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Oral /Caricature

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral /Caricature
Message de uadam posté le 30-05-2014 à 20:38:25 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon oral d'anglais dans 1 semaine et j'ai besoin de quelques corrections s'il vous plaît!
Merci pour vos réponses.

My personal document is a caricature, where we can see a young teenager reading a book. Behind him, is several objects modern such as the television, the telephone, the radio, the computer and even DVDs.
In this technological caricature, objects are as in competition with the book of the young boy.
Today many young people abandon books, for the modern. They have no more the same capacity of writing of formerly. The school copies are filled with spelling mistakes. The technology is here to present as being against the education. But sometimes, she is completely in agreement with her: indeed, in the second document personal which I chose we can see children using their digital tablet to the school. It allows them to develop faster their capacity of reflection. Especially at the young handicapped persons, who them, endowed with intelligence can more easily express themselves.

To the left of the image, a couple being held the hand and smiling. They look at the statue of Liberty, they seem to "esperer". A man stick on the net points the statue, they are any happy.
The mass of immigrants is foreground, all gathers. And the statue is to the right, only, raising the "poingt", to see her better probably.

This caricature of Christo Komar reveals us America, or the majority of people who live are there to immigrate. It is the comic caricature, that shows a completely convincing reality: America becomes more and more, to color. There are more and more blacks, Europeans, Africans people ect..

This caricature presents all the same limits, two Indians in town it is little to exaggerate. But it strengthens the "foreign" side of these two characters. They are foreign in front of big building.

This satiric caricature, shows us free America. The various stands as the education ", the "jobs"or the "food" are more easily accessible than somewhere else. It is a free education, and associations humanitarian which exists in America.
We can see on this image, mass, looking immigrants what they need. But this freedom has limits: probably that he exists quite sorts of freedom, in various countries of the world. Even in Mexico.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2014 21:05


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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