la nécessité d’un subjonctif (modal).
- I’m afraid of the Big Bad Wolf … et (merci de l’avoir rappelé!) :I’m afraid lest (formal and a little quaint , but I heard it and often read it ) ou bien ‘I’m afraid’ en tant que forme d’excuse :’I’m afraid I don’t know …’, ‘I’m afraid I’m late !’ = j’ai bien peur de/que …
- La différence entre : lonely(seul, solitaire) et alone(seul, tout seul, sans personne d’autre…) est encore appliquée en GB.

8) Il vaut mieux que tu ne mentes pas, cette fois-ci ; Dire la vérité, aussi difficile soit-elle, est toujours mieux.
You’d better not lie/ tell the truth, this time. Telling the truth, no matter how /however difficult it is to hear, is always best.
- il vaut mieux que = you’d better (not) + Base Verbale.
- mentir = to lie (=>lied) ou to tell lies (pas to say …)
- Être vrai =’to be true’ contraire de ‘to be wrong’; la vérité = the truth.
-'Aussi difficile soit-elle' = However + adj ; ou ‘No matter how + adjectif’
- 'better' sous entend un choix entre deux possibilités ,’best’= plus de 2 solutions et la meilleure de toutes !
- Dans ma réponse j’ai spécifié ‘difficult to hear', simplement parce que l’un d’entre vous m’avait demandé pourquoi c’était difficile … mais il est parfois aussi difficile de ‘dire la vérité que de l’entendre’ …donc, vous avez le choix … depending on what you mean …

9) Il n’y a presque personne et je leur ai demandé de faire moins de bruit afin que le bébé puisse s’endormir !
There’s hardly anyone but still, I've asked them to be less noisy so that the baby could go to sleep.
- Alors là, vous avez eu du mal avec ‘presque personne’ = hardly anyone (je crois que je vais faire un test sur ces semi-négatifs qui ennuient tant les Français …
- Hardly + any (one/ body/thing/ ; presque jamais = hardly ever … surtout pas de négation !
- Restait le problème du verbe: singulier ou pluriel ? et de la reprise en ‘them’… (et ça, c’est bien du BrE car toutes mes sources en GB étaient unanimes) … mais c’est vrai que ce n’est pas très logique … (après tout, est-ce qu’une langue doit forcément être logique ?) Je vais continuer à chercher …
- to be less noisy = to make less noise
- s’endormir = to go to sleep/ to fall asleep

10) Il pouvait d’autant moins fumer dans la maison qu’il y avait des enfants dans la pièce.
He could all the less (even less)/(was all the less allowed to) smoke in the house, as there were kids in the room.
- alors ! d’autant plus = ‘all the more (so) … as ‘ en BrE en tout cas et d’autant moins = ‘all the less … as’ ; La forme en less( surtout) est très formelle et serait remplacée par ‘even less’
- celle en ‘more’ peut être remplacée par ‘especially’ … as’ ou ‘even more … as’.
- je garde 'allowed'et non 'able' car il s'agit bien d'une permission/autorisation et pas d'une capacité physique ou intellectuelle ...

Voilà ! N’hésitez pas à poser vos questions ou émettre vos objections …

J’ai remis des Reformulations sur le Forum pour dans une dizaine de jours …(plus « faciles ») Dites-moi si vous préférez du thème grammatical … (sur un point particulier ou mélangé). Bravo à tous pour vos prestations et merci d’avoir travaillé ‘pour’ moi et avec moi !
Bonne soirée à tous . Merci encore !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de mamou3, postée le 20-05-2014 à 07:42:12 (S | E)
Here4us for that complete and interesting correction ! Your exercises are always helpful and very good ! Thank you !

Réponse : Thème grammatical/ Intermède de lakata, postée le 20-05-2014 à 08:55:30 (S | E)
As "bis repetita placent", at least I hope so, I'd say exactly the same as Mamou!
So, thank you so much dear here4u!


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