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Chicago /Olympics

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Chicago /Olympics
Message de davina posté le 05-07-2014 à 15:11:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toute la communauté anglaisfacilesque!

Je suis Davina, une nouvelle sur le forum. Durant ces grandes vacances, j'ai pris la bonne résolution d'aider un ami en anglais! Pour ce faire, j'ai décidé de corriger ses textes de 10 lignes toutes les semaines en essayant de faire le moins de fautes possible.
Si quelqu'un peut m'aider à corriger ce texte xxxx, je lui en serais extrêmement reconnaissante.
Aujourd'hui, mon thème est "Chicago, the future host of the Olympics...".

Chicago, the future host of the Olympics.

Chicago could be the future host of the Olympics in either 2024 or 2028. It has many infrastructures that's why it's going to be a good choice for the future Olympics.
But there are other reasons. For example, that's safe because there are policemen and they keep an eye on the city.
There are many hotels and that's great for tourists. My friend Myke is an accountant. He said me that Chicago has a good financial plan and it has a good economy.
What is more, there are sports centres. Consequently, Chicago's the best choice and people can have perfect moments there.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-07-2014 22:51

Réponse: Chicago /Olympics de sherry48, postée le 06-07-2014 à 14:46:02 (S | E)
Hello Davina.

Here are some things to take another look at...

It has many infrastructures that's why it's going to be a good choice for the future Olympics. But there are other reasons. It would be a good idea to reorganize this. You could begin with 'Chicago's many infrastructures...'
For example, that's safe because there are policemen and they keep an eye on the city.
He said me that Chicago has a good financial plan and it has a good economy.


Réponse: Chicago /Olympics de here4u, postée le 06-07-2014 à 16:05:31 (S | E)

I agree with Sherry ! Every big town has great infrastructures ... yet, not every town is a good candidate for the Olympics ...
Chicago being my favourite city in the world (up to now ...) I'll defend it ... I'd speak about it's privileged geographical position( real crossroads in the middle of the Northern American continent, its past and history, the huge parks) as you say, its safety ... (I've always felt safer in Chicago than in Paris in spite of the legend attached to it...)

But I realize that you wanted to correct your friend's mistakes so ...

Chicago could be the future host of the Olympics in either 2024 or 2028. It has many infrastructures that's why(boff !) it's going to be a good choice for the future Olympics.
But there are other reasons.(YES! ) For example, that(it's a safe city's safe because there are policemen and they keep an eye on the city.(and everywhere !)
There are many hotels and that's great for tourists. My friend Myke is an accountant. He said me(revoir to tell/to say) that Chicago has a good financial plan (??) and it has a good economy.(It does!)
What is more, there are sports centres. Consequently, Chicago's the best choice and people can have perfect moments there.

Not many mistakes, but a dull introduction to the City and the extraordinary assets it has !
Hope I will have helped !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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