Email /human resource
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Message de taranghiano77 posté le 18-06-2014 à 17:15:18 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me confirmer si l'email ci-dessous est écrit correctement ?
D'avance je vous remercie pour votre aide.
Dear mr XX,
I am happy to receive feed back to our technical report and I think things will move.
John was available during the last Peter’s visit and they (have?) made a good job and I hope he (john) will have available time to follow and conclude the fine tuning of the cleaning recipes.
Nevertheless I cannot accept your first remar! May I precise you we keep insisting for more than one year that vessels have to be completely emptied before starting each step cleaning and so time parameters have to be set for each vessel and/ cellar floor. This is not the our job to fine-tune your program cleaning by our self even if we did a lot when you switched from S5 to S7 and even after ! Moreover we trained you and your staff many times on how to choose these parameters, how to read the trend cleaning, what you have to check and then I think you receive all the needed knowledge to go further.
Few times I warned you that this job needs someone full time (not only 1 or 2 hour) and then nobody can be blame if plant has not had the available human resource.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-06-2014 17:33
Message de taranghiano77 posté le 18-06-2014 à 17:15:18 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me confirmer si l'email ci-dessous est écrit correctement ?
D'avance je vous remercie pour votre aide.
Dear mr XX,
I am happy to receive feed back to our technical report and I think things will move.
John was available during the last Peter’s visit and they (have?) made a good job and I hope he (john) will have available time to follow and conclude the fine tuning of the cleaning recipes.
Nevertheless I cannot accept your first remar! May I precise you we keep insisting for more than one year that vessels have to be completely emptied before starting each step cleaning and so time parameters have to be set for each vessel and/ cellar floor. This is not the our job to fine-tune your program cleaning by our self even if we did a lot when you switched from S5 to S7 and even after ! Moreover we trained you and your staff many times on how to choose these parameters, how to read the trend cleaning, what you have to check and then I think you receive all the needed knowledge to go further.
Few times I warned you that this job needs someone full time (not only 1 or 2 hour) and then nobody can be blame if plant has not had the available human resource.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-06-2014 17:33
Réponse: Email /human resource de gerondif, postée le 18-06-2014 à 18:15:26 (S | E)
Hello, Taranghiano,
Quand vous en aurez marre de vendre des pompes et autres bricoles pour les distilleries, vous pourrez vendre des torpilles! Voilà une bonne soufflante passée au contrevenant ! Le voilà bien crucifié
Dear mr XX,(ok, il vous chauffe mais majuscule quand même!!)
I am happy to receive (some)feedback (on/about) to our technical report and I think things will move.
John was available during Peter’s last visit and they (have?)(je mettrais un prétérit) made a good job and I hope he (john) will have (enough) time available to follow and conclude the fine tuning of the cleaning recipes.
(Si vous insinuez que ce serait bien que la boîte donne suffisamment de temps à son employé John pour qu'il s'occupe de la programmation, alors ce sera dans cet ordre)
Nevertheless I cannot accept your first remark! May I precise to you we have kept (avec depuis, present perfect!! vous ferez trente pompes en punition!!)insisting for more than one year that vessels have to be completely emptied (ou empty) before starting each cleaning step and so time parameters have to be set for each vessel and/ cellar floor. It is not
available ne va pas parce que ça veut dire que justement elle est disponible, sous la main or là elle ne l'est pas. On le trouve en forme négative:
This item is unfortunately not available (pas disponible)
Attention à few:
I have few friends: j'ai peu d'amis: on le déplore.
I have few problems with that machine: j'ai peu de problèmes...tant mieux.
I have a few friends: j'ai quelques amis, on s'en satisfait, on est content.
few times signifierait: peu de fois....
Réponse: Email /human resource de taranghiano77, postée le 18-06-2014 à 23:00:11 (S | E)
Merci gerondif,
Apparemment cet email torpille vous a bien fait rire
Pour les pompes je les ai justement faites en salles de sport aujourd'hui !
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais