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Bac/Spaces and exchanges

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Spaces and exchanges
Message de justinesuz posté le 09-05-2014 à 14:33:46 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral d'anglais d'ici deux semaines et j'ai besoin de votre aide pour corriger mes fautes d'orthographe s'il vous plaît..
Merci beaucoup

Today we live in a society that communicate all the time
That’s new way to share with all the world, thanks to the web
But what influence does the web have on today’s society?

Initially, we try to define how Internet is used to communicate? Secondly the positive aspects and finally the other negative side.

I. how can we communicate on the web?
Firstly we can have much information from all the world:
− By publications on blog.
− By search engine like Google or Wikipedia.
− By on line newspapers like Newsweek.

We can learn everything on the Internet. We can share our opinions or our knowledge on the web.

In addition, we can also communicate with people by the web, with social networks.
A social network is a website where we can speak with friends and meet new virtual friends.

Furthermore, we can exchange money by Internet with pure player like Amazon, etc.
− We selecting a product
− We pay it
− And receive it at home

II. the positive aspects of this new place of exchange
On the one hand, we can share what we thinking about something and it’s funny.
− Tweeter is the fastest means of exchanges.
− We can meet new people and new culture.
− We can find a job thanks to new virtual friends.

We can also help people by the net
− Can make people go out of loneliness,
− Create association of support

Can make anonymous people famous
− We can support charities by the net like MyMayorCompanie
− Like TomSka who is a British Youtubeur
− Or Justin Bieber but it’s not a beautiful thing.

II. the negatives aspects
One the other hand, social network create many problems
− Jealousy
− Stress
− Addiction

But it depends of the users
It’s dangerous for fragile person

It increasing gossip
− Create depression
− Social phobia

And image is never entirely deleted, in addition, confidential parameters is unclear.
− It creates unemployment.

Our account might be stolen or hacked into.
Facebook own every little bit information you give and sell it to publicity.

In conclusion:
We can say, have many positives and negatives aspects of new way of communication.
We can success thanks to new way of communication or depression, it’s depends users.
But it really changes the way we live.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2014 17:40

Réponse: Bac/Spaces and exchanges de bluduck2, postée le 09-05-2014 à 15:05:16 (S | E)
Hello justinesuz !
-Relisez -vous pour corriger les fautes de syntaxe de base:Conjugaisons au present simple et au present continu
-- Vous écrivez :/nowadays (et non "today,May 9th!)we /to live/..." to live"sera conjugué au present continu
-- "we thinking" "it increasing" doivent être corrigés
-Les adjectifs en anglais sont invariables(positive, negative)
-Vous avez souvent omis les articles devant les noms
-Si vous avez un sujet singulier :"a social network",le verbe est au singulier.
Si le sujet :est pluriel : "social networks" ,le verbe est au pluriel.
-Le verbe "to depend" est un verbe normal, suivi de la préposition "on"
-Quant au vocabulaire ,cherchez le verbe "réussir",cherchez"sortir" dans le sens "échapper à" ,"association",
-Que voulez-vous dire par "pure player" ? et par "Justin ..a thing ?"
Hope this helps ! Bluduck2

Réponse: Bac/Spaces and exchanges de justinesuz, postée le 09-05-2014 à 15:49:05 (S | E)
J'ai donc relu et corrigé; cependant je crois que les temps des verbes sont encores faux.. j'ai beaucoup de mal a différencier les deux cas de figures, pour moi , dans mon texte j'ai l'impression de toujours citer des actions générales du coup du present simple.. encore un petit coup de main ?

Today we living in a society that communicate all the time
That’s a new way to share with all the world, thanks to the web
But what influence does the web have on today’s society?

Initially, we try to define how the Internet is used to communicate? Secondly the positive aspects and finally the other negative side.

I how can we communicate on the web?

Firstly we can have much informations from all the world:
− By publications on blog.
− By a search engine like Google or Wikipedia.
− By on line newspapers like Newsweek.

We can learn everything on the Internet. We can share our opinions or our knowledge on the web.

In addition, we can also communicate with people by the web, with social networks.
A social network is a website where we can speak with friends and meet new virtual friends.

Furthermore, we can exchange money by the Internet with a pureplayer (only on line corporation) like Amazon, etc.
− We selecting a product ,
− We pay it,
− And receive it at home.

II the positive aspects of this new place of exchange

On the one hand, we can share what we thinking about something and it’s funny.
− Tweeter is the fastest means of exchanges.
− We can meet new people and new cultures.
− We can find a job thanks to new virtual friends.

We can also help people by the net
− Can allows people to escape loneliness,
− Create group of support.

Can allow anonymous people to became famous
− We can support charities by the net like MyMayorCompanie.
− Like TomSka who is a British Youtubeur
− Or Justin Bieber but it’s not a beautiful find.

II the negatives aspects

One the other hand, social networks creates many problems
− Jealousy
− Stress
− Addiction

But it depends of the users
It’s dangerous for fragile people.

It increasing gossip (Là c’est une phrase non modifié de ma lecon du coup je sait pas trop)
− Create depression
− Social phobia

And image is never entirely deleted, in addition, confidential parameters are unclear.
− It creates unemployment.

Our account might be stolen or hacked into.
Facebook own every little bit information you give and sell it to publicity.

In conclusion:

We can say, have many positives and negatives aspects of new way of communication.
We can make a success thanks to new way of communication or depression, it’s depends users.
But it really changes the way we live.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2014 17:43
Pas de rouge sur le forum, merci.

Réponse: Bac/Spaces and exchanges de bluduck2, postée le 10-05-2014 à 13:46:10 (S | E)
Hello justinesuz , Vous avez laissé des fautes de grammaire de base .Je vous suggère d'aller sur le lien du present simple et du present continu sur le site pour comprendre que l'on ne peut pas dire (ou écrire) "we thinking".
Vous devez dire "I always/never /think ...." /mais "Presently, now,I am thinking..."
Il faut aussi retenir qu'un adjectif est invariable .Ne mettez pas de "s" à "negative "!
Ces révisions des bases vous serviront pour toutes vos productions . Hope this helps ! Bluduck2

Réponse: Bac/Spaces and exchanges de justinesuz, postée le 10-05-2014 à 14:43:17 (S | E)
oui enfaite le ing de thinking, le s de positive et de negative était barré
Merci beaucoup


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