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Speech /Discours 1°ES

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Speech /Discours 1°ES
Message de flashnext posté le 08-05-2014 à 22:20:31 (S | E | F)

Je dois écrire un discours concernant un manque de nourriture dans ma ville. Ce serait très sympa de votre part de m'aider à trouver les fautes, si vous avez le temps.
Merci et bonne journée !

Ladies and gentlemen, dear schoolmates,

No matter the reason which drove you to chose me as spokesperson, I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here today.

Our region was devastated a long time ago, by a fire which burned the whole food reserves we had then. This tragedy led to widespread panic, owing to a lack of organization. This way, people almost killed each other to steal their neighbors' food to survive.

Last week, a snowstorm blew down our plantation, and killed around 50% of our animal breeding. So I can state right now, that we will suffer from a massive food shortage, just as we did in the past. However, I'm really confident in the fact that we will cope with this deadly challenge better than we previously did, because I do think that each of you has learnt from his past mistakes.
Nevertheless, this deadly challenge imposes us some requirements we have to comply, and my purpose here today is to make sure that each of you possesses all the information and facts needed to act wisely, and to serve the national interests his best.
We shall not yield to pressure : standing together, united, is the only solution that enables us to prevent from what already happened in the past. I obviously refer to civil strife.

Moreover, in the best mainstream interests, I encourage you to share your food reserves. Otherwise, some of us are foredoomed. This way, I hope we will be able to manage food reserves well enough to bypass famine. The priority is to leave some time to rebuild a sustainable agricultural system. This requires not consuming more than necessary. Don't waste any resource : even food that has passed its eat-by date is tasteful enough to save lives.
If you have one, I recommend you to take advantage of your garden : you can temporarily devote it to grow vegetables.
As a last resort, we can call for foreign support : if your life depends on it, don't hesitate importing food or asking your faraway family for nutrients.
Each effort to preserve our reserves contributes to the major stake, which is national sustainability. Do not lure : we will be constrained to make do and mend.
Nevertheless, I'm confident that we dispose of all strengths required to overcome this challenge : solidarity and pragmatism.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2014 22:49

Réponse: Speech /Discours 1°ES de gerondif, postée le 08-05-2014 à 23:35:28 (S | E)
rose ou bleu: erreurs
vert: corrections données
No matter the reason which drove you to chose me as spokesperson, I appreciate very much your generous invitation to be here today.

Our region was devastated a long time ago, by a fire which burned the whole food reserves we had then. This tragedy led to widespread panic, owing to a lack of organization. This way(consequently), people almost killed each other to steal their neighbors' food to survive.

Last week, a snowstorm blew down our plantation, and killed around 50% of our animal breeding. So I can state right now, that we will suffer from a massive food shortage, just as we did in the past. However, I'm really confident in the fact that we will cope with this deadly challenge better than we previously did, because I do think that each of you has learnt from his past mistakes.
Nevertheless, this deadly challenge imposes to us some requirements we will have to comply with, and my purpose here today is to make sure that each of you possesses all the information and facts needed to act wisely, and to best serve the national interests his best.
We shall not yield to pressure : standing together, united, is the only solution that enables (un futur irait mieux) us to prevent from what already happened in the past. I obviously refer to civil strife.

Moreover, in the best mainstream interests, I encourage you to share your food reserves. Otherwise, some of us are foredoomed. This way, I hope we will be able to manage food reserves well enough to bypass famine. The priority is to leave some time to rebuild a sustainable agricultural system. This requires not consuming more than necessary. Don't waste any resource : even food that has passed its eat-by date is tasteful(tasty) enough to save lives.
If you have one, I recommend you to take advantage of your garden : you can temporarily devote(use) it to grow vegetables.
As a last resort, we can call for foreign support : if your life depends on it, don't hesitate to import food or to ask your faraway family for nutrients.
Each effort to preserve our reserves contributes to the major stake, which is national sustainability. Do not lure (mal construit)(make no mistake/ Let's face it): we will be constrained to make do and mend. (sens? ça sent le français traduit...)we will have to manage? il faudra qu'on se débrouille?)
Nevertheless, I'm confident that we dispose of all the strengths required to overcome this challenge : solidarity and pragmatism.

Réponse: Speech /Discours 1°ES de flashnext, postée le 09-05-2014 à 13:09:33 (S | E)

Et merci pour le temps passé à corriger mes fautes !
"Make do and mend" est en fait une expression dans mon livre d'anglais qui, apparemment, signifie "se débrouiller avec les moyens du bord".
J'ai compris à peu près toutes les explications, sauf une : je ne comprends pas pourquoi il ne faut pas mettre de "from" après "prevent". Dans mon livre d'anglais, il écrivent pourtant "prevent from".
Je vous souhaite une excellente journée.

Réponse: Speech /Discours 1°ES de gerondif, postée le 09-05-2014 à 15:42:23 (S | E)
we will have to make do and mend alors sera bien.
double cliquez sur prevent et vous verrez les deux constructions:

The police officer prevented her from entering the building.
empêcher quelqu'un de.....

To prevent gingivitis, be sure to floss! cod direct derrière
Pour prévenir la gingivite, utilisez du fil dentaire.

Réponse: Speech /Discours 1°ES de flashnext, postée le 09-05-2014 à 16:25:41 (S | E)
Merci de votre aide !

Bonne journée


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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