Correction /abstract
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basCorrection /abstract
Message de chto posté le 06-06-2014 à 10:36:36 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire un rapport de stage, et dedans se trouve un abstract. J'aimerais savoir s'il y a beaucoup de fautes.
Merci pour vos réponses.
I'm actually studying at the Institute of Technology xxx in xxx. I'm on licence professionelle Systèmes Automatisés et Réseaux Industriels equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree.
I have to do a nineteen weeks work placement as part of my course. I selected to make it in DJC xxx, which is located in xxx (41).
DJC xxx produces systems of production for others companies.
The project suggest by the company is to programming automated machine which put striker on windows frames. I have to develop the entire program to make the machine operational.
During my work placement, I have met some analysis problems, but my tutor helped me when I needed it.
To conclude, this work experience was a good experience. I improved myself about technical knowledge. I haven't achieve all the aims of the project, but the machine is able to produce.
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-06-2014 12:41
Anonymat requis sur internet
Message de chto posté le 06-06-2014 à 10:36:36 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire un rapport de stage, et dedans se trouve un abstract. J'aimerais savoir s'il y a beaucoup de fautes.
Merci pour vos réponses.
I'm actually studying at the Institute of Technology xxx in xxx. I'm on licence professionelle Systèmes Automatisés et Réseaux Industriels equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree.
I have to do a nineteen weeks work placement as part of my course. I selected to make it in DJC xxx, which is located in xxx (41).
DJC xxx produces systems of production for others companies.
The project suggest by the company is to programming automated machine which put striker on windows frames. I have to develop the entire program to make the machine operational.
During my work placement, I have met some analysis problems, but my tutor helped me when I needed it.
To conclude, this work experience was a good experience. I improved myself about technical knowledge. I haven't achieve all the aims of the project, but the machine is able to produce.
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-06-2014 12:41
Anonymat requis sur internet
Réponse: Correction /abstract de bluduck2, postée le 06-06-2014 à 18:49:53 (S | E)
Hello chto !
Voici quelques remarques pour corriger votre paragraphe
ligne 1 "actually" veut dire "effectivement"
si vous voulez dire actuellement,présentement ,dites "presently"
ligne 2 Votre stage a eu lieu, parlez au simple past :j'ai dû =I had to
ligne 2 to choose, to select au simple past
ligne 3 "other" comme un adjectif est invariable.
ligne 4 "suggest" doit apparaître au participe passé
ligne 4 "programming"=le fait de (gérondif) n'est pas précédé de "to"
que voulez-vous dire par "put striker" ?
ligne 4 "window" qualifie "frame", pas de"s"à window
ligne 6 to meet, simple past
plutôt que it, précisez "some help"
ligne 7 to achieve, simple past .
Hope this helps ! Bluduck2
Réponse: Correction /abstract de chto, postée le 10-06-2014 à 13:53:56 (S | E)
Bonjour Bluduck2 et merci,
pour "put striker" je voulais dire, poser des gâches.
Sinon j'ai refait mon abstract et j'aimerais bien un peu d'aide encore :-)
Je n'ai pas très bien compris pour "achieve", je devrais juste mettre i not achieve ?
I'm presently studying at the Institute of Technology xxx in xxx . I'm on licence professionelle Systèmes Automatisés et Réseaux Industriels equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree.
I had to do a nineteen weeks work placement as part of my course. I chose to make it in xxx, which is located in xxx. xxx produces systems of production for other companies.
The project suggested by the company is programming automated machine which put striker on window frames. I have to develop the entire program to make the machine operational.
This machine will be integrated to a production line already set up to the partner company xxx which make windows. In the future, xxx hope to sell many production lines to other windows maker companies.
During my work placement, I met some analysis problems, like understood the main cycle or how equipments works but my tutor helped me when I needed some help.
To conclude, this work experience was a good experience. I improved myself about technical knowledge. I haven't achieved all the aims of the project yet, but the machine is able to produce.
Merci encore pour ton aide!
ps: désolé pour le 1er post lucile83
Modifié par lucile83 le 10-06-2014 14:04
You're welcome.
Réponse: Correction /abstract de bluduck2, postée le 10-06-2014 à 21:47:05 (S | E)
Hello chto ! Vous avez bien corrigé la plupart des fautes !
J'ai compris ce que sont les 'strikers"!Si vous parlez d'une gâche , écrivez : a striker /Si vous parlez des gâches en général ,écrivez "strikers" (pluriel)
à la ligne 7, "make" est au present simple, 3ème personne du singulier ,donc "s"
ligne 8 "window-maker"nom composé,pas de "s" à "window"
ligne 9 le fait de comprendre =understanding (gérondif)
I hope this helps ! Bluduck2
Réponse: Correction /abstract de chto, postée le 10-06-2014 à 22:06:19 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide :-)
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