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Oral/ idea of progress

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Oral/ idea of progress
Message de smargaux posté le 25-05-2014 à 10:45:10 (S | E | F)
je voudrais savoir s'il était possible de corriger et d'avoir un avis sur ma synthèse pour l'oral du Bac sur la notion de progrès s'il vous plaît.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

I’m going to talk about the idea of progress. First of all, i would like to give a definition of this following notion : the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change of a technological scientific or social advance which makes the world better.
We are confronted with these changes on a daily basis and have perhaps witnessed more changes in the last 50 years than our ancestors did in over 200!
We can ask ourselves what effect does the progress have on our society ? Is it a positive one or a negative one ?
The sixties are a decade who depict the best this notion because a lot of changes happened.

To illustrate this notion I’ve chosen 2 documents : the movie Made in Dagenham and an article who talks about color television because they deal with two differents aspects of progress that characterized the sixties.

Because of the baby boom, young people were more numerous and they embodied a new generation rebellious and engaged. They stood for a powerful social and cultural force. The sixties are depicted as a new era when radical changes happened in United Kingdom especially the struggle for equal pay between men and women. Women could also have access to the contraception with the uptake of the pills which is a huge progress. The Movie Made in Dagenham relates the women’s struggle to get a pay rise and eradicates the inequality between men and women. It illustrates how much it was hard to made people’s opinion change a that time. It also make us realized that nothing is established

But the progress during this decade was not only social.The article about color television illustrates a technological progress of the sixties. The color TV appeared in 1967 on BBC2 mainly with sports programs then its first coverage the landing on the moon in 1969 of Neil Armstrong.
During this era, the access to technological breakthroughs such as cars or TV which enabled people to improve their quality of life as they were better off. TV doesn’t have the same importance in society as it do today. Daily news helped to keep the nation up to date with currents events happening around the globe. Tv remainds the most effective way with radio of passing on information rapidly to a wide audience.

Sixties are called the « Swinging sixties » because many rapid changes happened. A radical cultural revolution took place with the triumph of pop music and the emergence of what become world famous bands. Young hippie generation invented the counter culture : a culture with values and lifestyles that go against those of the established society

To sum up i think the progress during the sixties have a positive effects on our society but we can’t say if it still true nowadays.I loved the movie because i think it’s important to know how our ancestors are made the world like the one’s we know today and how we could change our turn the world in the future.
Moreover, i love the idea of a music revolution during the sixties when everyone was optimistic.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-05-2014 10:48


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