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Oral d'anglais/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral d'anglais/correction
Message de melaniemtz posté le 01-09-2014 à 20:15:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai un oral dans quelques semaines. Je l'ai préparé mais, je sais qu'il y a énormément de fautes Est-ce possible de m'aider à corriger, s'il vous plaît ?

Hy! I'm xxxx
I study heal and social care. I will take my exam in June. As part of my studies, i did several internships... three in a nusery school with an auxiliary nurse as tutor.
The work placement was from twenty four march to eigtheen april two thousand and fourteen. I want to continue studying to allow to do nusery nurse assistant.

The Company:
The nursery school is located in xxxx.
My tutor entrusted me with the task of doing monitor activities, my job consisted in to create on activity with children. The activity was to make easter basket then we had to paint the basket, when it was dry have stuck small chickens on the sides. For small filling hen different paper, with the means to have made the graphics. Once all that was done was decorated with paper gomettes, when to put the straw to from a nest. I was asked to reorganize the stock. During the whole work experience i showed courage and take on more reponsabilities.

Analyse the problems youhad to face:
This work placement helped me to prepare for my future job (work with children).
It forced me to master new skills, such as patient, brave, hard working, self-confidence.

I looked for this work placement on my own
Before going to work i expected to

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-09-2014 21:53

Réponse: Oral d'anglais/correction de here4u, postée le 02-09-2014 à 10:10:26 (S | E)
Hello !

Je commence ... et on verra pour la suite un peu plus tard !
bleu = wrong
green = suggestion
Hy!(impropre dans le cadre d'un examen oral!) I'm xxxx
I study heal and social care?. I will take my exam in June. As part of my studies, i did several internships... three in a nusery school with an auxiliary nurse as tutor.
The work placement was from twenty four march to eigtheen april two thousand and fourteen. I want to continue studying to allow to do nusery nurse assistant.(???)

The Company:
The nursery school is located in xxxx.
My tutor entrusted me with the task of doing monitor activities, my job consisted in to create on activity with children. The activity was to make easter basket then we had to paint the basket, when it was dry have stuck small chickens on the sides. For small filling hen different paper,??? with the means to have made the graphicsSorry ! I can't understand .... Once all that was done was decorated with paper gomettes, when to put the straw to from a nest(construction de la phrase? ). I was asked to reorganize the stock. During the whole work experience i showed courage and take on more reponsabilities.

Bon courage ! I hope this helped ...


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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