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Correction/ résumé

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ résumé
Message de skiz posté le 10-06-2014 à 14:23:19 (S | E | F)

Pour un projet, je dois écrire un résumé en deux langues (français et anglais). Ce n'est pas très long mais c'est assez important.
Pourriez-vous alors relire ma traduction anglaise s'il vous plaît ?

This project focuses on the mecanical strength of the several parts of the H2P motor. Subjected to high temperature and pressure conditions, it is important to ensure the resistance of the parts in order to avoid any accident during the test phases, and secondly, to minimize the number of machined parts to arrive at a suitable final part. The finite element simulation allows a quick virtual 3D prototyping to test the structural and thermal properties of the parts and visualize their behavior when they are subjected to different loads.
One of the challenges of these simulations is to optimize sealing rings in order to ensure their durability in the engine operating conditions while ensuring a perfect seal between the different chambers. Different real tests have already been made, but the modeling allows to accelerate the development of these elements.

J'espère ne pas avoir fait trop de fautes... mais c'est de l'anglais assez technique !
Merci par avance

Réponse: Correction/ résumé de bluestar, postée le 11-06-2014 à 10:12:51 (S | E)

This project focuses on the mechanical strength of the several parts of the H2P motor. When it is sSubjected to high temperature and pressure conditions, it is important to ensure the resistance of the parts in order to avoid ('prevent' irait mieux) any accident during the test phases, and secondly, to minimize the number of machined parts to arrive at a suitable final part. The finite element simulation allows a quick virtual 3D prototyping to test the structural and thermal properties of the parts and visualize their behavior when they are subjected to different loads.
One of the challenges of these simulations is to optimize sealing rings in order to ensure their durability in the engine operating conditions while ensuring a perfect seal between the different chambers. Different real tests have already been made, but the modeling allows --- to accelerate the development of these elements.

"allows" est un verbe transitif et a besoin d'un objet


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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