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The missing vowels/81

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The missing vowels/81
Message de marit64 posté le 25-06-2014 à 23:59:43 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This summer, the number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- To make unreal plans while awake. ..... (ddm-r)
2- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. ..... (dgrl)
3- A pupil in the same school class. ..... (mctsls) 3
4- A group of singers in general. ..... (hrc) 2
5- A small golden-yellow fish often kept as a pet. ..... (dghfls)
6- The long seed-case of the pea, bean etc. ..... (dp)
7- A kind of common wild plant with jagged leaves and a yellow flower. ..... (lddnn) 4
8- A type of wingless, bloos-sucking insect, sometimes found on the bodies of animals and people. ..... (sl) 3
9- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. (njt)
10- Mashed fish shaped into a ball and cooked. ..... (sblhfl) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Enjoy your week! I hope you have a nice weather.

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de flowermusic, postée le 26-06-2014 à 00:21:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit, .... and mamou, dolfine, esperanto, violet
Great pleasure to meet all of you here

1- To make unreal plans while awake. ..... (ddm-r) day-dream
2- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. ..... (dgrl) glider
3- A pupil in the same school class. ..... (mctsls) 3 classmate
4- A group of singers in general. ..... (hrc) 2 choir
5- A small golden-yellow fish often kept as a pet. ..... (dghfls) goldfish
6- The long seed-case of the pea, bean etc. ..... (dp) pod
7- A kind of common wild plant with jagged leaves and a yellow flower. ..... (lddnn) 4 dandelion
8- A type of wingless, blood-sucking insect, sometimes found on the bodies of animals and people. ..... (sl) 3 louse
9- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. (njt) joint
10- Mashed fish shaped into a ball and cooked. ..... (sblhfl) 2 fish ball

Have a great and nice week

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de dolfine56, postée le 26-06-2014 à 10:39:36 (S | E)
Hello, dear marit,here we are...

1- To make unreal plans while awake. ..... (ddm-r)--day-dream
2- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. ..... (dgrl)--glider
3- A pupil in the same school class. ..... (mctsls) 3--classmate
4- A group of singers in general. ..... (hrc) 2--choir
5- A small golden-yellow fish often kept as a pet. ..... (dghfls)--goldfish
6- The long seed-case of the pea, bean etc. ..... pod
7- A kind of common wild plant with jagged leaves and a yellow flower. ..... (lddnn) 4 --dandelion
8- A type of wingless, bloos-sucking insect, sometimes found on the bodies of animals and people. .....louse
9- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. (njt)--joint
10- Mashed fish shaped into a ball and cooked. ..... (sblhfl) 2--fish ball .
Have a nice week dear Marit Thanks a lot

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de sanna6, postée le 28-06-2014 à 22:01:32 (S | E)

1- To make unreal plans while awake...daydream
2- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine... glider
3- A pupil in the same school class... classmate
4- A group of singers in general. ..... (hrc) 2
5- A small golden-yellow fish often kept as a pet... goldfish
6- The long seed-case of the pea, bean etc... pod
7- A kind of common wild plant with jagged leaves and a yellow flower... dandelion
8- A type of wingless, bloos-sucking insect, sometimes found on the bodies of animals and people... louse
9- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge... joint
10- Mashed fish shaped into a ball and cooked...fishball

Thank you very much for your words Marit

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de violet91, postée le 29-06-2014 à 12:15:21 (S | E)

Hello dear Marit from 'over the ocean ,from over the sea ' ,
Hope you had a lovely week and this one is going to be full of nice plans .

1 )what I love doing when I feel bored : daydream -
2 ) - a glider ( just fantastic flying in the wind and peace over a pine-tree forest ; just the soft whistle through the air , I can tell !)
3 )
---a classmate more American than the English school fellow or class fellow ; you don't really use 'mate ' for girls in proper English)---
4 ) a choir [ kw] from ancient Greek : listen to Cambridge King's College ( Henry VIII like our Sorbonne by François I ) my students and I were there several times for a rehearsal( répétition ) or recording ( enregistrement ) there is no word beautiful enough ; like touching God or so .
5 )
goldfish and can't be red , wrongly said in French ( food makes it 'red') --
6 ) -a pod = children's chore or game to open --
7)-dandelion ,I love that word compared to French ! My kiddies often pick up some in the lawn and offer me a little yellow bunch / no salad at home ---
8 ) louse , unfortunate plural > lice - 4 times at school this year ! Horrid ! A lousy [ z] person = very bad and mentally filthy --
9 ) -a joint [ nt ] like the 'top' of frozen leg of lamb as a clever weapon in R 'Dahl 's story
10 ) a fishball , never had any in UK .

Thank you so much for this nice break , dear Canadian friend ! So long .
It looks as though I had forgotten one ! ...Ah ! Back to normal !

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de sanna6, postée le 29-06-2014 à 16:22:59 (S | E)

I have found the number 4 !!! on your Vocabulary quiz 'C-words 7'

So, my answer is : 4- A group of singers in general...Choir

Thank you Marit

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de swan85, postée le 29-06-2014 à 21:36:56 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1- To make unreal plans while awake. Daydream (ddm-r)
2- A small, light aeroplane which has no engine. Glider (dgrl)
3- A pupil in the same school class. Classmate (mctsls) 3
4- A group of singers in general. Choir (hrc) 2
5- A small golden-yellow fish often kept as a pet. Goldfish (dghfls)
6- The long seed-case of the pea, bean etc. Pod (dp)
7- A kind of common wild plant with jagged leaves and a yellow flower. Dandelion (lddnn) 4
8- A type of wingless, bloos-sucking insect, sometimes found on the bodies of animals and people. Louse (sl) 3
9- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. Joint (njt)
10- Mashed fish shaped into a ball and cooked. Fishball (sblhfl) 2

Thank you again.
See you soon

Réponse: The missing vowels/81 de mamou3, postée le 30-06-2014 à 06:34:36 (S | E)
Hello Marit, Hello all of you, regular visitors of Marit's game

My answers are :

6. POD

Thanks a lot Marit and have a nice week !


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