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Reformulations 8/exercice

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Reformulations 8/exercice
Message de here4u posté le 23-06-2014 à 00:42:37 (S | E | F)
Hello !

Individual suggestions are on their way .... and the collective one of R7 is due tomorrow, as planned ...
As you seem to appreciate my 'easy' sentences which force you to revise a few tricky chapters of grammar, here are a few more !
Next time will be translations ... OK ?

1)You’ve got to make a decision now !
It’s time
2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
3)He said to her : 'Don’t run so fast !Now, you’re late ! You’ll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told
4)I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son
5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
... women ....? (omettre l'agent !)
6)She seems to be used to speaking in public …
It’s certainly not the first time
7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better …
8)Pamela's parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle !
10) He can’t stay here ! I object to it !
I object

Well ! let's say correction on July 2nd ! (Nobody screamed ! Good ! ) Have fun !

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-06-2014 08:31

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de sbgs, postée le 23-06-2014 à 10:48:18 (S | E)
Hello again!

1)You’ve got to make a decision now !
It’s time you made a decision!

2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They must've heard the burglar break into their house.
Not sure for this one.

3)He said to her : 'Don’t run so fast !Now, you’re late ! You’ll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told her not to run so fast, that then she was late and she'd come again the next day.

4)I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and to be given some homework to do!

5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
What have women always been discriminated against from men?

6)She seems to be used to speaking in public …
It’s certainly not the first time she's spoken in public.

7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better …
The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep.

8)Pamela's parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
(disapprove)Pamela's parents disapprove of her daughter's boyfriend taking her out at night.

9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle !
However incredible it may sound, Jim can't ride a bicycle!

10) He can’t stay here ! I object to it !
I object to his staying here!

Modifié par sbgs le 24-06-2014 01:09
changed the fifth sentence

Modifié par sbgs le 29-06-2014 18:44
changed the 8th sentence

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de maxwell, postée le 23-06-2014 à 22:04:24 (S | E)
Thanks for this nice exercise here4u I'm not sure for the third sentence : I'm looking forward to the answer

1)You’ve got to make a decision now !
It’s time you made a decision !
2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They must have heard the burglar break into their house
3)He said to her : 'Don’t run so fast !Now, you’re late ! You’ll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told her not to run so fast, since she was too late, and suggested that she come again the next day.
4)I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and to be given some homework to do !
5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
Have women always been discriminated ?
6)She seems to be used to speaking in public …
It’s certainly not the first time she has spoken in public...
7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better …
The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep ...
8)Pamela's parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela's parents disapprove of her boyfriend's taking her out at night
9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle !
However incredible it may sound, Jim can't ride a bicycle !
10) He can’t stay here ! I object to it !
I object to his staying here !

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 24-06-2014 à 00:19:57 (S | E)
Quelle rapidité ... You're so eager to work ! (almost killing me )
Oui pour 'men' and 'women', c'est bien un passif avec 'women ' comme sujet ... mais je vous conseille de regarder de plus près !

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de lakata, postée le 24-06-2014 à 18:17:18 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u!

Here is my try, after thinking a lot over some sentences I found particularly tricky...That's life...

1) You've got to make a decision now!
It's time you made a decision!

2) They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They were bound to hear the burglar break into their house.

3) He said to her :' Don't run so fast! Now, you're late! You'll come again tomorrow morning!'
He told her not to run so fast, that she was then late and would come again the next morning.

4) I'd like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do.
I'd like my son be taught how to read and write, and be given some homework to do.

5) Have men always discriminated against women?
Have women always been discriminated against from men?

6) She seems to be used to speaking in public.
It's certainly not the first time she has spoken in public.

7) If you go to bed early, you sleep better.
The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep.

8) Pamela's parents don't like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela's parents desapprove of her boyfriend's taking her out at night.

9) It may sound incredible, but Jim can't ride a bicycle!
However incredible it sounds, Jim can't ride a bicycle!

10) He can't stay here! I object to it!
I object to his staying here!

Thank you so much once again for keeping us busy in such a useful but also pleasant way!

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de maxwell, postée le 24-06-2014 à 20:50:27 (S | E)
Of course, I forgot "against" !
5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
Have women always been discriminated against ?

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de jo06, postée le 25-06-2014 à 14:57:32 (S | E)
Hello here4u
Thank you for this exercice, it's diabolical. This is my work.

1) It's time you made a decision!
2) They must have heard the burglar break into the house.
3) He told her not to run so fast, as she was late and that she would come again next day morning.
4) I'd like my soon to be taught to read and write and to be given some homework!
5) Have Women always been discriminated against?
6) (May I dare write): It's certainely not the first time she was wont to speak in public.
Or : It's certainely not the first time she has spoken in public
7) Earlier you go to bed, better you sleep.
8) Pamela's parents disapprove of her boyfriend taking her out at night.
9) However incredible, Jim can't ride a bicycle!
10) I object he stays here!

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de alpiem, postée le 25-06-2014 à 15:46:33 (S | E)
Hard but useful here4u,

1/ it's time you made a décision!
2/they must have heard thè burglar break into the house!
3/he told her she shouldn't run so fast now she's late,she'd better Come again next morning.
4/I'd like my son had someone to teach him how to read and write and give him a little homework to do.
5/have women always been discriminated àgainst ?
6/it's certainly not thé first time she spoke in public.
7/the earliear you go to bed the better you sleep.
8/pamela's parents disapprove her boyfriend's taking her out at night.
9/however incredible it may sound,JIM can't ride a bicycle
10/I 'm objecting to his staying here !

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-06-2014 16:52

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 26-06-2014 à 13:57:53 (S | E)
Hello all of You !

Well thought maxwell ! If you could edit your original message, it would be great for me ... (it would help when I started the individual mps ...) Have no scruples to edit your messages till the moment when I announce the beginning of the suggestions sent to you ... !
We're working here to improve our English ... no competition ! There's more in several brains than in one ...
Have a good sunny day !

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de maxwell, postée le 26-06-2014 à 21:51:09 (S | E)
Well, if that's what you're referring to, I made a big careless mistake in the third sentence, that jumped right out at me when I read it over : It reminded me of one of your latest quizzes, and I immediately corrected myself :
"He told her not to run so fast, since she was too late, and suggested that she come again tomorrow morning".
In reported speech, "Tomorrow morning" should be replaced either by "the next morning" or by "the following morning" or by "the morning after" if I'm right.

Modifié par maxwell le 26-06-2014 22:12

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 27-06-2014 à 05:00:38 (S | E)
Congrats, maxwell ! you're a very careful Learner ! ( and the lesson you're referring to isn't even out yet! )
Do not hesitate to change whatever you feel like changing ! I won't start sending the individual suggestions before the weekend to give you all the time to think and compare!
Go on with the good work all of you ! you're a wonderful team! s

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de maxwell, postée le 27-06-2014 à 21:48:10 (S | E)

You're quite right ! You gave us those tips in your exercice "Reformulations 5" rather than in a quiz.
I wasn't that far off, was I ?

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 27-06-2014 à 22:52:11 (S | E)
You weren't far at all ! Anyway, you're so hard-working that I wasn't surprised you had already had a look at that test (knowing that the tests are 'green' and available while they're not out yet ... and I've just finished one about the 'difficulties' of The Reported Speech.')

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de gerondif, postée le 28-06-2014 à 18:18:00 (S | E)

1)You’ve got to make a decision now !
It’s high time you made a decision now!

2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They must have heard the burglar break into the house.

3)He said to her : 'Don’t run so fast !Now, you’re late ! You’ll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told her not to run so fast as she was late anyway. She would (have to) come again the following day / the next morning.

4)I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and to be given some homework to do.(rather posh or rare)
( Pourquoi cet air ne revient-il en tête avec le clip associé? Hey! Teachers! Leave us kids alone! All in all we're just another brick in the wall!)

5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
Have women always been discrimated against or have they been done "fairly" by the superior sex ? ( to be taken with a pinch of salt!)

6)She seems to be used to speaking in public …
It’s certainly not the first time she has spoken in public.* (voir en bas)

7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better …
The earlier you go to bed, the better you will sleep.

8)Pamela's parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela's parents disapprove of their daughter's boyfriend taking her out at night!
Pamela's parents disapprove of their daughter going out with that good-for-nothing boyfriend of hers at night.

9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle !
However incredible it may sound, Jim can't ride a bike.

10) He can’t stay here ! I object to it !
I object to his staying there! (gérondif)
I object to him staying there! (participe présent)

* Pour tous ceux qui se seront fait avoir sur "c'est la première fois que",
la prochaine fois, pensez à une action sur une échelle allant de jamais à souvent, toujours:
He has never worked in London.
--------------------------------(chaînon manquant)
He has already worked in London.
He has often worked in London.
He has always worked in London.
Là, le present perfect paraît évident: Il a déjà travaillé à Londres.
Eh bien, pensez que,avant ce déjà, il y a eu, entre jamais et déjà, une première fois et que ça marche avec le même temps:
It is the first time he has worked in London.
En effet, si on pense en français, la tentation est forte de mettre un présent.

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de lucile83, postée le 28-06-2014 à 18:59:42 (S | E)
ah la fameuse théorie du chaînon manquant!! quel bonheur de la retrouver, adaptée, renouvelée, transfigurée. C'est un grand moment

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 28-06-2014 à 21:23:15 (S | E)
Hello !
Ben ... je ne la connaissais pas ! Jamais entendu parler ... Super ! on en apprend tous les jours, sur ce site !s Merci !

J'ai commencé à étudier le détail de vos prestations ... Je commence les envois demain en soirée. Have a nice weekend !

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de taiji43, postée le 29-06-2014 à 14:44:39 (S | E)
good afternoon Here4u,
after a fortnight holyday, here is my try.

1) You’ve got to make a decision now!
It’s high time you made a decision now

2) They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house
They must have heard the burglar break into the house.

3) He said to her: Don’t run so fast! Now, you’re late! You’ll come again tomorrow morning.
He told her not to run so fast, as she was already late, she would come again the next morning.

4) I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do.
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and to be given some homework to do.

5) Have men always discriminated against women?
Have women always been undergone discrimination from/on behalf of men.

6) She seems to be used to speaking in public.
It’s certainly not the first time she has spoken in public.

7) If you go to bed early, you sleep better.
The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep.

8) Pamela’s parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela's parents disapprove of their daughter going out with that disreputable boyfriend at night.

9) It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle
However incredible it may sound, Jim can't ride a bike.

10) He can’t stay here! I object to it!
I object to his staying here

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de icare29, postée le 29-06-2014 à 23:42:36 (S | E)
hello Here4u
Here is my work

1-You've got to make a decision now !
It's time you made a decision now.
2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They must have heard the burglar break into their house
3)He said to her : 'Don't run so fast !Now, you're late ! You'll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told her not to run so fast as she was late . Anyway. she would come again the next morning
4)I'd like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I'd like my son to be taught how to read and write and be given some homework to do
5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
Women are always discriminated against.
6)She seems to be used to speaking in public ?
It's certainly not the first time she has spoken in public .
7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better ?
The earlier you go to bed the better you sleep
8)Pamela's parents don't like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela's parents disapprove the boyfriend of her daughter taking her out at night
9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can't ride a bicycle !
However incredible it may sound , Jim can't ride a bicycle.
10) He can't stay here ! I object to it !
I object to him to stay here .
I object to him staying here

Thank you for this new interesting exercise , which made us progress in the shakespeare 's language

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de mamou3, postée le 30-06-2014 à 07:27:07 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

Thanks a lot for this new exercise !

1. It's time you made a decision
2. They must have heard the burglar break into their house.
3. He told her not to run so fast, that she was late and would come again the next morning.
4. I'd like my son to be taught how to read and write and be given some homework to do.
5. Have women always been discriminated ?
6. It's certainly not the first time that she has spoken in public. (Merci Gérondif pour le rappel )
7. The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep.
8. Pamela's parents disapprove of their daughter's boyfriend taking her out at night.
9. However incredible it sounds, Jim can't ride a bicycle.
10. I object to his staying there.

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de komiks, postée le 30-06-2014 à 12:36:26 (S | E)
Hello here4u,
Here I am ! Thank you for your work and your steady good mood.
See you soon !

1)You’ve got to make a decision now !
It’s time you made a decision now!
2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They must have heard the burglar break into their house.
3)He said to her : 'Don’t run so fast !Now, you’re late ! You’ll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told her not to run so fast, she was late at the moment and that she would come again the day after in the morning.
4)I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and given some homework to do!
5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
Have women always been discriminated?
6)She seems to be used to speaking in public …
It’s certainly not the first time she has spoken in public…
7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better …
The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep…
8)Pamela's parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela’s parents disapprove of her boyfriend taking her out at night.
9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle !
However incredible it may sound, Jim can’t ride a bicycle!
10) He can’t stay here ! I object to it !
I object to him staying here!

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de joe39, postée le 30-06-2014 à 19:40:14 (S | E)
Hello dear her4u!

What a nice exercice!
Here is my try:

1 – You’ve got to make a decision now!
Now it’s time you made a decision!
2 – They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They doubtless realized the burglar was breaking into their house.
3 – He said to her: “don’t rush so fast! Now, you’re late! You come again tomorrow morning!
He told her to not run so fast because she was already late and was to come again
the following day in the morning/in the morning of the following day..
4 – I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and given some homework to do!
5 – Have men always discriminated against women?
Have women always been discriminated ?
6 – She seems to be used to speaking in public?
It’s certainly not the first time she’s speaking/she speaks in public.
7 – If you go to bed early, you sleep better.
The earlier you go to bed the better you sleep.
8 - Pamela’s parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
Pamela’s parents are disapproving she is being taken out at night by her boyfriend.
9 – It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle.
However incredible it may sound, Jim can’t ride a bicycle.
10 – He can’t stay here! I object to it!
I object to his staying here!

Anxiously waiting for your gracious verdict to come, I remain,
wishing you a great week.

Modifié par joe39 le 30-06-2014 20:06

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de lucile83, postée le 01-07-2014 à 22:07:08 (S | E)
Hello here4u

Désolée mais pleine de bonne volonté j'avais copié ton exercice dans un doc qui en est toujours au même point depuis le 23 juin...c'est ça la retraite! Il va falloir que je reste un peu chez moi quand même
Je lirai ton corrigé j'essaierai de faire le prochain si tu en postes un.
Bye for now

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 01-07-2014 à 22:30:52 (S | E)
Don't worry !
J'allais annoncer que je venais de poster le dernier corrigé ... mais il n'est pas trop tard s'il y a d'autres volontaires ...
Bien sûr que j'en mettrai un autre ... (demain ? sans doute ... ) mais j'ai prévenu que ce serait du thème (grammatical, toujours ...)
Comme vous trouvez tous que les Rephrasings vous aident, j'en remettrai la prochaine fois ! C'est promis !
Bonne fin de soirée ...

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de here4u, postée le 02-07-2014 à 18:36:38 (S | E)
Hello !

Pas trop libre plus tard ... vous aurez donc : 'an early post' ...
Bravo à tous ... Encore plus à certains que je vois progresser de test en test ... C'est un vrai bonheur, et tout le crédit vous en revient, bien sûr, et je vous ...

1)You’ve got to make a decision now !
It’s time you made a decision now. It’s time … j’aime bien mettre l’irréel derrière, donc, le preterit modal qui indique que l’action n’a pas encore eu lieu, n’a pas été réalisée et est du domaine du rêve.…
It’s time for you to make a decision now. Ca marche aussi. (gerondif semblait préférer cette forme, mais rien que pour me contredire, il m’a donné l’irréel de mes rêves ! )

2)They most certainly heard the burglar break into their house.
They must have heard the burglar break into their house.'Quasi-certitude passée' : must+have+ participe passé’
3)He said to her : 'Don’t run so fast !Now, you’re late ! You’ll come again tomorrow morning !'
He told her not to run so fast. He added that at that moment (or then) she was late('already'est une bonne idée!) and would come again the following morning (or the morning after.Passage du discours direct au discours indirect : l’Impératif négatif devient infinitif négatif. ‘Now’ devient ‘at the moment’ ou ‘then’, le présent devient prétérit, le futur devient conditionnel. ‘Demain matin’ => 'le lendemain matin'. Si vous hésitez sur ces transformations voir leçon 105301.
4)I’d like someone to teach my son how to read and write and give him some homework to do!
I’d like my son to be taught how to read and write and (to be) given some homework to do (or to be done).
Succession de passifs (attention aux verbes irréguliers !) Je sais, cette phrase est très démodée … quasi 'politiquement incorrecte', mais, c'est la mienne ! … Sorry !

5)Have men always discriminated against women ?
... women ....? (omettre l'agent !)
Have women always been discriminated against ? (verbe à particule : au passif, il y a conservation de la particule qui reste ‘attachée’ au verbe. C’est vrai pour tous les verbes à particules. Elles sont souvent oubliées au passif …

6)She seems to be used to speaking in public …
It’s certainly not the first time she has spoken in public. 'It’s the first time + present perfect.' (cf la leçon magistrale du ‘maillon manquant’ qui j’ignorais … donnée par Maître gerondif ! Grand merci à lui ! (bien qu’il me fasse faire la classe à des chiens bigleux …

7)If you go to bed early, you sleep better …
The earlier you go to bed, the better you sleep. (progression parallèle. Attention à bien rejeter le verbe en fin de 2è proposition !)

8)Pamela's parents don’t like her boyfriend to take her out at night.
(disapprove)Pamela’s parents disapprove of her boyfriend’s taking her out at night. Là, je suis plus royaliste que la Reine, et ai choisi un gérondif, un vrai, celui que les élèves oublient toujours, derrière un nom commun ou propre.

9)It may sound incredible, but Jim can’t ride a bicycle !
However incredible it may sound, Jim can’t ride a bicycle. ‘However + adjectif ‘ déjà vu .
= No matter how incredible it may sound, Jim can’t ride a bicycle : idem pour ‘No matter how + adjectif’ = Aussi incroyable que …

10) He can’t stay here ! I object to it !
I object to his staying here. To object to => + -ing ; ici gérondif
Sera également accepté (et plus courant aux US surtout) : I object to him staying here. : ici = participe présent.

J’ai été très contente de constater que vous passiez allègrement les obstacles … Vu côté correcteur, je n’ai pas eu l’impression de difficultés particulières à surmonter …
Je vous remercie d’avoir travaillé avec moi, et de tous les petits mots que vous m’avez envoyés après les corrections (mais ils ne sont pas nécessaires ! ) Merci à vous !

Réponse: Reformulations 8/exercice de mamou3, postée le 04-07-2014 à 07:37:12 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,

for this exercise and your correction. Thank you also to remind us where we can find those different points of grammar on the site. It's not so easy to find one of them without references...


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